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GuardianOfHearts 03-26-2010 06:08 PM

Power Level Question!
I have searched the forums, but the posts I've seen doesn't give me a clear answer on this...

My main is a lv 91 cleric and I have been trying to powerlevel my brand new lv 15 archer. I noticed that my archer only gets 1 exp, no matter what range of leveled mobs I try (the highest I tried getting the archer to 15 was Luminous Stone 1). So I ended up just power questing to 15 instead, but this is very slow. I have also unpartied my archer and kept heals on it so I can get regular mob experience, but it is slow going as well without the party buff to increase damage.

The posts I've seen have a confusion on whether or not the higher level character's level difference to the new character mattered, or only the mob's level difference to the new character, or the high level character's level difference to the mob. From what I understand clearly, the mob's level to the new character matter (difference of around 25 levels)

My question is: Is it possible to power level my level 15 archer with my lv 91 cleric, or is my cleric too high of a level from my archer? If it is possible, where can I take my main to level my new archer the best?

Thanks in advance!

Hessah 03-26-2010 09:16 PM

If the mob is 30 levels higher than your new character, it will only get 1 exp. That's my understanding. But of coz, if you have a lvl 91 in the party, it probably stole the big portion of the exp so your archer got 1 exp anyway.

Your cleric is way too high for your archer. OS has deliberately added the 30 level exp cap to discourage power leveling. Also cleric isn't the best class for plvling (archer/mages are)

I think the fastest way to get exp would be partying with some AOE party thats about 15 levels higher than you.. (abyss for example) but I don't think you get too many AOE parties in those levels..

It's so easy to just do KQ and quest at those levels to get exp. Trying to power grind is not actually too effective.

HealFire 04-04-2010 06:50 AM

Help ur archer with quests at higher lvls :]

GR8_Scotts 04-05-2010 12:20 PM

Agree - use Cleric to ubber buff and help ur Archer with quests... great way to learn how to use the archer as well. BTW, look for a cleric (or find someone to play ur main) that you can hang with on quests and help him/her as well. Once your archer gets lvl 51 (nature's mist) the AoE potential with a cleric is incredible. Save at least 10 points (pref is 15) for mist... put 5 in cooldown, 5 in damage and then 5 in SP reduction (grind forever that way). I went from lvl 51 to 6x in a couple of days with a cleric in tow. Been smooth sailing ever since!

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