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O-mie 12-07-2007 05:30 AM

Same Gender Marriages in MMOs

This is kind of a weird discussion, but important none the less, I suppose.

First of all, lets not start any flames. If somebody has a different opinion than you, don't start attacking them, lets keep this civil guys.

Alright, here goes.

In the game I am playing with Lilian, there's this thing where you can sort of "marry" a character, er rather, you become lovers, and by feeding the system these stone things, you can level up the bond and gain skills. So, we get the required stones and we're all, yay! Only to find out it says "Sorry, but same gender couples are not available yet."


So, I go to the official forums and make a post, asking if by yet, we will actually get them. The topic is almost immediatly locked, but not before another player posted links to similar topics (All which were locked) that had questions as innocent as mine. So I was curious as to why they were locked, and skimmed through them.

I was disgusted at how some people reacted to the idea of same-gender couples in a game. Comments like, "If you wanna go against nature, do it somewhere else, we don't need it in a game." "I can't believe people want this, if they allow it I'm quitting" "How could we as a society even allow this sort of thing to happen?" "If they put in same-gender lovers, there'd be a political and moral mess and it would give the game a terrible image."

I know some of them are obviously children, but age isn't an excuse for ignorance... I mean, who are they to try and deny people affections if they care about each other? Naturally they say, oh well just make a male and female pair, but why does it HAVE to be male and female, I mean heck i know a lot of guys who play girls and a lot of girls who play guys, just because its same-sex doesn't mean they are going to start cybering in the middle of town or something. Could be two friends, or sisters or brothers who just want those nice skills.

Apparently the asian version of the game has same-gender lovers implemented, yet people are making such a fuss about it in the NA version.

So, what are your thoughts on this?

Remember, try to be civil, no bashing/flaming etc.

Pritcher 12-07-2007 05:50 AM

Doesn't shock me at all that people act that way. The U.S is a nation of prudes and too many groups make such a huge stink over the "gay epidemic" :rolleyes:. Remember when they flipped out over that supposedly gay teletubby? How ridiculous was that? The game's publisher here is just taking the safe route.

Personally I think it's silly for anyone force their beliefs on others no matter what they are. No one should be able to tell anyone else how to live their life. I'm open minded to pretty much anything and I don't really care what other people do as long as they aren't hurting anyone.

viasta 12-07-2007 05:52 AM

same gender marriage, hmm :/, never had it in any games I played, but if you can do that, people should be able to do it on their free will, it's not like homosexual in against the game rule or something.

Esen 12-07-2007 06:04 AM

I personally see nothing wrong with it, but I'm not surprise by their reactions. Some people are more... closed minded on the subject. Not much you can do about them. :/ Some people are bothered by it but are more respectful yet still honest about their views. And some people are bothered by it and will just not listen to reason. There seems to be more of the latter.

As for those people who comment about quitting, it's not going to bother any one else in the game so I don't see why get so upset over it. It's more fair if the make marriage open to anybody. I think a lot of MMO marriages are between friends anyway, haha. Or in the case of MapleStory, complete strangers? I don't know, I just recall people looking for partners with NX. *shakes head*

Yosei 12-07-2007 06:18 AM

I think thats messed up that they won't allow same gender marriages.
Maybe they just said "yet", so people wouldn't throw a fit about it never being implemented. I hate how everyone says "love is blind". Well.. if it is, why do people make such a big deal about same gender couples. You can't use morals and religion as an excuse, not everyone has the same morals or religion, and its only a game.
Those comments sound like they're talking about pedophiles going around raping little kids.

Loveless 12-07-2007 06:20 AM

Though I don't sway that way myself I see nothing wrong with it. But as everyone else above me has mentioned, the reactions are not surprising. There are so many are homophobes it's ridiculous. If nature went a different route those same people would be like "Opposite-sex marriage is disgusting!"

But because the society is unable to accept it, it's best for the game developers to go with what the mass majority wants or accepts as "normal". Perhaps they should call it something else as with the game Asda... be it Soul Mates instead. :P

Zotius 12-07-2007 06:20 AM

I think people need to be more open about things... But still I haven't seen many MMOs with same-gender marriages. Esen raised up a good point though. Sometimes they are complete strangers.

Edit: Besides... If you wanna get married so much, just create an avatar the opposite gender of the one you want to marry.

Hyper 12-07-2007 06:28 AM

That's actually something I'll ask my Korean-question-answerer. It didn't even cross my mind until now. If you bug the GMs/CSRs now, you might see it in Fiesta.

The companies always have to be on the safe-side, though. There are many evangelical parents who monitor what their children do 24/7. Lawsuits = bad.

Ignorance is like the most annoying thing ever. -.-
What game was that?

Yosei 12-07-2007 08:08 AM

I don't think any parents would go as far as law suits for a little mmorpg, and if they did, they couldn't go very far. I think even a judge would think they're over-reacting.

Hessah 12-07-2007 09:20 AM

i cant believe in this day and age there are still so many ppl against same-esx marriage... though i know my parents are pretty closed mind on this subject... hopefully wat's seem to be "socially acceptable" will change in the next generation...

but i agree with Hyper's point of view... these companies would rather be safe than sorry... Not sure which Asian country you're referring to... but if its China, Companies > citizens, so I'm sure they're not worried (though i'm surprised that asians are more "opened minded" than Westeners)

Again... ppl talk about "morals" si that's like... saying same-sex couples are doing something "wrong"... well i really wanna hear wat's "wrong" with it... they give each other trust, love, support... all positive.. wat's "wrong"...? I really cant get into the mind of those people...

Hyper 12-07-2007 09:23 AM


Originally Posted by Yosei (Post 54267)
I don't think any parents would go as far as law suits for a little mmorpg, and if they did, they couldn't go very far. I think even a judge would think they're over-reacting.

With a lawyer like Peter Thompson, who knows? ;o

Some big parent groups get together when they get pissy at games, and it just seemed possible, knowing how against it some parents are.

*goes to bed*

Hessah 12-07-2007 09:25 AM

and the media... if the parents got on the the media side (which isnt hard)... they're gonna be quite a big force!!

yeah as Pritcher said... look at the teletubbies... its rediculous!

Hraesvelg 12-07-2007 09:56 AM

I think its funny that people complain about things not being "natural" when, in fact, there are quite a few documented cases of homosexual behaviour in animals in the wild.

Whereas, in nature, we're all using magic to kill dragons.

I could get into the reasons why a "gene" for homosexuality could arise and be evolutionarily stable, but it'd probably be over the heads of people who are wont to complain about it anyway. But, if anyone would like to discuss it further, I'm only a private message away.

Hessah 12-07-2007 10:07 AM

LOL!!! Hrae's response always makes me go "ah yesh exactly.. why cant other ppl think like that" haha

MaxOff 12-07-2007 12:35 PM


Originally Posted by Hraesvelg
I could get into the reasons why a "gene" for homosexuality could arise and be evolutionarily stable, but it'd probably be over the heads of people who are wont to complain about it anyway. But, if anyone would like to discuss it further, I'm only a private message away.

a gene that favors same gender sex? Such genes will die out very fast. I guess in my tongue i would call u a "Utopist" with a bit contempt in my tone, but i cant find a suitable translation :"utopian" is the direct translation but i don't know if it means the same.

anyway, i don't care if someone is gay or not. Same goes for marriage: Who ever wants to marry someone should do it.

On the other site: people who never have kids are a huge loss for genetic diversity and humanity. But such thinks doens't exist in mmorgs

Blaaaaaaaah 12-07-2007 12:41 PM


Originally Posted by MaxOff (Post 54321)
a gene that favors same gender sex? Such genes will die out very fast.

May I ask, why would you say that? D:

secbro20 12-07-2007 12:49 PM


Originally Posted by Blaaaaaaaah (Post 54326)
May I ask, why would you say that? D:

It makes sense from an evolutionary stand point. If someone were a homosexual, then they would not pass on their genes to the next generation, since they would not be with someone of the opposite sex. If the genes aren't passed on, then the gene would dissapear from the gene pool eventually.

Back on to the topic, I have no problem with the idea of same sex marriages. The worst part of this is that its just a game. Its not like they are forcing people to marry the same sex in game. Most people would still probably just do opposite sex marriages. But this was just in a game. Why should people care what fictional fantasy characters do in a fiction fantasy game?

.o0O0O0o. 12-07-2007 01:23 PM

In-game wouldn't mean much to me, since i'm a guy playing a girl. But i could see and understand the arguments one might have against it. IRL, is totally a different story. Where do we draw the line? Some siblings have strong emotions for each other. Aunt/uncle-nephew/niece relations? Check out "Oldboy", korean movie. Sure it's only a movie, but how real is it, in reality? Some pet owners have given millions to their pet, so that the pet would live a "good" life til it dies; yea that's another story but same parrallel.

O-mie 12-07-2007 03:37 PM

Its funny about the evangelical parents thing - because I remember seeig a news segment about th at evangelical priest dude who was really famous or something, turns out he's gay... lmfao

And yeah, its not like homosexuality is new...artifacts from ancient greece even show it was done that far back, by many. =o

Yosei 12-07-2007 04:19 PM

Its not like these games are extremely popular ^^;; Maybe if it were WoW or Everquest or one of those big ones.

.o0O0O0o. 12-07-2007 05:10 PM

There was a story about a gay/lesbian only guild in WoW, at one time. Twas like a year ago or so. I forget the details.
I'm not putting down homosexuals, if that's the way you swing, good for you. Everyone has the right to their beliefs, sexual orientation. I just think a marriage belong to a man and a woman. Marriage was made for procreation, and you can't procreate with the same sex... If someone wants their "relationship" to be "recognize" for legal purpose after death and whatnot, they should get some other type of legal document, which name i cannot think of right now...

Tadiakichi 12-07-2007 05:22 PM


Originally Posted by hyperswoss (Post 54282)
With a lawyer like Peter Thompson, who knows? ;o

He pried his head out from his ass ever since he got owned by the gaming community.

I don't approve of any online marriage in MMOs. I just think of it as an "insta-attention formula" the creators concocted to get a lot more money. This isn't true with all cases, of course, but in most I saw, some people ask random (semi-random) people to marry them. They don't do it out of "e-love" or whatever you call it, but they do it solely for the fact that they're doing something others can't do.

This argument is much intensified when you're gay/pretending to be gay. It's like breaking into your principals office to make an announcement to the whole school just to show you're a rebel. What better way to be different than be gay and be a rebel? People will abuse gay marriages when it comes out, so almost all MMOs tend not to implement such a controversial thing.

I fuckin' hate you 'tards who play with opposite genders. You guys are the reason why I am the paranoia-induced asshole you see today.

.o0O0O0o. 12-07-2007 05:41 PM

On the partnership power-up gaming, I think it's a pretty cool idea. You'd be more in-sync (damage-dealing), or heal your loved one better, or go beserk if your partner gets hurt or something. Neat idea.

Pritcher 12-07-2007 06:11 PM


Originally Posted by hyperswoss
With a lawyer like Peter Thompson, who knows? ;o


Originally Posted by Tadiakichi (Post 54410)
He pried his head out from his ass ever since he got owned by the gaming community.

Are y'all talking about Jack Thompson? I don't know a Peter Thompson, but that was flippin hilarious when Jack Thompson got his ass handed to him by the boys from Penny Arcade.

Anyway, yeah. People like that and the people that support him, there are some believe it or not, have the ability to blow things way out of proportion and turn silly little things into a media storm. Then it snowballs and concerned parents freak out, but they're generally misinformed and end up following some nut who spearheads some half-baked crusade to save everyone's soul or something and it's just all a bunch of BS that I hate to even acknowledge as news.

It's not too likely that a little import mmo would generate such a big fuss, but it just isn't worth the risk for these relatively small game publishers. If it did blow up into some big legal mess then they probably couldn't afford to fight the legal battles. At this point it's still just too controversial. It would take a giant in the industry like Blizzard to make the leap first, but they won't because even if they can afford it, they won't want to lose any money either, so people just gotta wait until it's all more socially acceptable.

rokaraged 12-07-2007 06:29 PM

I could probably never understand the urges to be homosexual....and probably never be it, but personally I really don't care over the topic of homosexuality or not. Its a rather sensitive subject but I perfer to be neutral over it as I feel conflicted But i hold no ill will to whoever is homosexual.

From what I see here though there are 2 sides to this issue,
1. Pro-homosexuality side that defines their marriage as their diserved right
2. Anti Homosexuality side that sees homosexual marriage as something completely immoral

I think these 2 sides really don't understand each other.
Heterosexuality has been the basis for much of the world since the start of man. There have been some pro-homosexual aspects of certain parts of communites in places such as Japan or greece but the world has been mostly majority Heterosexual....if not murderering the homosexuals like the Romans...

Now i'm not saying heterosexuality is evil or homosexuality is completely wrong but as history proves... old traditions and old rules die HARD as we can see the conflict today. The anit homosexuality side views homosexuality as an offense not only to thier own morality, but also agianst the traditions of their respective religion and culture. BUT for places such as America where there is a LARGE merger of varying cultures with varying views, the large conflict over this issue was inevitable.

This Is America with its own distinctive culture that was created off the influence of other cultures. But the problem is, from the old cultures came old religions, traditions, and feelings of morality that control us to this day. Even when there is scientific theories or discoveries of how people might have had no control over thier own sexuality, people will still follow thier traditions more. As we try to create a new America as a new generation we must sometimes forsake the past decisions or traditions.

Understand i'm not attacking older cultures, but stating the influence they have over this subject.

O-mie 12-07-2007 06:45 PM

It also depends what part of america you're talking about. I am from the west coast and have never felt that attitude from people, well I mean sure there are some cases with reilgious extremist folks or whatever, but besides that its a pretty generally accepted thing here. I know its obviously not going to be the case in like, the bible belt of america or something, but even so...~

Lilian 12-07-2007 06:51 PM

also, this topic has been steered offcourse by alot by now.

The point here is about a feature in a game. this feature is not even called marriage, it is establishing a relationship with another person. you can have three kinds: Friendship, Teacher/Pupil and Lovers.

When you go to the npc that explains the details about these relationships and how they affect the players, giving them benefits etc, nowhere is it implied that it should be male+female only.

So, it's NOT marriage. you can keep your precious ceremonies in your holy churches if that's what the fuss is about. It is about loving the other person, and the game is basically denying/ignoring the possibility of homosexual people existing.

You may say, "why do you care so much, it's only a game. make a male char if you want to marry a female." Well to that, I say back to you, why do YOU care so much about whether 2 female characters in a game are "lovers" as deemed by the game's own system.

rokaraged 12-07-2007 06:53 PM


Originally Posted by O-mie (Post 54430)

It also depends what part of america you're talking about. I am from the west coast and have never felt that attitude from people, well I mean sure there are some cases with reilgious extremist folks or whatever, but besides that its a pretty generally accepted thing here. I know its obviously not going to be the case in like, the bible belt of america or something, but even so...~

Good point, hence the varying different parts of america that have also been affected by varying cultures. (IE Hispanic in the south and california, Irish is the Midwest)
Hence America is so divided in many ways.

Kinda funny I recall an issue so fiercely debated like this that it led to the slaugther of 10% of all American males in the 19th century >.>;;;;;;;;;;;

O-mie 12-07-2007 06:53 PM

Well said

Meteo 12-07-2007 08:11 PM

• Stats based on "Friendship", "teacher & pupil" and "lover" relationships?
Very cool ideas, a creative way to spice up a game.

• Restricting these relationships based on gender? A very ignorant thing to do.

• This kind of thinking antiquated, parallel to an adult telling another adult "I hit you because I love you..."

Just my opinion, who knows.. :rolleyes:

MagesRequiem 12-07-2007 11:46 PM

What game was that? Anyways, i'm cool with same sex marriages but men playing women or vice versa, i'm completely against. The only reason people are against same sex marriages is because they're afraid of what they don't understand. So they come up with stupid shit that usually involves religion like "God hates fags and if they marry its spitting in Gods face!". You know? Stupid crud like that.

O-mie 12-08-2007 01:11 AM

I was talking about DOMO, actually XD

Jannekki 12-08-2007 01:33 AM

These days ppls plays male character even shes she irl and ppl plays female character even hes he.. theres no code actually them to make it public what so ever. :I Theres no need to code the game to make same sex marriage possible. If its actually done, i think its more of a problem than a good thing.. since theres not so many gays playing compared to heterosexuality.

MaxOff 12-08-2007 03:44 AM

from technical stand point, its harder to prevent same gender marriage, then allowing it, but not much.

Its also that people are forgetting what rpg(role playing game) means. It means we play a role that doesn't have to be ourself. So even if u are not gay at all, u could play a gay character of the opposite sex if u want, because its just a role and not u.

Hraesvelg 12-08-2007 05:37 AM


a gene that favors same gender sex? Such genes will die out very fast
Statistically speaking, an individual has the same chances of sharing a particular gene with a sibling* (I'm using gene in the sense of "bit of DNA that is the fundamental unit of heredity") as they are of their own offspring, both at 50%. It might benefit an individual, therefore, to develop a non-reproductive strategy, in order to care for siblings.

Granted, I'm not including homo sapiens in this, as consciousness throws a bit of a spanner into pure genetic determination. Then we get to talking about memes in association with genes and it gets even more complicated. I've truly making these statements in very broad terms. Reading more about the subject of will help you see why the "common sense" approach isn't always the correct one. Richard Dawkins is a good place to start, "The Selfish Gene" in particular.

*A sibling from a monogamous parental mating.

Enraya 12-08-2007 07:50 AM

Ahhhh~ DOMO

I'm not against same-gender marriages. I don't even see what's so fascinating about it. If you want to go "ooh, ahh, ew, it's homosexuality!" to every same-sex marriage out there, then why don't you go "ooh, ahh, ew, it's heterosexuality!" to every different-gender marriage out there?
It's just another part of life.
NA, in general, isn't as accepting of this idea because they don't have the tradition of marrying family members and same gender members etc.

When a girl plays a guy, or a guy plays a girl in online games and marry though, I'm a little disgusted. Not that I'm against it - I know that some people want to be of the opposite gender - but it's just not what I'm used to. I think that goes for same-sex marriages for some people.

Hraesvelg 12-08-2007 08:24 AM


NA, in general, isn't as accepting of this idea because they don't have the tradition of marrying family members and same gender members etc.
You're equating homosexuality with incest?

Lilian 12-08-2007 02:12 PM


Seems threads like these just shouldn't be made after all.

Lady-Loki 12-08-2007 04:23 PM

When you enter into these relationships, be it friendship / teacher-pupil / lovers, does this add any type of avatar or wording to the appearance of the characters involved? Or do the characters still look today the same as they did yesterday?

If they look the same then why do the game dev's care since no one would know this relationship was formed other than those involved in the relationship?

And, basically, if people are really pissed that these relationships are permitted or formed then I believe they have the right to not log in and just find another game. I would recommend Toontown for them.

Spirit 12-08-2007 04:51 PM

What are the benefits to being married in the game?
And I think that it is silly that it wont let the same gender character get married. If the bebefits are good enough, what if I wanted to marry someone just for the benfits. My best bet would be to marry Lady-Loki, since we are always on together and always play together. There is nothing between us, I mean, she is my mother. But, it would just make sense.
So again, what benefits are there to getting "married" in the game?

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