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Panda 10-20-2009 03:52 AM

American Gothic - PSC

Never knew that the two people in the painting was his dentist and secretary.. or aunt? Can't remeber what my Librarian said.
And that it was called American Gothic cause of the window.

Pandas Sharing Corner :cutielove:

Hraesvelg 10-20-2009 03:55 AM

Grant Wood used his sister as a model, if memory serves.

Panda 10-20-2009 03:59 AM

Yepyep, you're right Hrae.
-Just looked it up- That means one of the teachers and my librarian were wrong.

"the man's pitchfork symbolizing hard labor, and the flowers over the woman's right shoulder suggesting domesticity."
I like the symbolism in it... honestly never looked much at this picture but it makes sense and I acutally like it now.... I used to think. "Old farmers infront of a house..... bah" xP Mew. Though I find it sorta creepy still...

zephyr-aryn 12-20-2010 02:11 AM

Haha...we recently talked about that picture in art class. Apparently his dentist was a pretty fun guy and it was hard to get him to be serious for the picture because he cracked jokes too much.

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