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O-mie 09-09-2007 03:50 AM

O-mie's sketchbook~ [Updated 10/16]
Bla~ahs and dynabra and wackycrabmolester wanted me to post these. D; So here they are. Not Fiesta art but I was told it didn't matter :s

They're concept art for a comic I'm working on called Ghost Fable xD; Elemental sprites and spirits :s I still think the rockman looksl ike the pringles guy T_T;

Blaaaaaaaah 09-09-2007 03:59 AM


Wow that's really really good! I love them all! I wish I can draw like that. My favourites are the storm and fire spirit. :333 Nice nice!~ It's really awesome. Like seriously.

O-mie 09-09-2007 04:01 AM


I might color the storm xD;; *likes horsies* v.v

Blaaaaaaaah 09-09-2007 04:03 AM

Colour the fire too while you're at it! Actually, COLOUR THEM ALL! D:<

How long did it take for you to draw all that? Whenever I try to draw something, it always takes me hours and hours to draw ONE thing.

Valentines 09-09-2007 04:12 AM

i fail pro at drawing.

it's a proven fact.

O-mie 09-09-2007 04:22 AM

Maybe 2-3 hours for them all? o-o I started them yesterdya after we stopped leveling XD

a.L 09-09-2007 04:46 AM

Needs more crab.

Nah, they're great! Make one of us! D:

O-mie 09-09-2007 04:56 AM

I totally would, when we can actually customize our appearances more xD

Valentines 09-09-2007 05:02 AM

Still annoyed they didn't add at start of ob.

NavMan 09-09-2007 05:22 AM

Is that a nipple I see on the water spirit?

They are REALLY good.

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