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Loveless 10-14-2008 06:57 AM

[FiestaFan] Costume Design Contest
FiestaFan Costume Design Contest


We all love dressing up our characters with the party outfit and sexy bikinis but that gets old pretty quickly. So we'd like to see if you can do better than the Fiesta Online team and design some new and original costumes!

Contest Details:

Design a costume you'd like to see in-game. Now you may say that some of those more artistically inclined people will win, and so on. BUT we thought of that and all entries must be created through cut and paste! Only the most creative member will be the winner.

The above image is 500 x 500 pixels. I had cut out a White Joker Trumpy's hat and pasted it onto an Archer. That's one idea.

Please try to use images from in-game as much as possible as it is a Fiesta related contest. Though you are not limited to just in-game images please keep in mind that the mods/admins reserve the right to refuse an entry if they deem it inappropriate or do not follow rules. We will send you a PM to give you a chance to re-submit.

Please send a PM to any mod/admin of the image and direct link with the title "FF Costume Design Entry". Any PM submitted without the proper title will be disregarded (it's to make sure you're reading everything!)

1 gold in-game and a FF Trendsetter tag + name in yellow.


Submission Period:
2 weeks from the creation of this thread. Subject to change.

Contest Rules:

  1. All costumes must be your own original work. Do not take from other version's of Fiesta and submit it.
  2. Must be created through a cut and paste technique.
  3. Entries must be no bigger than 500x500 pixels.
  4. One entry per member.
  5. Adhere to the ToS of the forums. No explicit images and/or language on any of the images submitted.
  6. Be creative, sky's the limit.
  7. In the event that we receive more than 15 entries the mods will choose the top 5 to be chosen by regular members.

Character Shot Resource

Please find included in this link .png (transparent background) of all class with their armours on. There are also folders with maps, pets, and mounts that are free to use. Do not claim these images as your own, they are the property of Bright Kingdom.

You will need winRAR to open the file. The images are large to please be sure to resize them to fit a 500x500 square. If you have trouble let me know and I will help you resize the images.

Click Here

Disclaimer: This is not an official Outspark contest, it is a community, just-for-fun contest for FiestaFan members. No entry will be implemented in-game..

Blaaaaaaaah 10-14-2008 07:13 AM


ONE GOLD TO WIN!~!!!!!!!!!!!


Loveless 10-14-2008 07:55 AM

Now that I think about it... the prize is all yellow. :gasp:

Hessah 10-14-2008 08:01 AM

Wow i didnt see the 1 gold, i read that "you get 1 gold tag" LOL!

thats funky! so are we allow to tweek it a little bit to fit body shape and stuff? or pure cut and paste?

wet_noxious 10-14-2008 10:32 AM

... im working on valentines day items but ima try do something for that :nahnah: , pretty good idea tho ^^

hmm ... erm can we participate with more then one image ?:urweird:

Spirit 10-14-2008 01:35 PM

One entry per person please.

Vasu 10-14-2008 03:05 PM

Sounds like fun, I'll see if I can come up with something.

Ralath 10-14-2008 03:38 PM

:zomg: :zomg: :zomg: :gasp:



Dynamics 10-14-2008 03:47 PM

I'm gonna try enter this. I'll also be posting the items I end up cropping for the convenience of others. I'll probably end up cropping like 10 things.

Phantom Badger 10-14-2008 04:44 PM

I would so do this but my Computer with Photoshop on it has died T~T And I fail at using Paint.

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