Fiesta Fan Forums

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cillia 06-10-2017 11:41 PM

Oh god. Hi? I forgot this existed
I used to go on here all the time... I kind of wonder how many of the older users still come here? I'm really curious like... What's happened to everyone after 7 years or so HAHA
im in my 20s now, I'm pretty sure when I was posting here I was around 12 or 13...

a.L 06-11-2017 12:18 AM

Heya. Some of us still lurk from time to time... reminiscing about the good ol' days

Yosei 07-16-2017 05:04 PM

It's so impressive seeing the super youngins' back in the day coming back. I was 18 when I joined the forum, now I'm 28. I keep fearing the day I'll come to this site and it'll like... be gone gone.

a.L 07-17-2017 02:22 AM

Are you still a baby face?

Pritcher 09-08-2017 10:48 PM

I'm a bit of an old timer. I still check in on occasion. Every few years or so. I'll still be sad if I try and it's gone...

Oh yeah, sorry, yeah not much interesting has been going on with me. Work, life, repeat.

Rightclaw 12-28-2017 02:48 AM


Triumph 12-29-2017 10:39 AM

Wow, it really has been a decade.

Blaaaaaaaah 01-02-2018 01:27 AM

Whaat? Rightey and Triumph?? :O

PS. Happy New Year guys.. whoever is reading this... a couple of months down the track...

a.L 01-02-2018 10:21 PM

See you guys 2020

Yosei 01-12-2018 09:13 PM

Did this count as our reunion? Crap. Now I have to wait another 10 years to see Righty and Triumph again.

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