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Pedobear 04-14-2008 09:24 AM

counting the drop order
So i was in a ZK farm party on my cleric today. At first it was great. our first ZK pull went awesome. a staff dropped, the fighter got it and gave it to one of the mages. I was actually impressed with how smooth this was all going for just another PuG.

Then we got to our second ZK spawn. we nuked the two adds and picked up their loot. then something odd happened. an elrue randomly dropped, then was picked up. then a piece of beast leather. finally a piece of copper ore drops and i end up picking it up and i realized what was going on. the fighter was counting the drop order and dropping pieces to make sure he picked up ZK's drop.

Why? it was an int and spr ring and he ended giving it up to one of the mages, but what's the point? Really is it that big of a deal that you get all the great loot? do you have to be such a loot whore that you're willing to tarnish your reputation and hurt your chances of finding a good party in the future?

so, anyone else notice the weirdos like these? what do you do to screw them up? drop some loot of your own to throw off the count?

Ralath 04-14-2008 09:56 AM

You could give them the benefit of the doubt and say that he was just clearing room in his inventory so that he could get whatever *might* drop from ZK. I know that I drop a lot of crap on the ground sometimes, especially in the BGs when my inventory is always bursting full of stuff.

But yah... if he was really counting drops, then drop something of your own to mess it up.

Enraya 04-14-2008 11:24 AM

I've met someone that counted drops before o-o; I just started spamming my pick up key, and it messed up his order I think xD He didn't count drops after that.

AngellicDiety 04-14-2008 11:38 AM

Quite honestly, there are some people you cannot trust out there.

If I know there are some "iffy" members in my party, I will count the drop order.

I've been victim to the odd party consisting of 3 or 4 people I know and trust, but the odd ball was the one who was given the nice axe, hammer, cross bow, or wand - and refused to give it to the person in the party of the class deserving of the item.

So yes, I would count the drop order just to ensure that I can distribute the items fairly to the people with which the class is associated with.

toolrocket 04-14-2008 01:35 PM

As long as you are ALWAYS on the level, i think counting drops is fine. As a mage however (unless it's AOE) i'm usually too far away to do any counting, plus i dont care that much.

Spirit 04-14-2008 01:41 PM

I have counted drops before, but more so to save Loki and I trading back and forth. If it is just her and me partied, I will click on stone and potion mats if it is her turn and the scroll mats if it is my turn. But, I find it difficult to count drops when we have a large party, simply because, like tool said, we mages are not right up there and if you have more than one person spamming pick-up, you never know.

a.L 04-14-2008 02:06 PM

I usually party with guildmates, so it isn't an issue for me. Anything nice we find gets sold and split between the party.

<---- Pickup action hotkey spammer.

Hyper 04-14-2008 02:22 PM

I only try it in AoE parties if a fighter drop is dropped.

Most people don't follow the drop-to-class rule. =\

Lady-Loki 04-14-2008 02:31 PM

WTH? I have a hard enough time staying alive and keeping my party alive. I just spam my pickup - of course that's a bad habit to if you are on free so someone can get quest drops and you forget to stop spamming. I have picked up stuff that I didn't realize I had until much later when I go to clear my pockets and sometimes that is the next day.

Man, I'm just not fast enough for counting stuff, I'm only fast enough to be allowed to play with my friends. :(

Spirit 04-14-2008 02:35 PM


Originally Posted by Lady-Loki (Post 125555)

Man, I'm just not fast enough for counting stuff, I'm only fast enough to be allowed to play with my friends. :(

Barely. :p:D

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