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Blaaaaaaaah 11-01-2007 09:36 AM

[Outspark]Cash Shop + Patching Solution
Cash Shop

After a bit of wonkiness, we've gotten the Fiesta Game servers up and running with the all new Fiesta Store is now open!

Enjoy, and hope to see you all in Isya!

- GM_Steam


Patch File

I'm sure every knows about it now and there's probably no need to alert you guys about it. However, I just uploaded the patch file because I know a few people has been having problems patching up. So if you have some error that says something File not found or whatever, download the zip file here:

And then run the .exe file in there. That's the patch.

Happy patching!

Orochi 11-01-2007 10:29 AM

dont really much like the items their selling

i only liked the more XP and more drop rate

but they only come in a set that cost 10000++ points about $20

Lina 11-01-2007 11:10 AM

I hate when items got a timelimit. D:

Enraya 11-01-2007 11:20 AM

Thank you so much for the patch! ^^

Orochi 11-01-2007 11:30 AM


only 2hrs for the major bonus items T_T

secbro20 11-01-2007 12:40 PM

THe only thing I might purchase is the upgrading equipment, but then again, upgrading is expensive just for the Elrues/Lixes/Xirs that you need.

Yeah, and temporary items suck

Lyoven 11-01-2007 01:43 PM

there are some nice items. xp and drop stuff seems smeksy. pots as well.
i would be a LOT happyier buying these items when at least MOST bugs were corrected
i loathe tradeble IS items and upgrade chance-booster because they are one of the best way to make money for the CCFing money selling lewsers.
inventory expander? time limited? hmpf. i rarely get my 2 pages full. and if i, do i just fill my storage/mule.
pets? +2 to stats (well, since everyone already has a pet, its only +1)? time limited as well? spending my hard earned money for it? not a bad joke, but april is far away yet

my wiev on the IS as it is now, it came a bit too early.
the xp thingie is nice, but i can live without it. i rather enjoy the game as leveling at lightspeed. futhermore, the number of lv59 people is growing who can not benefit from it at all
what i have no idea of is how these drop chance pills are supposed to be working.
only if im soloing? great, will be a lot harder to find a cleric.
or if in a party, is it enough if 1 guy has it activated? why would i but them then? to get a 50% better drop chance of which i will only get my 20% share (in a 5man party)

i dont want to offend anyone with this post, its all just personal opinions

Nike 11-01-2007 01:54 PM

Please note that what outspark is doing is just a market strategy. They will release items that arent as "wanted" as others and people will buy because the items they want arent there. Then they will slowly release a couple items every week or bi-weekly and people will continue to buy those items because the items they want arent there. They will release the better items later. Its done in ALOT of games with cash shops.

.o0O0O0o. 11-01-2007 02:00 PM

Well, Outspark is in a gaming business. And like any other "business", in order to survive this though world, it has to make money some how; so that we, the addicts, can enjoy life's little pleasure. Cash shop is there for the true addicts and those that have too much money. And for the latter, contact me cause i do need money :p

secbro20 11-01-2007 07:16 PM

I like cash shops. But limited items? These items are alot cheaper than they would be in other games, so it might makes sense to make them limited. I still don't like it though. Don't count on me to buy any of those houses or pets or horses or clothing. Totally not worth it. But those Refreshers, Upgrading equipment( red blue things) are pretty cool

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