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Sparkeh 04-25-2009 09:50 AM

Mood? o_o
I saw some forums and i kinda like the idea...

You get to choose your own mood..xD!!

Like: "Lovely" - "Bored" - "Happy" Everything else. :3

It comes down or near Private messeges like here

The PM moves to the red box and the mood thingy goes in to the blue. :3

The end.


Blaaaaaaaah 04-25-2009 10:15 AM

Yeah I've seen those and that would be cool to have. I could PM Entropy to see if he could implement something like this~

Sparkeh 04-25-2009 10:27 AM

Yay~! x3

But i dont know how other ppl see other's mood...Dx

Lirange 04-25-2009 02:28 PM

it should be under there name when they post, or somewhere where they post.
I really like that idea.

Sparkeh 04-25-2009 02:34 PM

Nice Nice then. :3

Entropy should get it...xD

Why dont you get it bla~ahs? your an admin o_o

Lirange 04-25-2009 02:37 PM

admins dont have those kind of power,
only the admin i believe

Sparkeh 04-25-2009 02:48 PM

But blaahs is an admin?? o_o

Entropy should get a new tag..."SUPER Admin" o_o

Lirange 04-25-2009 03:37 PM

oh nvm,
idk thenxD

Leesa 04-25-2009 09:06 PM

That is a good idea.. o:

Righty and Bla~ahs are admins, but they can't do everything Entropy can becasue hes the one who owns the whole site.

Blaaaaaaaah 04-25-2009 10:41 PM

We are forum admins only. Implementation of plugins/other stuff-wise, we can't do it. I think.

Well I'm not sure how, I'm not a computer techie. I rather way for Entropy to look at it before I go and break the forums.

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