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Yosei 03-19-2008 02:18 AM

[Outspark] Maintenance 3/18
Haha! I beat Snakey!


Hello Fiesta Players,

There will be a maintenance tonight at 10pm (PDT) for Fiesta on all servers. Maintenance is expected to last for approximately 3 hours. Upon resuming service, Easter content and additional changes will be made.

Patch Notes
- Fixed World Map text bug
- Nina in Elderine now sells low grade materials
- Stone Capacity has increased
- Only 1 exp is rewarded upon killing a monster 30 levels higher than you
- EXP and Drop % increased in Battle Field and Dungeons
- Fixed Perfect Red Eye Description
- Fixed KQ Vendor bug
- Added status bar on loading screen
- Fixed Guild Lock bug
- Added shortcut key to Fiesta Store. "x".
- Fixed Party Matching button causing window to appear twice
- Fixed KQ window upon entering KQ
- Added Easter Package
- Added Easter Quest

Thank you for your patience.

Thank you,
-Outspark Staff

Hessah 03-19-2008 02:22 AM

Patch Notes
- Fixed World Map text bug
- Nina in Elderine now sells low grade materials YAY!
- Stone Capacity has increased YAY!
- Only 1 exp is rewarded upon killing a monster 30 levels higher than you YAY!
- EXP and Drop % increased in Battle Field and Dungeons YAY!
- Fixed Perfect Red Eye Description
- Fixed KQ Vendor bug there was a bug?
- Added status bar on loading screen nice
- Fixed Guild Lock bug about time
- Added shortcut key to Fiesta Store. "x".
- Fixed Party Matching button causing window to appear twice
- Fixed KQ window upon entering KQ wat's this?
- Added Easter Package YAY!
- Added Easter Quest YAY!

secbro20 03-19-2008 02:24 AM

Now I can no longer be lvled by Guildies X.x

Yosei 03-19-2008 02:28 AM

Byebye powerleveling =/ Unless the people powerleveling uses a different method.

Rawr :P 03-19-2008 02:29 AM

- Fixed Perfect Red Eye Description?

booyah8876 03-19-2008 02:29 AM


So... pretty much whenever I lose interest in Fiesta...

they go and do this... which makes me love Fiesta...


Loveless 03-19-2008 02:34 AM

Stone capacity! Now I won't have to travel back and forth just to get SP pots!! And increased exp in dungeons/battle field, woot!! I don't get the KQ vendor and window fixes but that's okay. :P I wonder what the Easter Package is like... :3

I guess the good thing about the Fiesta version is that there are a lot of holidays in North America. So more unique quests. I wonder what the reward will be... and hopefully it isn't as hard as Shutain's damn apples. I've only got 5 while using the drop boost card.

LOL, booyah, your love is back better than ever! Time for Battle Fielding. :3

Spirit 03-19-2008 02:40 AM

Yay!!!!! Sounds good.

NotMyWay 03-19-2008 02:44 AM

Whats KQ vendor bug, World Map text bug, and Fixed KQ window upon entering KQ?

"Added shortcut key to Fiesta Store". how subtle.

booyah8876 03-19-2008 03:11 AM


Originally Posted by Loveless (Post 109443)
Stone capacity! Now I won't have to travel back and forth just to get SP pots!! And increased exp in dungeons/battle field, woot!! I don't get the KQ vendor and window fixes but that's okay. :P I wonder what the Easter Package is like... :3

I guess the good thing about the Fiesta version is that there are a lot of holidays in North America. So more unique quests. I wonder what the reward will be... and hopefully it isn't as hard as Shutain's damn apples. I've only got 5 while using the drop boost card.

LOL, booyah, your love is back better than ever! Time for Battle Fielding. :3


Will the BG's be as good as BK?

If so...

I shall make permanent residency inside.

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