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Helion 04-28-2011 05:19 AM

Thoughts on trickster
I've managed to hit level 70 now, and I have developed some definite opinions as to what this character is and how it fits into parties.

First of all, the trickster class is really a different version of an axe-wielding (DD) fighter, with some archer and cleric characteristics thrown in. Attacks are all close contact, with some doing archer-like poison damage. The DoT attacks are stronger than archer DoT effects from what I have seen. The trickster also has a few self buffs, so it has some mild cleric abilities. The trickster's main weakness is a lack of ability to draw or keep aggro unless it is attacking a specific mob. As far as skill points go, the trickster's main attribute is STR, followed by DEX and END. SPR accumulates slower than END, also similar to fighters I burn through SP stones faster than I do HP stones.

How does a trickster fit into parties? Ideally, the trickster is your second tank. Without the ability to mock and stun, the trickster becomes the tank that tends to get party members killed if the party isn't ready for it. When the trickster is your party's main tank, care has to be taken to attack the same mob that the trickster is attacking unless your mage can take down the mobs in 1 or 2 hits. Clerics will also pull extra mobs away just from the aggro of simple heals. The trickster will take aggro away of whatever mob it is attacking, so the clerics should be ready to heal accordingly. For example, today in KKP KQ, my L70 trickster had pulled aggro away from 2 experienced tanks (L76 and L79) within 10 seconds of attacking each miniboss and the main boss itself. Between the soul capture system and DoT both maximizing damage, no other character can put as much damage out at this phase of the game.

Hessah 04-28-2011 05:26 AM

I have noticed that I wish I've got the snearing kick as a trickster.. I felt a bit like a cleric without heal and shield when I have to run into a group of mobs to get some kills...

I didn't realise how powerful trickster is... are you also putting cash in your trickster?

I'm gonna try a full dex built, I've always wanted to try that on an archer, but couldn't be bothered to level a 2nd archer, so I'll take the opportunity on a Trix. Though with this build I don't think I'll be any 2nd tank xD I'll just be a close range archer.

Helion 04-28-2011 05:35 AM

I've only used CS mainly for enhancing my weapons, and as usual didn't start doing that until L40. I normally would have full +9s by now, but since it is so new, very little gear worthy of enhancing exists yet. I do have a full L85 set already, since it seems the Dragon's Tomb is dropping a lot of gears, so I've managed a really good high str/high dex set at a very cheap price. I also have used some charm of might for the CC and Tower of Iysel when I realised that I was expected to be the tank with squishy clerics around.

Kaini 04-28-2011 11:58 PM

=.o You're at 70 already.

Really. I'm still in the 20s (ok, I could easily be 40 something right now, But I have class. more play time when summer comes around)

But 70? o.0 Took me a year to get my cleric that far..... Dang.

That aside.... Thanks for the info, for the (far) future. I'm going with a DEX STR build with mine... no doubt now. Not much looking forward to being the squishy tank though ... xD

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