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Fiesta Online 05-18-2016 10:51 PM

Sad - BUT HAPPY! (8/3/2017!) Come comment!
I can say...of course with due restraint (due to NDA signage) that I for one, am VERY heartbroken as to how this game has turned out. I am also sad I never discovered this forum. It looks like a good piece to our Fiesta Online history. I am saddened to say I do not think Fiesta will make it much longer - I have been an avid player since Closed Beta.

I was hired on as a Forum Moderator (One of the VERY first, probably THE first!) to work with Gamigo in making things better. I would like to tell you all more but for legal reasons I cannot. I can vouch for a lot of what was said. In the manner of which Game Masters were treated.

Blizzard (GM/SGM Blizzard) was my training manager as well as Soda and one other. I grew very close to Blizzard...But due to the downturn in my personal life, I had to quit fiesta online and leave the staff team. However - I did manage to come back but with hitches, and I was not allowed to return to the team due to several issues concerning state, etc etc. I wish I could find Blizzard...She helped me more than she herself even imagines. Even if Gamigo owns the game now - I don't see it making a recovery.

You might wonder why I appear now; Well; You could say for good time sake? I miss being able to enjoy our game - But it's too late now!

My name, as you can tell is just the title of the game; this is to keep my identity secret. I hope you can understand.


Vasu 05-19-2016 01:49 PM

Welcome to the forum. This isn't really a Fiesta forum any more in truth, just a small bunch of people posting in MOS. It's also not affiliated in any way with Gamigo (I think there used to be some kind of partnership with Outspark?) so you don't have to be worried about protecting your identity or something like that unless there's something else I'm missing. I'm surprised Fiesta is still around, people have been predicting its demise for years now but it still seems to be chugging along, so I dunno. Either way, enjoy your stay and your blast of nostalgia.

Fiesta Online 05-19-2016 03:48 PM


Originally Posted by Vasu (Post 478754)
Welcome to the forum. This isn't really a Fiesta forum any more in truth, just a small bunch of people posting in MOS. It's also not affiliated in any way with Gamigo (I think there used to be some kind of partnership with Outspark?) so you don't have to be worried about protecting your identity or something like that unless there's something else I'm missing. I'm surprised Fiesta is still around, people have been predicting its demise for years now but it still seems to be chugging along, so I dunno. Either way, enjoy your stay and your blast of nostalgia.


- then what do they use this forum for? And yes, It is a little surprising fiesta's still here.

Vasu 05-19-2016 04:24 PM

Our spam and off-topic section. And I'm not sure who the "they" is you're referring to. :P It's just an old fan forum that slowly lost activity but has a small bunch of regulars that have mostly moved on from the game over the years.

Blaaaaaaaah 05-20-2016 08:23 AM

Yepp what Vasu said... we used to be so active maybe...7-8 years ago. But gradually people stopped playing Fiesta, we moved onto other games, and now it's just a bunch of oldies hanging out lol. Entropy has kindly been keeping this forum alive for us.

a.L 05-20-2016 02:03 PM

The golden age of FiestaFan... good times

Ralath 05-20-2016 10:54 PM

Wow welcome~~!

Yosei 05-29-2016 01:36 AM

Yeah, everyone here are players from the very early Outspark games. I was fairly active with the community. I was a CL for a bit, but then I quit doing that.

It seems like Outspark didn't have their shiz together if they ended up with a lawsuit for copyright infringement. No idea about Gamigo. I know someone who works or worked for them. Don't talk to him all that much nowadays.

Fiesta Online 06-25-2016 05:37 PM

Huh.. Sorry for the infrequent replies. I see though - I hope that one day Gamigo gets their heads out of their tooshes. Maybe one day we can revitalize this website. Would be quite the story.

I may be sticking around for a while.

A_Forever 06-27-2016 12:54 AM

What up. It was really only a matter of time, imo, that this game would hit rockbottom and what not. Sucks(notrly :P), but there are much better games out there nowadays.

Originally Posted by a.L (Post 478759)
The golden age of FiestaFan... good times

Was just thinking about FF in this mindset today. Golden age. I'm coming up on my 9th year here, I believe. Even though I take long breaks.. 20s have become a busy decade for me. I'm in disbelief I was really 12 when I joined 😂

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