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Pritcher 08-29-2009 08:15 AM

What are you currently reading?
If anything?

Just a random question of pure curiosity really. Whatchya reading at the moment? For fun I mean; not like textbooks or anything. I know this will probably die with few to no responses, but wth, eh?

I have a few novels I'm working on:

Anna Karenina - I've wanted to delve into Tolstoy for a long time but never found the time. I chose this over War and Peace because War and Peace is like.... 9000 pages long. Very good so far. Who knew I would care so much about the romantic lives of the old Russian aristocracy?

Chapterhouse Dune - I haven't gotten far in it actually. I liked all the other Dune novels, but I just can't get into this one so far.

Club Dead - The third book in the Sookie Stackhouse novels. A guilty pleasure I guess. I got into, was forced into rather, that True Blood show and I'm not a patient man, so I went for the novels after I caught up on the show. Decent books I guess. I have complaints, but they're OK. One of the extremely few instances where I actually prefer the adaptation to the original source though.

Bout it for me, aside from a bunch of manga I half-way keep tabs on.

Loveless 08-29-2009 08:24 AM

I'm actually waiting on a few books to be released by some of my favourite authors.

206 Bones by Kathy Reichs and Bones of Betrayal by Jefferson Bass. Both books are on forensic anthropology and goes in-depth with the science of it. Though the cases are graphic (ie. plane crash victims, mutilated corpses, etc) I still find them good. Hopefully they'll be coming out soon in paperback...

Book I'm actually read is Blood Dreams by Kay Hooper. It was a book I picked up by accident at the library thinking it was another author. But accidents can actually be a good thing. This ones was about psychics who are with the FBI helping to solve extraordinary cases.

I recently read Predator by Patricia Cornwell. This had me in the dark until the very last page. I don't want to ruin it for anyone who may be reading or plan on it but... in crude terms it was a bit of a mind fck on the edge of being surreal.

The other books are design books for my school and manga. But if anyone has a good mystery genre to recommend that would be great.

Pritcher 08-29-2009 08:33 AM

Cool, my mother is into those Kathy Reichs books, but I haven't tried any. She got into them after she got into the show, "Bones", for obvious reasons.

Not especially into the "whodunnit" genre myself though. Can't really recommend any mysteries. Sorry. :/

Loveless 08-29-2009 08:43 AM

Ohh... I've never actually watched the TV show. Just randomly picked up the book and later found out there was a show based on it.

One of the reasons I like the book is because the main character isn't some helpless lady. And of course the science which I already mentioned.

When I was younger I used to read books in the fantasy genre (magic, witches, etc)... but not Harry Potter, couldn't get into that book for some reason after the 4th.

Hraesvelg 08-29-2009 08:49 AM


Originally Posted by Pritcher (Post 375609)
Club Dead - The third book in the Sookie Stackhouse novels. A guilty pleasure I guess. I got into, was forced into rather, that True Blood show and I'm not a patient man, so I went for the novels after I caught up on the show. Decent books I guess. I have complaints, but they're OK. One of the extremely few instances where I actually prefer the adaptation to the original source though.

Isn't that the truth. I started watching True Blood purely for Anna Paquin's breasts but found it to be a fun little popcorn show. Sex, violence, humor. Between Season 1 and 2 I read the whole book series and the changes they've made from the source material have been amazing. Also, it's enough of a change that even having read the books I'm not entirely sure what is going to happen in the TV series.

As for what I'm currently reading, I've got a few I'm juggling:

Rabbi Jesus by Bruce Chilton

The Structure of Evolutionary Theory by Stephen Jay Gould. I've had this one on my list for a year or more. It's incredibly dense reading. It takes a while to process.

And for my little fluff book to take breaks from the heavy hitting, I'm in the middle of Prime Directive by Judith and Garfield Reeves-Stevens. I've read it a few times now. It's just a good Trek story.

08-29-2009 09:24 AM

im reading A Million Little Pieces by James Frey
a book my mom got and its about a guy going
to rehab eh im sleepy all ima type ^.~

Hraesvelg 08-29-2009 09:26 AM

I just hope you realize that book is fiction. The author lied his ass off.

Hessah 08-29-2009 10:20 AM

I rarely read... LOL But I happen to be reading a book called "Seven Seaons in Aurukun"

It's not actually a fiction book, this lady went to a remote community in Australia and lived there for almost 2 years, and she talks about what it was like to be living out there, and the culture difference that she sees, and a lot about what Aboriginal communities are actually like.. (through her eyes..)

it's a bit of a reality check to make us appreciate all that we've got in the cities, and learn about what those communities actually want / need, respect them... and not just us outsiders (or politicians) going in and doing watever and just "saying" that it's the best for them, when it's not actually what they want...

kaylaspot1996 08-29-2009 12:31 PM

Well since i am a teen, i just finished the Twilight series!:laugh:
and honestly Breaking Dawn is my favorite out of them all
but the book im reading right now is Indian Captive: The Story of Mary Jemison

Phantom Badger 08-29-2009 04:27 PM

The last book I read was either the D.Gray-man Manga Or The latest Darren Shan book "Dark Calling" I think it's called.

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