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Hessah 07-12-2008 04:31 AM

Level 79s with no armour...
Ok.. i just got to lvl 70.. so exploring KKP KQ....

i've only been to about 5.. but so far I've already seen 2 archers with no armour, or they're wearing 2x gear....

Wats up with that??

The guy with no armour, i had to rev him 4 times in that half an hr....

After he died for the 3rd time, he said "maybe i should've stayed back", so I said "maybe you should put armours on", and he replied "its in storage XD"


Its so annoying, I had to heal him TWICE coz he takes big dmg... I had to stay back to rev him while the rest of my party run on ahead...

People get bored so they become inconsiderate?

Flowersss 07-12-2008 04:33 AM

Gratz on 70!!!!!!! Also, thats armor? pfft.....-.-

Hessah 07-12-2008 04:34 AM


yeah i dont understand...

these high lvls does some strange things @_@ Its a whole new community for me

Flowersss 07-12-2008 04:38 AM

That IS the first time I've ever heard of that...LOL "It's in the storage xD" . Like WHAT?!?!

Get some common sense pweeesh! ^^

Hessah 07-12-2008 04:39 AM

yeah i think he founds it funny.... but its annoying as hell for a cleric... i was sooooooo tempted to just run on ahead and leave him behind...

if u cant keep urself away from getting hit, then put some armour on... -.-

Yosei 07-12-2008 04:41 AM

I hate that too!!

I did KKP, and the two tanks in the KQ were wearing 2x and 3x armor. They kept screwing around, it was really annoying.

Hessah 07-12-2008 04:42 AM

I was gonna say... good thing he's not a tanker....

but.. looks like they do it too.... :sigh:

Ivramire 07-12-2008 04:47 AM

Some people think that if they're wearing worse/no armor that they have better chance of getting better chest rewards.

Blues actually.

Flowersss 07-12-2008 04:49 AM

^ How the hell is that possible? =O

Ivramire 07-12-2008 04:50 AM

Just a stupid belief.

Seen people espouse it in all the KQ tiers.

Apo had a bad run of idiots doing it once upon a time -.-

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