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Yosei 12-10-2007 06:05 PM

D:< grr
So today I went to the store. My mom had me run in real quick cuz it was her lunch break, but my niece wanted to come in with me, so she came in too.

When I was checking out, some lady walked up to me and was like "Why aren't you in school???" like she was my mother or something. I, confused, replied, "Um.. I'm out of school." Then she was stated, "No you're not! Its not early release or a holiday. What are you doing out of school?" I then told her, "No... I graduated. I'm no longer in school..", Then she saw my niece. "Well why isn't she in school???", I then told her my niece was too little. She then told me "No she isn't, she doesn't look like it!". My niece is big for her size, shes 4 years old, but wears a size 6, and looks 6. I then explained that to the lady. All she said was "Oh." and walked off.

Sheesh <.< I don't know whether to feel complemented or insulted. But she sure was rude, and a little too into my business.

Spirit 12-10-2007 06:08 PM

Okay, I would have looked at her and said, "Just who the hell are you?"
She was very rude. It is none of her business. I wouldn't have explained anything to her like you did. You must be a lot nicer than me. :D

.o0O0O0o. 12-10-2007 06:12 PM

LoL... Yosei you're too nice!

Yosei 12-10-2007 06:13 PM

I don't pick confrontations in public. But yeah.. it was none of her business. She reminded me of my old neighbor. She used to always come up to my door and start screaming at me over the pettiest things, like letting my nephews play in my front yard. She once called the cops on me lol. That lady I did not hesitate to yell back at.

Pritcher 12-10-2007 06:16 PM

Yes, you're nicer than I. I'd have just pulled one of those mean faces that people tell me I make and told her to mind her own business.

Zwivix 12-10-2007 06:42 PM

Aww poor Yosei,

I agree you needed to tell that lady off. But maybe thats not your style...

Yosei 12-10-2007 06:44 PM

I was at the grocery store, buying bread o.O

Zwivix 12-10-2007 06:46 PM

Then hit her with the bread and push her on the floor. Then turn your niece away and beat her up.

Well thats what I would have done ^^

Yosei 12-10-2007 06:54 PM

Suuuure you would have.

Valentines 12-10-2007 06:58 PM

I would of done the nod and pretend to agree thing.

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