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snakz 07-05-2007 04:42 PM

Archer are damm strong
Right now in the game everyone believe that the full end cleric is the strongest char ingame.

some believe that the fighter will be the first to kill the cleric in a 1v1 pvp with the stun and the high weapon damage of their attack

some believe it will be the mage that will be the first to kill the cleric in a 1v1 pvp with it debuff and high magic damage skill

however when the place the archer and a cleric in a 1v1 pvp everyone say that it will be the cleric that win hands down(readed it on other post from this and other forum)

it really make me sad :( that so many people underestimate the power of the archer and happy as well. cause i can't wait to see their faces when it gonna be a archer to be one to that win the cleric most of the time( must remember no build is invincible can't win all the time)

i believe in that a right archer build will be the answer to winning the full end cleric. hopefully im on the right path now. :cool:

not offend to any cleric. it just that u guys are really strong right now and u are a target for most people. u should be happy:D .please still let me into ur party :p

Synelia 07-06-2007 05:15 AM

yeah the archers are looked down at because the stats don't work well for us (I think..) cause we need str but we need dex but we need all the stats but int really...basically...correct me if i'm wrong..i make my own build so i only do what i think is the right build..

But one day, I'm sure we get some awesome powers (I saw Funtrix usse a few archer moves that looked kick ass) that will prove people wrong about the archers!

+Tequila+ 07-06-2007 05:44 AM

Ok let me put out this fire before it really starts blazing:

Technically Clerics can be considered the strongest class simply cause of the ability to heal themselves an deal damage.Archer Vs. Full End Cleric in pvp...the Cleric will win simple as that. Why do i say this: Cleric defense will lower the Archers damage to about zilch. After that its jus a matter of dpsin the archer.Also with Stoneskin+End the Cleric will block a good majority of the Archers attacks.

If you were around a few days ago when Funtrix was making random guilds then you might know that we *Harlequin* warred him...his archer is lvl 65 my cleric was lvl 46 at the time and even with him spamming attacks and stacking Bleeding and Poison on me he couldnt kill me. Archers are'nt a high damage class they are spammers best used spamming D.O.T spells to annoy people you will never solo anything let alone a cleric with Archer..a Mage maybe, But a full End Cleric or a Fighter you've got no chance in hell of dropping them.

In response to speculation the first class to drop a cleric in pvp: More then likely a Fighter , Mages cool times are just to effy...and Ive already explained about Archers.

Blaaaaaaaah 07-06-2007 06:37 AM

snakz, I hope you are right, I'd love to be able to bring up a strong archer. Dx It just seems to be so hard.

Psylex 07-06-2007 10:29 AM

I'm sorry archers aren't really damn strong. I think I can see traps being useful in PVM though. But I'm curious to see how affective traps are in PvP when a real person simply avoids your traps most of the time. I wouldn't say that Archers are the weakest, because I don't know what lies in store for them when they are 60+ but the honest truth is if I go on all the facts I have now. I will claim that they are the least advantaged.

chinhchinh 07-06-2007 11:14 AM

Well, there's a power imbalance between Clerics and the rest of the classes due to the amount of skills available. In the 1st phase of CB, clerics were able to use most of the skills available to them, some skills of the other classes were unavailable to them, thus some classes weren't able to be used at their potential.

Synelia 07-06-2007 03:45 PM

perhaps the clerics are easiest to lvl, as all healers are, and they need their skills at an early lvl for the party system and such, I'm not sure. But if what teq says is true, I think there should seriously be something done with that, all the classes should be relatively equal at the same lvls. But archers fall behind quickly enough and can't do anything helpful in a party besides poisoning or bleeding a monster. Other than that it's only damage. We need something else >=o

Kitager 07-13-2007 02:32 PM


Originally Posted by Synelia
We need something else >=o

Agreed. I will be concentrating on my archer for this half of CB, and I hoping that they'll be on par with the other classes.

Skeith 07-13-2007 02:53 PM

Actually Archer's are quite strong! I have 3 skill that dmg. enemy for a certain time!
Poison 90-120dmg. poisons enemy for 14dmg. per seconds for 20sec
Bleed 120-150dmg. make enemy bleed for 18dmg. per seconds for 24sec
Curse 120-50dmg. curse enemy for 26dmg. per second for 26sec
Fury impact 400-500dmg.
Power shot 710-820dmg.
I can't remember the skill name! lol and there's another skill which target enemy in a circle 120-180dmg.

My Build is +10Str. +35Dex im using 2 +11Dex ring! and i have a high crit rate! lol

Kitager 07-14-2007 04:10 AM

^ I'll try your build. My archer is only lvl 14 right now, so I've still got a little bit o' time! lol

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