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Cookies12100 02-22-2009 07:26 PM

Help the Wiki!
Hi! I was just wondering if you all would like to contribute to the wiki by killing some creatures and tallying what they drop to find out drop rates? If you like to contribute go onto Fiesta online and kill a certain kind of creature 100 times then write it like this on paper as you go on your insane killing spree! Column 1 how many of creatures you killed (so you can keep track), next columns how many of each materails are dropped (if they drop a green write it down but not in a column) and write down the monster name.

Then on this forum write down the monster, server and the drops and i'll put it on the wiki by percent (or you can do it yourself). If we cooperate we can have a huge database for the whole fiesta community to see. Happy Hunting!!!:laugh:

Some monsters we need are:
Prock Zones
grave Robbers
Baby Bats
Mara Pirate Sailors
Mara Pirate Elites
Little Lizardmen

Gandalfa82 02-22-2009 08:46 PM

also need to take into consideration of the level of the person that is killing the mobs. This effects the ratio of drops and also what drops.

Cookies12100 02-22-2009 09:09 PM

You're right! Sorry for not mentioning that.
And as for the ratio either the same or 2 levels higher?

Hessah 02-22-2009 10:08 PM

Would hving the mob be yellow name a good indicator?

(My grammar totally stuffed... but i think you know what i mean... XD)

Cookies12100 02-22-2009 10:23 PM

yes thank you! Great Idea!:laugh:

So just to recap and fix:

If you all would like to contribute to the wiki by killing some creatures and tallying what they drop to find out drop rates? If you like to contribute go onto Fiesta online and kill a certain kind of creature 100 times then write it like this on paper as you go on your insane killing spree. However, the creature you are killing must have a yellow name (regular difficulty) in order for it to count! Column 1 how many of creatures you killed (so you can keep track), next columns how many of each materails are dropped (if they drop a green write it down but not in a column) and write down the monster name.

Then on this forum write down the monster, server and the drops and i'll put it on the wiki by percent (or you can do it yourself). If we cooperate we can have a huge database for the whole fiesta community to see. Happy Hunting!!!

Some monsters we need are:
Prock Zones
grave Robbers
Baby Bats
Mara Pirate Sailors
Mara Pirate Elites
Little Lizardmen

Gandalfa82 02-23-2009 03:50 PM

I would still say right down your level (we know the mob level) and we can also see if there is a change between the levels or just when the color changes. I think it changes based on level not just color. But it would be good to find out.

Cookies12100 02-23-2009 05:20 PM

No I really think we should stay with colour because what if you level up? then all of it wouldn't count and yellow names allow a 1 lvl buffer or so. Besides we just need a general area of the drops not crazy exact.

Icy 02-23-2009 05:30 PM

It is a reasonable guess to say that they use the same multiplier for loot as experience gained from monsters. 'Colour' is rather vague, if you want at least 2-digit percentages at the end.

Cookies12100 02-25-2009 08:34 PM

Fine then same level. Still either way it helps the wiki.

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