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MikeyG 07-20-2011 04:51 PM

Live.... longer?

Loveless 07-20-2011 05:36 PM

They say when you're happy you live longer.

So by being high you don't really stress yourself therefore you're "happy"... :D

Doesn't change the fact that it smells disgusting though.

MikeyG 07-20-2011 07:01 PM


Originally Posted by Loveless (Post 445478)
They say when you're happy you live longer.

So by being high you don't really stress yourself therefore you're "happy"... :D

Doesn't change the fact that it smells disgusting though.

Ahaha I like your theory :)

Edibles are the way to go or vaporizers. Cancels most of the problems with it, such as odour and respiratory problems

Yosei 07-20-2011 07:12 PM

Yeah as long as people do it in an odorless way or when others aren't around, I don't care. My boyfriends parents smoke at least twice a day. They're clear across the house and up a flight of stairs. It still travels through the house and gives us headaches.

I'm not close enough to them to ask them to try an alternative yet. I think they think I don't know they smoke, but its kind of hard to hide lol.

MikeyG 07-20-2011 07:20 PM

LOL Just nonchalantly bring it up in conversation and reccomend they put a wet towel under the door and open the window.

I just find it strange that it travels that quick. I smoke in my room all the time and I'm on the 3rd floor and my step dad is a fucking freak when it comes to pot yet the wet towel always works!

When I'm in the basement I just use a small bottle (protein drink) with some bounce sheets in it and another hole poked in and blow the hoots through that ... it eliminates the odour instantly.

Loveless 07-20-2011 07:24 PM

So you're also inhaling the bounce sheets...?

Yosei 07-20-2011 07:25 PM

Might not help that their house is cluttered as hell. They're borderline hoarders. Not many places for it to go.

MikeyG 07-20-2011 07:32 PM


Originally Posted by Loveless (Post 445496)
So you're also inhaling the bounce sheets...?

Naw... the bottle and bounce sheets have nothing to do with the smoking of your paraphernalia. I use a big gandalf pipe at home which is what you light, you take it, put your lips around the mouth of the bottle then you exhale the hoot. The smoke goes through the bounce sheets and out the hole you have made and comes out smelling bouncy fresh :)

But for real already .. the benefits of cannabis far out weigh the negatives!
They need to decriminalize it already. And even though they have in a couple states in America, the DEA still raids licensed dispensaries weekly leaving people who need it as medicine without... and also the people that just need it cause they love it.

Loveless 07-20-2011 07:37 PM

If they were to decriminalize it... I'd really prefer they designate places where they can smoke it and they can only smoke there (or their homes I suppose). Should do that with cigs too but that's another thing.

Just like any other thing there are people who, like you said, love it and those who don't want it being smoked around them.

And while it may be "beneficial" there's still the thing about getting high off of it which seems to impare judgement for the most part. Treat it like alcohol and cigs if they are to legalize it.

MikeyG 07-20-2011 08:19 PM

Definitely should do that with ciggarettes. Other than the smell that some find unpleasant, the 2nd hand smoke from cigs is deadly!

I'm happy any way. I'm involved with profiting off it in any way, nor do I ever have problems smoking it so ah well.

I gotta say though life without pot is really dull. When I have important things to do I will take a couple days to clear my head ( cause I am high from sun-up to sun-down for the last couple years lol ) and life is just dull. Food, sex, video games ... all just don't do it for me. I think "man, would I ever enjoy this so much more baked". Hell, even working out is better! It's a very debatable thing about what affect THC has on cells and tissues and how it affects your work out. But your determination is much higher + your in your own world.

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