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NotMyWay 03-24-2008 04:17 AM

Idiocy at its finest
Replies taken from a thread on outspark forums, where the thread starter was explaining how as a cleric, she was frustrated by people using short forms while demanding for buffs, and explained how to type in a complete sentence when requesting for buffs.


I personally think that people demanding the full word *please* instead of plz, pls etc OR clerics who insist on dance for buff etc, are slightly full of themselves. This is the internet and the language on here is totally different to what we use in the real world.

"Could I get a buff please?" (Gets killed by mob)

"Nevermind. Could I get a ressurrection instead please?" (Slow typing)

"Nevermind, 2 seconds left. I'll just horse back here."

(disclaimer: i do not in any way agree with or promote such idiocy, i am only repeating what others have said.)

another thing: is there any patch where outspark didnt screw up? the most recent patch caused my stone capacity to be decreased, and when i PMed a GM about it, he said to forward it to customer service. I wanted to ask how to do so but he now blocked PMs. -_-"

O-mie 03-24-2008 04:29 AM

lol, outspark'd.

But well, its annoying when people just come up to you "buff, buff pls" If they're in the middle of killing something and have 239408 thing on them, idc. But 99% of the time I'm asked for a buff is by somebody riding on their horse with no aggro on them, or in town, and they just whisper me or annoy me with BUFF ME BUFF PLS BUFFFFFF

>_> It just makes me think, come on. Use your words like a big boy!

Ralath 03-24-2008 04:43 AM

I always try to be really polite and more formal when I'm asking for a buff.

Doesn't hurt!

Also because I dun want to piss off the cleric.

I hate people who type BUF ME PLZ!!!!! with all caps or too many exclamation marks and then spam it like 1000000 times.

But I think it is more acceptable to ask for a heal with a plz since... mreh, you might die if you get one. Often, I can only type out a "hepp" before i have to click again to keep running.

viasta 03-24-2008 04:54 AM

block them lol, then you cant hear res :P
I hate it when idiots that begs for res, etc. even when you are not a freaking cleric o.O. This guy in FoM asked me, as my mage, for res. And this other guy flamed me because I didn't res him as a mage O.O

Hyper 03-24-2008 05:00 AM

Wow, that's weird.

It's their fault for not typing fast though. XD Learn to type or learn how to evade death.

viasta 03-24-2008 05:06 AM

or maybe players in Epith is so retarded, they can't tell the difference of a staff and a mace
and my title "Apprentice Mage" =/= "Apprentice Cleric"

Hyper 03-24-2008 05:09 AM


Originally Posted by viasta (Post 112726)
or maybe players in Epith is so retarded, they can't tell the difference of a staff and a mace
and my title "Apprentice Mage" =/= "Apprentice Cleric"

Did you see my post about the things people in Epith have said/done to me? Amazing.

viasta 03-24-2008 05:11 AM

the KQ things????

Destrus 03-24-2008 05:14 AM

this makes me happy i'm not playing a cleric or i'd have to switch to ignoring everybody except friends and guildies like i had to in flyff.

NotMyWay 03-24-2008 05:21 AM

You could always use a HP stone or potion, especially if the cleric is not in ur party... I've even been asked for heals by people just saying "heal" or "heal plz" or "HEAL" when i was in town, mining in echo cave, or .... playing a mage. I suppose if the cleric in ur party needs to be reminded to heal the tanker then its ok but not if the cleric isnt in ur party.

I so want that "Notable Fighter" title on my cleric.

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