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Hessah 06-06-2012 03:12 AM

Why is photoshop so expensive!!

What's the difference between Elements and CS?

Lirange 06-06-2012 04:10 AM

Regular people buy photoshop?

Hessah 06-06-2012 04:49 AM

With that price tag they obviously don't expect us to..

If it was like $100-$200 I'll lash out and help this program that I use a lot..

Butthe Collection is $4k =.= It's a decent trip to Japan with that kinda money~

Yosei 06-06-2012 04:54 AM

Yeah I've only known one person who actually bought photoshop. Everyone else... put on their eye patches and peg legs.

Loveless 06-06-2012 04:31 PM

I bought mine on a student discount. Collection for $300... which became useless cause they of course "update" every year. But if you know someone who's still going to school maybe you can ask them to buy it for you (you'd pay them back of course... or not).

Photoshop is usually okay but the other programs... if you use the newer version you cannot open in the older version. Trying to explain this to people is difficult about how they have to "Export" it to a different format so it can be opened in an older version.

In other words, it's stupid that it's not backwards compatible to at least 1-2 versions.

I believe Photoshop and some other programs will be "rented" out... you pay a monthly subscription fee to use the program. But meh...

Hessah 06-06-2012 11:01 PM

Actually I'm using Photoshop CS3 and that's still good enough for me..

I was only looking at upgrade coz the current CS3 collections doesn't support MTS files so I can't even play with the videos that I had taken with my new cameras..

I know a teacher... maybe if I find out where I can buy it, I can ask her to get teacher discount for me..

I assume Extended are upgrades to the existing version and it won't be any good to me?

Ralath 06-07-2012 04:43 AM

lol. Hessah measures price in terms of trips to Japan.

Blaaaaaaaah 06-07-2012 07:25 AM

<-- legit user!!!!

Bought the collection for 95 bucksuuuuuuu

Blaaaaaaaah 06-07-2012 11:39 AM

@sis - check your whatsapp in case you didn't read my last message

Hessah 06-07-2012 12:42 PM


Did you only get Photoshop or you got the whole collection?

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