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Asmodejjj 05-25-2008 05:50 PM

Cleric Aggro Guide
*This is just for mages and archers, seeing as fighters can pretty much handle themselves*

And I'm not talking about spam healing Rejuvenate and Heal either. I mean Clerics can take any aggro from any class, within 2-3 seconds.

How to do it you may ask?

Simple. While in a party with say, for example, a mage, guess who'll draw the aggro? Answer: the mage.

Now, here's the solution(s).

1 (ineffective): spam Heal and Rejuvenate in the hopes that the monster will be attracted to you, wasting time and SP, while the mage probably dies, then you die because you have no SP left and hit way too low to quickly kill it.

2 (Asmodejjj's amazing method): Simply tell your party- or partner- to do the following. Have everyone in your party target 1 monster. Make the ranged person in your party attack it ONCE. Then as your cleric runs up to the monster, you can do one of two things to take the aggro.

The key here is for whoever attacked the monster to attack it only ONCE. Anymore times and it'll be harder to take the aggro. Run up, and either smack it twice to take the aggro, or 1 Bash/Bleed/Trip will do it. After that, your mages/archers should be able to attack the monster without attracting its aggro, unless the cleric stops attacking for a few seconds.

Healing while fighting might sometime lose your aggro, but it's rare, maybe 1/30.

Once a mage/archer hits a mob, make sure they don't attack it again until the cleric has the aggro.

Be sure to have plenty of pots/stones, as you can't just rely on your healing spells alone.

Hope this helps those clerics who've been wondering how to take aggro away from their fellow party members while the tank is preoccupied.

Ivramire 05-25-2008 06:19 PM

I'm assuming the Damaging classes' weapons aren't high enhanced?

Ethelinde 05-25-2008 06:25 PM

Lol this must be for level 1-5... no offense intended x). You can perhaps hope to do 1/10 of my damage with ur bash in 70s. :p Also what kind of exp are you looking to get partying up to kill one at a time. O,o

Ivramire 05-25-2008 06:31 PM

yeah, the one at a time part was a big give-away...

You'll get a sense of who and when someone will catch aggro in a given party, especially if you're a Cleric who pays attention or are a particularly good Tank.
People have tendencies to stick to a given pattern that works for them like when the Tanks mock and devestate and how fast DPS catches aggro after using their high-damaging skills. Nothing you can do later can budge aggro, not even chained-Recover on all-out Dpsers.

The level regions where the Cleric is most likely to aggro is in the 6x where you first get Recover. Then you don't aggro, almost at all.

edit-I guess it might work in 20s and 30s if DPS held back a lot, and the party was a random mix of classes without a real tank. Iffy though.

Asmodejjj 05-25-2008 06:52 PM


Originally Posted by lvramire (Post 152037)
I'm assuming the Damaging classes' weapons aren't high enhanced?

I duoed with a mage, I had a +3 weap, I don't think hers is enhanced.


Originally Posted by Ethelinde (Post 152039)
Lol this must be for level 1-5... no offense intended x). You can perhaps hope to do 1/10 of my damage with ur bash in 70s. :p Also what kind of exp are you looking to get partying up to kill one at a time. O,o

Actually, it's lvl 28 and 26 (I'm 28, mage was 26). One Bash will take away aggro for me.

Hessah 05-25-2008 11:15 PM

I think that works up to level 50, then after that archers start getting AOE poison and mage get nova after that (level 60?) then... we clerics needs an AOE bash to work the same way LOL

but... none-the-less, one important keypoint he raised was to ask the whole party the attack the same monster... (the assist button is there for a reason! woohoo) even if cleric cant hold the aggro (they attacked it more than once before cleric got their bash in?), it's much easier and less risky if all DPSers follow 1 person's (usually a tank's) target...

(personally i believe its a cleric's nightmare to see two DPSers fighting two different mobs that hits them hard)

Ethelinde 05-26-2008 02:52 AM

Mobs die in 2 seconds starting at 60 abyss, how many seconds do you get to focus attack one at a time following the cleric? As for duoing, the dps may still be attacked when mobbed, so what if the cleric draws away 1 mob out of a million? :p

Another point... If the cleric do by chance miraculously keep ALL mobs to himself, he will be very busy healing himself, so if the DPS do catch fire he/she will burn up rather fast =D, and if the DPS should really follow such instructions as to not deal enough damage to aggro I think the cleric would be better off soloing.

Ivramire 05-26-2008 02:56 AM

(bit off-topic) Actually, in duo 6x Abyss with a +9 Mage, the Cleric does manage to pull a large number of Orcs off the Mage before they die.

Not like it's impossible for the Cleric to take aggro at high-lvls, just that it's only in a few situations.

Hessah 05-26-2008 03:20 AM

Hmm... yeah i agree with lvra... I think our heal draws a lot of aggro in abyss...

I was in the 5x abyss with two fighters (one of them has a +9 axe and STR/SPR built), and both of them tried to mock & dev repeatedly and the soldiers stuck onto me like glue! (coz there was about 20 of them I was just spamming heal on myself)

maybe fighters doesnt do as much dmg as dpsers, but their skills are suppose to draw aggro.. and it was totally useless LOL

Dewedi 06-22-2008 03:02 AM

Grr aggro ... I hate that on soloing when monsters want my meat Grrr.... Today i died several times on the Pirate sand place because i did walk a bit too close and i had full army of hunting my head. Even i try to sneak i always find backstabber T_T

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