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Blaaaaaaaah 02-16-2008 10:18 AM

Screens of your char from other games!

Originally Posted by iDerrick (Post 91364)
Someone should make a thread about posting screenies of ourselves in all the previous or current games we've played. I'd do it, but I'm lazy.

Quote says all - I'll do it instead since he's too lazy!!

First game I've ever played would be.. RUNESCAPE!!! But, I don't have any screens of my char back then (because I was never a screenie person back then!! :eek:) so here's one from about.. 5 months ago. Posted it somewhere before on FF.

Next came iROSE, back when it was free to play. I loved that game. Played it with WillaE, Hessah, and HotN6c a lot. I also loved the senior set I had. I also had shiny angel wings to go with that, but I don't have a screen of it, because screenshot never worked for my and my computer was the crap back then.
Not to mention, the names show up like this for me:
No kidding. I couldn't see ANYONE'S name. AND, when sporty cars came into my screen, the graphics goes all glitchy and lags like hell. This prevented Hessah and WillaE from getting sporty cars when they're around me, LOL.

Next came Gunbound, I think. I don't think I have much screens from my first chars, or if I did, they're probably backed up somewhere else and I cbb to find them. Maybe later if I bother. So here's one from kinda recently... DYNAPOWER!!!

After Gunbound was FlyFF!! I had a few chars on this.

Main (getting plvled ftw!):

Acrobat nub!

FS assist nub (pwning Sno in Scissors Paper Rock)

Then I went and played on some private server for ROSE cos I missed it so much. But I never got far.

Next was FIESTAAA! But I'm sure you've all seen enough screens of that...

And then Seal Online with wackyboi and Dynamics! Posted this somewhere before.

Lunia~ Never got far with this, LOL. Dynamics getting pwned hereeeee while me and wacky watch from the dead.

And I think that's it. o: Can't remember if I left out any games. @.@"

I also just realised that all my screens have another FF member. o;

ANYWAYS! Your turnn! Post post pls.

a.L 02-16-2008 10:20 AM

I miss my little Sodium..

Here's my FlyFF main.

Hyper 02-16-2008 10:32 AM

I always knew these would come in handy...

This game was really glitchy.

Speaks for itself.

a.L 02-16-2008 10:39 AM

Me being glitched in the land, lol.

Loveless 02-16-2008 10:54 AM

Was never the screenshot person... so I have little to no screens of other games. I found this deep in my photobucket folder of an event I hosted a while back. :P

Then there were random games here and there... and now settled down in Fiesta. XD

Hessah 02-16-2008 10:55 AM

Kt u 4got halo and Dota and Audition

a.L 02-16-2008 11:14 AM

Ahhh Maple... I totally abused the facial expressions.

BuzZzKiLL 02-16-2008 12:01 PM

i just met a player named dynamics in bijou, lev 42 he was in wind cace or w/e

secbro20 02-16-2008 02:55 PM

This is when I had just hit 75 on my main on Flyff ( Stopped playing at 81)

iDerrick 02-16-2008 03:18 PM

Powercurve Birdie ftw!

Space Cowboy
You can see me in the background beside the mothership during my presidency (green name)

I spent over $2000 in this game in a span of 2 years

I dont have screenies of Gunbound, Ruff Rose, Granado Espada, Perfect World, or Cabal.

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