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mios 12-15-2007 10:34 AM

people wanting for ruin for people/beeing selfish?
now that ive become lvl 17++ i can do the mara KQ, but so far, every single one of them ive done we have failed,(ive done 5-6) this is because either some dude(mage or archer) decides to drag mara or marlone, sometimes even both so we end up dead, and a few times ive seen clerics not careing of the players thats there, is this something that keep going up on higher KQ's too?:/ hope not, or have i just been really unlucky

Edit: yay finally one succeded:)

Hyper 12-15-2007 10:38 AM

I have no idea how dificult it is now.

Back when I could do them, it was all CB players, so I don't recall ever losing...

I would suggest going to Sea of Greed or Burning Hill instead of KQs. They don't give much EXP after 20 anyway.

Enraya 12-15-2007 10:41 AM

.___. lll

Every single one phailed? Are you sure?
There are some n00bs in Mara KQ, that's for sure, but not enough to make every single on fail. The rewards are cool if you get in a good party =D I know I've been in several KQs with awesome people.
But don't give up! Go to SoG or BH, like hyperswoss said, but don't give up on the KQs! You'll meet some nice people eventually. Don't freak out so much when someone says something rude, just ignore them =D
Hope you get in a good KQ!

mios 12-15-2007 10:44 AM

Yup every single one failed:/ been grinding on boar for sometime now, 2hit them(im lvl 19mage) and the spawn rate is good so i find it easy to lvl here, but hmm guess ive been really unlucky then:(

Enraya 12-15-2007 10:50 AM

Wow, boars at lvl 19? If you're close to lvl 20 then stay there, but if you're not you might want to go to SoG ^^" It'll be much more faster to lvl there ... go hit some elites and fighters =D

5-6 KQs for you failed ... WOW. That's just about all I can say.

mios 12-15-2007 10:51 AM


Originally Posted by lightningmystix (Post 58073)
Wow, boars at lvl 19? If you're close to lvl 20 then stay there, but if you're not you might want to go to SoG ^^" It'll be much more faster to lvl there ... go hit some elites and fighters =D

5-6 KQs for you failed ... WOW. That's just about all I can say.

ill be at boars till 20 then quest to get my new wep then ill go to new place^^

or if someone heres from apoline and wanna plvl me:$

Enraya 12-15-2007 10:57 AM

Hmm, be careful about plvling. You'll miss out a lot if you do that. Personally, if I were you, I wouldn't plvl, but that's ultimately up to your playing style.
If you get plvled constantly, all the friends you've made will fall back in level ... and you don't get the joy of just talking and dying (if you can call that joy >__<").

mios 12-15-2007 11:00 AM

hehe I know, only ment to 20-25:) not higher, because I like to play, but i wont do KQs i keep failing so isnt rly worth doing em for me:o

Yosei 12-15-2007 05:07 PM

I've won every single Mara that I've gone into on my alt. I was the main tank in all of them except 1 too ^o^ *had fun* I had some idiots do that before. I told everyone to rest and up comes some mage and down comes Marlone. Luckily I got out of my mushroom on time and taunted him @.@

Xylem 12-15-2007 10:26 PM

Yep, it's a fail if your KQ has no good tanker or healers.

And i agree on you saying that most clerics nowadays just don't care. See, I've been playing 3 cleric characters ever since I started the game. Then i decided to use my brother's mage (Since I LOVE big damage). After i used my brother's mage, I realised that I was a much better cleric than most others. Seriously, I made a post before about how I was cheap and not using potions whilst training. But in all of my Golden Hill KQs (Where we have to work together in a big rush), even the clerics in my party never healed me when my HP was well below 50%. i had to use all my stones and pots.

Then there are the clerics who doesn't want to heal and decides to fight - even though there were a lack of clerics in the KQ.

But yea, 5 times in a row is really unlucky.

jacquin 12-18-2007 01:14 PM

Although I havn't gotten past the Golden Hill levels yet, judging by that and other posts, I believe Mara is the most painful of the KQs in the "OMG so many losers!" wise.

King Slime allowed for ALOT of leway: there's little planning needed except for the King, and few pitfalls that could ruin the group. All you need to do is run up, kill everything and stay alive. If you were lazy, you just hang in the back and leech. If you have a strong, scrolled warrior, a good cleric, and..well, any 3rd person to pull monsters of the cleric (or some luck in that queen and co don't target said cleric) everyone else could be a backstabbing useless pansy and you'll win.

Mara's another story. Rush too fast and you die. Pull too much aggo, and the party dies. Pull 2 bosses, and the party dies. Can't hold aggro, and the party dies. Don't know which is real, and you've lost. Gold Hill isn't nearly as bad: just make sure the key doesn't go to an idiot and that someone can tank marlone (don't even need a tank for GH boss, since he has no party-killing AOE..just keep him in range of the attack and keep eveyrone attacking)

You NEED a half-decent party to survive Mara, and all it takes is one person to ruin it. It also starts just before the L20 point, when, I believe, most people who don't care about the game start to leave in mass, your build choices and skill start to really show, and those who rushed through L1-16 in 2 hours start to slow down and..oh look, a KQ.

Result: the scum of the earth having to work together in a VERY sensitive KQ.

Keep trying, though. There's still plenty of well working Mara KQs, and you'll find them. Till then, at least work on your sidequests.

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