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falken 12-14-2007 12:22 PM

Characters are gone!!!!!!
I logged into Fiesta Friday,Dec14 @ 6:20A.M. to find that my characters were gone. I called a friend and had him log in. His characters are gone as well. Is the game under maintenance and the characters just arent showing up or what?? I have done nothing detremental to anyone on the game and neither has my friend.........?

Hessah 12-14-2007 12:24 PM

wat server r u on?

at the moment only Bijou is online to me.. and my characters are there

falken 12-14-2007 12:30 PM

Bijou is the only active one for me as well. Both me and my friend show no characters

Hessah 12-14-2007 12:31 PM

have u always been playing on Bijou?

falken 12-14-2007 12:32 PM

No we both normally play on Teva but i have logged in with Bijou b4

Hessah 12-14-2007 12:35 PM

if u're in Teva, your characters wont appear in Bijou...

If u've created characters in Bijou, they should be there...

but ur teva character wont appear in bijou

Blaaaaaaaah 12-14-2007 12:36 PM

Or, just wait it out until the maintenance is actually complete... it's probably a bit buggy at the moment.

falken 12-14-2007 12:39 PM

WHEW... but w8 i have signed onto Bijou b4 and my characters wur there. But as Blaaaaaaaaaaaah said its probly a bit bugy at the moment

Hessah 12-14-2007 12:39 PM

it couldnt hv been the same character as ur Teva one coz the 3 servers are not "linked"

but yeah.. might hv to wait

falken 12-14-2007 12:43 PM

ehh im confused on that as well. I signed into Bijou one day just for the heck of it to c if there wuz a difference. My characters wur there. <<<<The Force is stong w/ this one.

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