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Loveless 12-17-2009 12:53 AM

Tick Tock
Counting down til classes are done for the year.

4 hours to go (or less if we get lucky).

Zodiac 12-17-2009 12:54 AM

lol :P

Hessah 12-17-2009 01:00 AM

wat time is it there?

Coz ur classes are finishing the same time as I finish work..

Andromeda 12-17-2009 01:05 AM

Ah that reminds me of the final day of each year in school. Usually on the final day we would stack all the tables and chairs watch a couple of movies and most of the class would play board games too playing Monopoly on the final day of School is great.

Since generally the last day is considered the fun day so there was never any school work on the last day of school just awesome fun to enjoy before kicking off the Holidays

Hessah 12-17-2009 01:11 AM

we didnt even bother with last day of school in high school.. we gave ourselves an extra day of holiday xD

Loveless 12-17-2009 02:06 AM

I get off at 10PM PST... earlier today as soon as I get this stupid summary done.

Last days of this school is the most stressful week. Everyone is walking around with bags under their eyes and coffee in their hands.

Hessah 12-17-2009 02:18 AM

I'm stressed too!

I hate doing the same thing 3 times!!!

Loveless 12-17-2009 02:30 AM

Yeah... and I finished a final assignment that was due in 2 hours. But now my boyfriend knows I can build a flash website pretty damn quickly...

*runs and hides*

Hessah 12-17-2009 03:03 AM

Built one for me too my work website is horribly out of date xD

Loveless 12-17-2009 03:04 AM

... *invisible mode on*

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