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Andromeda 10-23-2009 03:30 AM

Warm weather = Bad (Do not enter Blaaaahs) [Blahs: OK]
I woke up about 4 am this morning and decided to do my usual morning computer tasks which take about 5 minutes after I had finished I got up and decided to go and make breakfast myself since I was the only one up. As I got off my computer chair I looked across the room and surprise surprise guess what I saw right next to my bed on the wall one of these

I don't know if it was there when I was still laying in the bed but had I been I would have been only 5-10cm away from it. So after I saw it I quickly ran to the toilet got like almost half a roll of toilet paper and it was curtains for the spider. I knew I was going to see one in my bedroom but I never thought this early blasted arm weather. Last time I saw a White Tailed Spider before this is I was about to a Mara KQ I was sitting on the computer chair saw it running across the floor I had to lift my legs up or it would've either bitten me or tried to start crawling up my leg.

I hope I don't see another one of these now for at least 2 months but I wouldn't be surprised if I get another one in my bedroom within the next month

Lirange 10-23-2009 12:31 PM

Those things are regulars for you? o.o

Blaaaaaaaah 10-23-2009 01:14 PM

UGH I clicked on this thread cos it was red without thinking, and before I realised, the picture loaded =0="

You still had time to take a picture! haha.

Andromeda 10-23-2009 01:25 PM


Originally Posted by Lirange (Post 385737)
Those things are regulars for you? o.o

Very common in summer their bites can make you pretty sick (They aren't fatal bites but you will be feeling it for awhile)


Originally Posted by Blaaaaaaaah (Post 385744)
UGH I clicked on this thread cos it was red without thinking, and before I realised, the picture loaded =0="

You still had time to take a picture! haha.

I knew you would eventually click the link and see the thread.

I didn't take that picture it was a random image I pulled from google. I should have taken a picture of it though before it went down the loo. When you go to bed out of everyones way you can say you're alone.

Or are you?......

Seriously be careful it's White Tailed Spider season these things can get too close to you if you aren't careful. One bite from these things and you will be in alot of pain for 1-2 weeks

Blaaaaaaaah 10-23-2009 01:26 PM


Hey you could try spoiler tags too LOL.

Andromeda 10-23-2009 01:30 PM


Originally Posted by Blaaaaaaaah (Post 385747)

Hey you could try spoiler tags too LOL.

Oh right I completely forgot all about that but no point now since you've already seen the thread.

Are Sydney Funnel Web Spiders common around your house like do you find them in your shed?

Blaaaaaaaah 10-23-2009 01:33 PM

Well if you don't mind, I put spoiler tags around it anyway cos I don't wanna look at it every time I see this thread XD

Erm I dunno what type of spiders are what @_@ I don't look at them long enough to find out, haha. But we don't usually get big spiders anyway.. KNOCK ON WOOD ASJDHJKASHDJKASHD just to keep myself safe.

Andromeda 10-23-2009 01:35 PM


Originally Posted by Blaaaaaaaah (Post 385749)
Well if you don't mind, I put spoiler tags around it anyway cos I don't wanna look at it every time I see this thread XD

Erm I dunno what type of spiders are what @_@ I don't look at them long enough to find out, haha. But we don't usually get big spiders anyway.. KNOCK ON WOOD ASJDHJKASHDJKASHD just to keep myself safe.

Sydney Funnel Web Spiders are those big bulky black spiders found around the Sydney Metropolitan area infamous for being one of the deadliest spiders in the world. I'd be surprised if you haven't seen one around.

Blaaaaaaaah 10-23-2009 01:37 PM

I'm glad.

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