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Blaaaaaaaah 04-06-2008 07:19 AM

Solo hogging in Dungeon?
What are your thoughts on this?

My duo partner and I have been trying to find a room to grind in at the Dungeon of Abyss. Since it's the weekend, we know that it's fairly busy.

However, I got pretty annoyed when I see people solo hogging a room. D: They kill so slow when they mob (usually clerics who do this, sometimes fighters) yet they wanna grab the whole room. =.="

We didn't try to take the room or anything... we didn't really wanna pick fights with other people, and they did get there first so it's all fair I guess... but why can't they solo in the hallways where the mobs are instead of hogging a whole room? =[ There are less mobs there, more manageable when they're soloing, and probably a lot safer too. >_>


O-mie 04-06-2008 07:24 AM

lmao yeah xD the other day, lil and I went into a room where there was this one mid 50's mage at the beginning of it - we aoed on the other side and he STILL complained about us being there. And I told lil, if we weren't there, he'd become a katamari damacy ball but instead of buildings he'd have stuck in the middle of a karasian ball. >_>

Blaaaaaaaah 04-06-2008 07:28 AM


Originally Posted by O-mie (Post 121356)
lmao yeah xD the other day, lil and I went into a room where there was this one mid 50's mage at the beginning of it - we aoed on the other side and he STILL complained about us being there. And I told lil, if we weren't there, he'd become a katamari damacy ball but instead of buildings he'd have stuck in the middle of a karasian ball. >_>


Yeah. We got told off by some fighter once for taking his room. Seriously though, we can kill 7392349234 mobs in the time he kills 1. Well, exaggerated of course but... BOOO!! Still yelled at us and complained how we stole his spot. I don't think we were taking ALL the mobs either. >_>

O-mie 04-06-2008 07:33 AM

yeah, if there's somebody else in our room or we go in their room, we usually share it and keep on the other side and leave them enough mobs. But I mean, when I go solo in there on my cleric, I don't even go in rooms, I go in the 'hallways', where there are a good number of mobs but they're just a bit more spread out but still enough to get 1-3 on you at a time. If your'e soloing, why waste stones and pots on additional mobs anyways @_@

Blaaaaaaaah 04-06-2008 07:36 AM


Originally Posted by O-mie (Post 121360)
But I mean, when I go solo in there on my cleric, I don't even go in rooms, I go in the 'hallways', where there are a good number of mobs but they're just a bit more spread out but still enough to get 1-3 on you at a time. If your'e soloing, why waste stones and pots on additional mobs anyways @_@

EXACTLY! -shakes head in frustration-

O-mie 04-06-2008 07:46 AM

The only time I mob-hug is if I feel threatened of losing all the spawn I NEED (not that I WANT) in order to keep a decent rate of leveling up, but even then like I said, I only would wanna keep 2-3 on me. @_@ not 5+ XD

Enraya 04-06-2008 08:06 AM

Yeah, there's no need to take up an entire room if you want to solo @-@; And I don't think anybody needs to take on that 1927462 mobs in just one room.

Besides, if you're soloing, yeah, why would you want a room anyways? You really don't need to burn all those extra pots and stones @-@; When I solo, most of the time I go to a corridor and drag mobs by myself.

But then again, there are some people that are not so nice about sharing rooms o: I was with a party once, and we came to a room on the other side of another party. All of us went "oh, room taken," and prepared to go away when the other party went "someone else is here, kill them" = =;

But we ended up going to another room and getting all the mobs there, LOL.


Oh yeah, this isn't in the battlegrounds, but there was somebody hogging a spot in GC today o: She would tell everyone "go away, my partner and I were here for 2+ hours." If we didn't, she would grab a train and head for that person, saying "alright, I'm training ___ (insert person name)." She couldn't get rid of the train anyways = =; And once when she actually DID get the train off on someone, it was on a 5x fighter that finished them off pretty easily.

O-mie 04-06-2008 08:21 AM

Gosh, people get so greedy and unnecessarily rude when there are exp events.

Lady-Loki 04-06-2008 01:48 PM

The Abyss was a nice place to solo until recently. I soloed there lots and when I have a room alone when anyone else enters I let them and generally they take one side and I take the other. I have even had some people ask if they can share the room to which I have said “np, plenty for both of us”. I have really had little to no issues in the Abyss map . . . until recently.

I had my first real bad experience in the Dungeon last night. I emphasize real bad because Spirit & I encountered a bully the other evening but Omie & Lil came to our rescue so that turned out to be a minor disagreement that was quickly settled by Team Whoopass (I know I thanked Lil & Omie in game chat that night, but thanks again Lil & Omie!).

Anyway, it was Spirit, Patches, toolrocket, and myself and we had been working a room for a while when a solo mage slipped in and grabbed up a few mobs. Patches was rounding them up and bringing them to us near the door, so when the solo mage went past us by toolrocket did not realize it was not Patches and singularly hit one of the mobs. Once he realized it was not Patches he apologized immediately but the guy was already on a “Don’t steal mobs” campaign. Spirit tried to explain it was unintentional but he was argumentative. He then proceeded to aoe the mobs Patches had just gathered so of course we all told him to stop stealing the mobs and Spirit asked him politely to please just find a different room as a “common courtesy since we had been there first”. He kept on about us not owning the room and next thing I knew he attacked and killed me. I asked “WTF? WHY DID YOU ATTACK ME?” and his reply was “settled it”. WTH?? I truly had said little to nothing to him at all yet he targeted me to kill! He then went on to kill more of our party before I could warp to the portal and run back. Spirit called out asking if any guildies were in the map but none replied. She did however find a mage from BR (thanks Velix!) who was ever so gracious to join our party and help us fight this donkey behind. It took a while since he had all +9 weapons and armor (as he later told toolrocket in chat - toolrocket complemented him on his resilience and they had some private chat for a while) and was spamming CS potions, but eventually between us and a group of mobs he did die and had to warp to the portal.

Yeah, it’s getting to where the Abyss map is not much fun anymore.

Enraya 04-06-2008 01:58 PM

Usually, if I'm soloing, parties are normally at the bigger rooms. I go there to check if there's people there, if they are, I just go away. It's going to be pretty hectic with another party around anyways, so I'd rather go out in the corridors @-@; Most of the time, I get a party invite, and I end up staying xD

But yeah, people are getting quite competitive =/ Not in the 4x battlegrounds yet, but there's endless stories on the higher leveled ones. I guess it might be because of the population? @-@; More people are in the higher leveled ranges now, and since it takes so long to level they stay at that level region for a while, while more people move in. Less places for all.

Really, collisions between parties would still happen less if everyone didn't have too big of an attitude. It's common courtesy that, if a party can handle it, to just leave the room to them. If they're soloing, it doesn't hurt to take some mobs from the room, but it's not nice to take all and leave them with nothing either.

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