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crystalblueheart 12-20-2011 06:16 AM

Secrets of Fiesta(Major Draft - will be updated regularly)
After playing this game for a while - about a year and a half - I have decided that I would like to share this with you. I have found/found out from others some good spots on Fiesta to quest, grind, and farm mats, as well as random tips :D Please note that the tips will be general and the questing/grinding/farming mats places will be in maps from Uruga down, if you know what I mean xD I'm level 61 so basically this would apply for all maps you would visit in quests levels 61 and below.
Farming Mats:

Rosemary/Sap MQ/Common Mushrooms
Sand Hill: I need to update this with coordinates but from the NPC filled area, there are 2 ways to "exit" it - one toward the spiders and one toward the trees. The area next to the trees has lots of herbs/wood/mushrooms :D
Vine Tomb: The middle of the map.

Forest of Mist: middle of the map (surrounding the Luminous Stone 1 gate)

Moonlight tomb near spiders and bats. (coord to come)

Moonlight Tomb: If you go either from Elderine to Moonlight Tomb or Sand Hill to Moonlight Tomb (depending on your location), there is a large group near the Sand Hill gate in Moonlight Tomb. If you go to the gate and face it head on, make a right and you will find it :) There is a group of around 8 trees or so there.

Basil/Ramsear/Sap HQ/Dangerous Toadstools/Deadly Toadstools/Common Toadstools/Sap Highest Quality/Premium Mushrooms (rare)
Uruga: At the top right corner of the map there is an area with Noxes, Nox Captains, and Lips. It is around B6~7 (need to confirm). There are tons of things to farm there :P I discovered it when someone told me I needed to kill Noxes to get my 5 preserved signs for my 59 quest XD

Questing Spots:

Pinkies: For those of you doing the first quest with the crystals of pinkies, ratman fighters, and archon juniors, you might notice that pinkies are never alone. NEVER. Except in this case. There is a tree by FoS that has 2 pinkies ALONE :D It's around B2. Of course, a few "feet" away there is a pinkie surrounded by orcs. With a party, that is no problem, but soloing, it is....really annoying XD

Cleric Tips:
1) If you are a cleric who is able to buff, look at the amount of hp your buff gives, and find the heal skill with that amount, or slightly higher amount, than that so you don't waste your sp of healing 1500hp instead of 500.
2) Clerics in Lvl 60 Job Change: 1) Only cure yourself between mobs or you'll just waste sp. 2) For the last part, especially toward the end, mobs will spawn at both sides. Go to the side where Elderine is and in front of the mob cast heal and when they begin to move cast rejuvinate. By that time, you will have at least 3/4 of the mob on you and slowly a few will go to Elderine/Roumen, but it's a small amount which they can handle. After they finish, they'll come over and help you. I failed this part the 1st time but got it the 2nd. The 1st time I made the mistake of leaving too many mobs on Roumen thinking he could handle it and he died.

to add: other tips for lvl 60 job change, other farming places, lucky house, etc.

Notes to self: add coordinates of spots

BloodThirstyKD 01-19-2015 05:50 PM

Making it rain with all the materials I was able to find to produce pots and scrolls galore. Thanks ^_^ I owe you

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