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Mindspank 05-07-2009 07:20 AM

Fiesta is working my last nerve...
I have been very patient with this game. More patient than most. I have blown off alot of the stigmas that have caused people to quit. I have been generally positive. I labored and searched and toiled and cried and finally got my blue lvl 70 bow. Ive finally got godly end/dex gears, some of them +9. Things are finally starting to go the way I want them to and now all this BS with the item duping.

They rolled back and I lost a level, no biggie in itself, but I lost alot of xp. So I solo aoe in abyss. I get level 68 back, put my godly pants back on and another maintenance.

To be perfectly honest I am one of the oldest active players on Bijou. And by active, I mean im on my main constantly. I dont jump between characters. I love fiesta, but if outspark dont get their shit together, im gonna end up leaving the game. I know, it doesnt matter if one player leaves, boohoo. But im a patient person. Patient enough to have left fiesta for 8 months and come back and pick up at level 35 while all my friends capped two characters then quit.

It says alot if -I- give up on something.

Sero 05-07-2009 07:21 AM

They pwned us again, just now.

Hessah 05-07-2009 07:28 AM

Seems like the server is very unstable atm...

I think dropping the game for a day should be wise...

Don't forget that each time they randomly d/c you, it's very possible that there's a little roll back...

I'm gonna ditch the game for a night tonight...

05-07-2009 07:44 AM

Hey Mindspank, you should try and tough it out a little longer, if for nothing else than to see just how much farther things can go haywire. And besides, if you leave, who the hell is gonna rock the red donkey?!?!? :laugh:

Ralath 05-07-2009 08:22 AM

Stop doing somethign that makes you unhappy. We can complain about Outspark all we want but ultimately, it is what it is. If they going to have problems, they're going to have problems and complaints have clearly not been shown to be effective against these problems.

Senyx The Soulless one 05-11-2009 12:59 PM

I know it's a late post, But just do what I do, And go away for about 5 days at a time, When you come back , Things seem a little easier to handle, And not so easy to Irk you.

I've been away from Fiesta for about 4 days, And i'm ready to come back, Now that i think i can handle rebuilding the 30% the rollback cost me.

Sparkeh 05-11-2009 01:11 PM

I got mad from the rollback too.

I lost a stack of T3 Vit and lost some exp's and there's purples were dropping in eld and this rollback returned it all. DX

MindSpank if you wanna stay in the game dont think anything Negative and start thinking positive... You'll feel what i feel when i started to do that...I mean imagine somone married and got rolledback!?

Dx Outspark is loosing costumers and losing it by their self. :/

Ariru 05-13-2009 08:33 PM

Yeah.. I didn't lose much other than 4% during the rollback, but..
I have a friend who lost five levels..
And, I lost 4g. A few friends of mine lost +9's and stuff.

We feel your pain. So just bear with us. xD

And do what they're suggesting, drop the game for a bit till you chill and can handle it all better. c:

I get pissed at the game a lot, so I just go and take it out on some drawings or pop in Samurai warriors and kill Lu Bu. xDDD
S'all good, man. c:

I lasted a year so far, so, you can too. xD

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