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Cookies12100 06-12-2009 08:42 PM

Mara KQ (Rush)
Do you guys hate those people who just rush the Mara pirate KQ? Well sorry but I'm one of those people and I'm usually the tank. So anyways everytime I've played a Mara past lvl 20 I would always say run. Everyone hates my different ways of doing things (so they call me noob (WTF I'm probably better a tanker then those full END guys)) cuz I like to do things very rushed. Like i finish everything in 35+ time because i suicide by pulling everything on one side of the boat and i just run like hell. Plus, i pull when no ones ready or almost killed a boss (we always win though).

Back to the story i said to run and every cleric died when we go to the boss so we had 3 fighters and 4 archers. Everyone was like we can't win so i started tanking and we beat the bosses (i got everyones hopes up to). Then we kept running and then we pulled all the mobs to the left side of the boat then pull marlone at that point no one had lives and we were all out of stones plus another fighter died with 2 archers so we had 2 fighters and 2 archers left. At that point i had no stones or SP pots so i couldn't get any SP so I just kicked like hell and used HP pots it was the most intense part ever cuz i had no SP or Lives! We somehow won?!? and everyone thanked me (go me ^^)

Lirange 06-12-2009 10:17 PM

i think i was in that kqxD
was it a few days ago
because thats how i remembered it
there was only 2fighters and 2 archers when the whole thing ended..
and yea, someone pulled all the mobs to the left side of the boat and died, then they used their heart and joined us back again and we defeated marlone and mara...
and the funny thing was that we started with a full kqxD

Fighterboy 06-12-2009 10:23 PM


ziggydam31 06-14-2009 12:34 PM

woot....that's amazing....

i think i've encountered this situation many times when playing mara kq...
one of them is:
i'm a lvl 25 fighter with tanking job when everyone wuz dead....when fighting against marlone/mara..luckily have lots of pots & stones enough to survive ._.
mostly i'm dead cuz there were so very very very few clerics entered the mara kq in epith

when it seems the kq's gonna fail (ex: low lvl dominants, few clerics and they're all dead) i'm just gonna stay away from mobs and not tanking/fighting anymore, or commit some suicides XD

*just don't wanna waste the stones/pots >_>*
heh...sorry if it's an OOT :P

secbro20 06-14-2009 04:21 PM

We always kill the mobs we have to and leave the ones that are off the path. Every time someone in my KQ tried to rush it, no one would follow and it wiped.

CrazyVietFs 06-14-2009 04:29 PM

have you ever join 3 Mara KQ in a rows. i did, i got a good party so yeah, lvl 21 fighter, with +9 shield and amors, cleric buff with all tier 2 scroll, got in we rush to fake boss, i tank both at the same time, *mock*, will DPS do damage, spam stone etc... then run to the end of the boat, kill fast everything there, pull the 2 *real boss kill em, enter next, KQ, do the same thing, 3 Mara KQ in a rows....

pigspark 06-14-2009 05:37 PM

wow mara was hectic when i started it

secbro20 06-14-2009 05:42 PM

I remember when mara first came out and people were like OMGWTF this is impossible


Hessah 06-15-2009 12:51 AM


Originally Posted by secbro19 (Post 349017)
I remember when mara first came out and people were like OMGWTF this is impossible



_JunShyr_*FTW* 06-15-2009 08:29 PM


Originally Posted by Hessah (Post 349087)

Good old cbt times hey hessah ;) I remember doing slime, mara and GH with Blaa~H :D

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