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DEATH_FROM_ABOVE 04-05-2011 01:39 PM

WTH has happened to Fiesta??
I quit playing for about 2 yrs and WOW have things changed. First off why are so many + ing junk gears? I see lots of +9 fighter gears w hardly any END or STR and just saw a +9 Mage shirt with no INT or END????? I used to NPC those gears...
Second thing is are the quests and directions now printed in Spanish? I ask bc I have been getting into parties where all the other ppl only speak Spanish so wondered how they read the quests? I was in a party on my mage and typed I would "BRB" and went into my mushroom, when I came back the whole party was dead and were asking my Mage for a "rez" ????
Idk maybe it's just me but I would not play a game only printed in a language I did not understand......

RayRay 04-05-2011 07:27 PM

its all stupid ppl playing now imo why i quit once cap went past 79
cuz dumb kids have started playing fiesta and yea they will +9 anything
now and its full of spanish speaking players now.

mightytwilight 02-02-2012 03:08 PM

I agree. I just started again after a year or 2 and its bad. I ignore people I don't like and i've found some people i can get along with In Game. the prices of EVERYTHING went up. t1 scrolls are 6x the price i remember.

Loveless 02-02-2012 07:21 PM

Late to the party my man. Last post was last year in April.

Check the date of the last post before replying next time.

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