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asdarknessfalls13 12-04-2007 10:02 PM

as u can tell by my username i am kind of goth. that name does not offend me but a similar name does offend me this name is EMO (short for emotional) i am constanly bullied cuz i wear blacklike all the time. wat shuldi do ppl plzi need ur advice on wat 2 do.

Valentines 12-04-2007 10:03 PM


Ignore it.

You know who you are and if they don't like it they can fuck off.

A simple fact.

Pritcher 12-04-2007 10:07 PM

Go pastel.

Loveless 12-04-2007 10:15 PM


Originally Posted by Valentines (Post 52955)

Ignore it.

You know who you are and if they don't like it they can fuck off.

A simple fact.

Have to agree on that one. If you like being goth or just wear black then so be it. Some people are just too closed-minded to accept the fact that another person likes something else. The only thing bullies look for is attention, just don't give it to them and they'll eventually lose interst.

O-mie 12-04-2007 10:18 PM

Next time they bug you just act bored and say "That's nice...really? Cool. Fascinating." People who bug others for the way they dress really aren't worth the effort. x3

Tadiakichi 12-04-2007 10:38 PM

Emo is the new "gay": Just another term people use to get a conversation going that has little relevance with the word's actual meaning. Nothing wrong with being emo =/ 'cause everyone's a little emo in the inside.

Hyper 12-04-2007 10:41 PM

I'm not goth or emo, but I'd just ignore them. Or learn how to curse them out in a different language. Try Dutch.


Originally Posted by Tadiakichi (Post 52975)
Emo is the new "gay": Just another term people use to get a conversation going that has little relevance with the word's actual meaning. Nothing wrong with being emo =/ 'cause everyone's a little emo in the inside.



Hraesvelg 12-05-2007 12:05 AM

I used to be goth in high school before the "emo" crowd came along. Goth != emo. We weren't whiny people who complained about stuff. We liked black, we liked death metal, and we didn't give a damn what anyone else thought. The fact that you're complaining about it and seeking help on an internet forums makes me think that you might have caught a touch of the emo. Either ignore them or beat the crap out of them.

O-mie 12-05-2007 12:16 AM

Nothing wrong with being upset for being bullied, though....I mean what hrae said - I got bullied by a bunch of stupid preppy boys in 9th and 10th grade, but they stopped when I said to one, "Leave me alone or I'll kick you" and he didn't, so I turned and kicked him in the stomach. o_o They never bothered me again.

Valentines 12-05-2007 12:16 AM


Izanagi 12-05-2007 12:20 AM

Try a pasely pattern, maybe pastels as was mentioned, black is out, summer vibrance is all the rage now.

Spirit 12-05-2007 12:34 AM


Originally Posted by Izanagi (Post 52992)
Try a pasely pattern, maybe pastels as was mentioned, black is out, summer vibrance is all the rage now.

LMFAO - you still cease to amaze me.

viasta 12-05-2007 12:53 AM

if someone call you emo and call you names, go tell on the teacher or something to get them in trouble just for fun :D, i made up some lies to get ppl i hate in trouble :D, hahahahaha

Blaaaaaaaah 12-05-2007 02:27 AM

Annoys me when some people poke their nose into your business, especially when they don't know you well.

Just ignore them. They just want to piss you off, and if you do get pissed off, it's just giving them what they want.

O-mie 12-05-2007 02:40 AM


Originally Posted by Izanagi (Post 52992)
Try a pasely pattern, maybe pastels as was mentioned, black is out, summer vibrance is all the rage now.

*snort* xD Clearly the only remedy to this is an Argyle sweater!

viasta 12-05-2007 02:52 AM

or you can counter them but talking back to them and get them pissed, I do that good :D

Falzz 12-05-2007 02:55 AM

Don't let it get to you. Simple as that.

People call me emo all the time, never took offense to it. I either ignore them or come up with a witty comeback and walk away.

And if it really gets to you, throw a punch or two.

And never EVER tell a teacher, it will make things worse.

viasta 12-05-2007 02:56 AM


Originally Posted by Falzz (Post 53065)
Don't let it get to you. Simple as that.

People call me emo all the time, never took offense to it. I either ignore them or come up with a witty comeback and walk away.

And if it really gets to you, throw a punch or two.

And never EVER tell a teacher, it will make things worse.

I tell the teacher only to get them more pissed lol, if they do anything more, they could get in trouble, which means they are pretty much screwed for doing so much bad stuff and got in trouble

Zucchini 12-05-2007 03:24 AM

Normally i give them this =.= look and tell them to go to hell. Simple ;D

Tadiakichi 12-05-2007 03:30 AM


Originally Posted by Zucchini (Post 53076)
Normally i give them this =.= look and tell them to go to hell. Simple ;D

Really? I'm more of the c]: fan. But you know how they always take it the wrong way and think you're an emo with a tongue problem. But whatever, I just give them the =/ afterwards.

Rightclaw 12-05-2007 03:35 AM


Originally Posted by Zucchini (Post 53076)
Normally i give them this =.= look and tell them to go to hell. Simple ;D


Originally Posted by Tadiakichi (Post 53080)
Really? I'm more of the c]: fan. But you know how they always take it the wrong way and think you're an emo with a tongue problem. But whatever, I just give them the =/ afterwards.


viasta 12-05-2007 03:36 AM

or you can simply ignore them and pretend that those people aren't even there, they don't exist

Pritcher 12-05-2007 03:45 AM


Originally Posted by viasta (Post 53082)
or you can simply ignore them and pretend that those people aren't even there, they don't exist

What people?

viasta 12-05-2007 03:50 AM


Originally Posted by Pritcher (Post 53092)
What people?

ppl that calls ppl emo

Pritcher 12-05-2007 03:52 AM

...yeah, I was pretending they don't exist though.


viasta 12-05-2007 04:41 AM


PwnageCleric 12-05-2007 04:59 AM

wow i came back from long vacation w/o fiesta :P well yeah thought i'm not playing just checked the site, but yeah guys. I used to be emo, now umm, recently i've become kind of skinhead lol. not skinhead but still umm, FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT as marilyn manson would say i guess, atleast by listening to the 'fight song'. and it is right thing to do, if they call you emo, hit their teeth out n if they wanna avenge on you, be ready to FIGHT. try to hit as strong you can, and basically if you beat 1 guy at school none will call you an emo again for no reason and if they do. FIGHTTT !!!

O-mie 12-05-2007 05:17 AM

well that's lame. Violence is just destructive, can't make anything out of violence.

Hyper 12-05-2007 05:29 AM


If I actually was in that situation, I'd probably be like "What? Your mom's a crackwhore? Huh? OH, she's on crack, what?"
You know, act like you heard something else, even though it way be totally off topic. Basically anything having to do with their family, EXCEPT 'yo momma' jokes.

'Yo momma' jokes = insta-fail.

For life.

Tadiakichi 12-05-2007 05:33 AM


Originally Posted by hyperswoss (Post 53120)

If I actually was in that situation, I'd probably be like "What? Your mom's a crackwhore? Huh? OH, she's on crack, what?"
You know, act like you heard something else, even though it way be totally off topic. Basically anything having to do with their family EXCEPT 'yo momma' jokes.
Yo momma jokes = insta-fail.

So taking swings at their mothers does not constitute as a "Yo momma" joke as long as you don't say "Yo momma".

God bless America.

O-mie 12-05-2007 05:42 AM

*Moves to europe* LOL

Hyper 12-05-2007 06:05 AM


Originally Posted by Tadiakichi (Post 53121)
So taking swings at their mothers does not constitute as a "Yo momma" joke as long as you don't say "Yo momma".

God bless America.

Yes. IMO what I said =/= " Yo momma' so ugly, Michael Jackson wouldn't touch her." Oer that one about recycling toilet paper.

Gotta love America.

O-mie 12-05-2007 09:16 AM

Clearly michael jackson wouldn't touch a mother, goodness~

PwnageCleric 12-05-2007 12:53 PM

violence is an answer, dont belive those freaks(teachers.)
none cares if you say something or if you ignore, it's just some bullshit by some old nerds. Just think about it, it's easy to tease if they dont do anything back or if they just tell something back. thought it may lead to the wordfight but it doesnt harm anyone and lots of times the stronger attacks the weaker. umm think like those skinheaded bodyguards do, if some1 tells something about them/the people they're protecting, usually get a lesson that will remind of not bugging the person again for a long time. end of story, dont be taht emo that you forget about your body. most people think that emos have to wear long hair n be weak or w/e. actually you dont, and it's better if you dont. ^^

ps: i just want to make the world more violated because the world w/o violence would suck. thought yea, killing isn't the answer but...end of story.

ps2:I'm thinking of coming back to fiesta. So i need cash plox :) i have 13s of stuff i sold on my nub char or so. n lvl 30 stuff/skills cost a lot more than 13s. -_-

Fr0Z3nWind 12-05-2007 01:10 PM

violence doesnt solve anything, action does, go teach him a lesson xDDD
sry... that's wat my class always say

anyway i'm kinda of a emo-black clothes wearer
none my friends really say anything
just keep repeating to me
(insert my name here) dont stand there alone n emo, come join us
but usually i dont move till they drag me over ><

and my advice would be to ignore everything like i always do
pretend u never heard it
soon pple get pissed off at themselves for nothing being able to make u angry
1 warning though, u MUST show no emotion in your eyes

PwnageCleric 12-05-2007 03:06 PM

...well maybe you can ignore w/o being nerd but there's a 'heavy' in my class that sick to look at, like you do something or tell him to cut his hair off(he has huge curly hair, and the curls look just like shit by real)and he like just stares at you w/o 'emotions' but by real he's crying inside and he does look so geek which makes everyone tease him even more. and he fucking doesnt understand that having huge hair isnt cool, fucking he looks like a ugly girl. well long hair is kind of good if it aint too long n is straight n you actually have the body of a male or atleast face but he looks like a girl from every side n lately he 'refreshes' his eyes -_- damn looking at him makes mad because having geeks in your class is suckass, and he n some other geeks in my class always follow me all the time at school so they think that they're cool. this fucking pisses me off but i dont feel like wasting time on such cuntheads. -_-

asdarknessfalls13 12-05-2007 10:17 PM

o ppl thx here is wat i will do (in steps)

1) tell them all 2 burn in the fier pits of hell (woot)
2) ignore them
3)insult their mothers (if they have one)
4) tell a teacher2 piss em off
5) as a last resort beat the shit out of em (also woot)

Hessah 12-05-2007 11:00 PM


Originally Posted by asdarknessfalls13 (Post 53559)
o ppl thx here is wat i will do (in steps)

1) tell them all 2 burn in the fier pits of hell (woot)
2) ignore them
3)insult their mothers (if they have one)
4) tell a teacher2 piss em off
5) as a last resort beat the shit out of em (also woot)

LOL!! valid point...

O-mie 12-05-2007 11:03 PM

I love when people try to pull a "your mom" joke on me. I look them dead in the face, water my eyes up and say "My mom is dead.." And they go, OMG I'm SORRY And I go SUCKERRRRRRR

Hessah 12-05-2007 11:09 PM

keke i didnt mean it that their mum has passed away or wat.. but for them be bullying other ppl like that, i would think their relationship with their mum is pretty poor... (i'd expect someone close to their mum to be quite nice.. but that's a massive generalisation.. but i do believe mums help put a lot of good sense in u...)

i personally hate the yo mum jokes... they're low and meaningless.... IMO...

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