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Gobbledydook 08-16-2010 01:55 PM

How to be a good Party Member Guide
= Currently looking for more tips for archers and mages =

Super Edit. Now a lv70 DD fighter, I have seen a lot of what happens at 'higher' levels. So some edits :)

Contributions by:


Dear new Fiesta players,

Welcome to Fiesta. In Fiesta there are 4 classes, each of which has a different role in parties. I have seen too many inexperienced players, not actually understanding their role in the party, ruin other people's games. Remember, when you are soloing we don't care what you do, but when you team up with fellow players, we expect you to pull your weight.

First let me explain aggro. Aggro is how much a monster hates you. When you walk near a monster (usually monsters about lv20 or higher) it sees you, and doesn’t like you. So it tries to get at you. When someone attacks it he gets aggro depending on his damage. When clerics heal, they also get aggro depending on the amount they heal. The person with highest aggro gets attacked by the monster.

Basic Tips

Some basic tips. Watch your HP, especially if there isn’t a cleric or he is busying bashing stuff (bad) or healing someone else. Don’t die expecting heals! HP stones were created for a purpose. Don’t spam the chat, you’ll just get cursed and then blocked. And know your limits! So many people over-reach their abilities and die a sad death.

I will write about fighters and clerics more, because when they fail, they endanger others more easily, and I have seen too many fail fighters and clerics.


As a Fighter you could be either a tank, or a Damage Dealer (DD). A tank specializes on defense and a Damage Dealer specializes on attack. There are certain ‘solo builds’ that are a mixture of the two, but if that’s your case then both categories apply.


A tank means you'll be going to put skill points in mostly END. It turns you into a damage sponge. Therefore, in a party, you are going to take the hits.

Keep aggro (and your party alive)

You have 2 skills to ensure that the monsters aggro you: Snearing Kick and Mock. Snearing Kick is a targeted taunt that makes a monster attack you, and Mock is the area-of-effect (AoE) version. Mock is especially useful because you can do that around some monsters, especially those bothering your teammates, and attract them to you. Remember, get monsters off your party members' backs!

Pull Monsters Safely (it's faster that way)

You may also be the person to 'pull' the monsters, i.e. attract the monsters initially. Then you must remember: don't be greedy. Too many monsters not only kills you, it also kills your party afterwards. Also, remember to use Mock after you pull the monsters. Otherwise when your teammates start fighting them the monsters will forget you. This is what is called as losing aggro. It happens because mages and archers usually do more damage than fighters. The opposite is keeping or holding aggro, and Mock is your method to do that.

Another worthy move is Devastate. It is an AoE attack that hits and stuns everything in a semicircle in front of you. It does a lot of damage too, and is useful for keeping aggro. But mainly, you will be using mock and attack skills.


A DD means you will be dishing out damage. Fighters, although they cannot do as much damage as archers or mages, they have much more defense and HP and don’t die easily. That is why a fighter DD has its uses.

A DD can and should tank.

Usually a DD fighter will also be able to tank monsters easily. Just don’t take on too many at a time. I suggest, without enhanced armor or scrolls, to take on at most 3 monsters at a time. More and it becomes a stretch. So read the part about the tank for tanking.
Of course at higher levels you can't NOT pull more monsters otherwise your XP will be dead slow.

Careful of bosses!

When facing stronger monsters, like Kingdom Quest bosses or the likes, be careful. They may be able to 1 hit KO you with AoE attacks. The real fighter tanks should be keeping aggro, but it’s the AoE that hits most. So be extra careful. EDIT: Don't go close. Scroll up and get a buff.

Your Class is unique. So do what you are best at: heal.

As a Cleric in a party in all cases you will be healing, unless you get other directions. Clerics are the only type of character that can heal others. Since no-one else can do that, and anyone can attack, you should be the one healing them. Otherwise if no-one heals, the tank dies, and then the monsters hit and kill everyone else. Even if you revive them, it earns you insults and curses. And possibly a place in All the Rage.

Bosses can AoE and stun. So be careful when healing.

When healing during boss bashing, remember to stay away from the boss. Bosses have AoE skills and hit everyone around it a lot. It does a lot of damage even for a full END cleric like you. And then you'll have to heal yourself, and thus distract you from the mission of keeping the real tanker alive. So stay back, and resist the urge to join in and bash!

Only tank reluctantly, when no-one else can.

I must stress again that HEALING is your first priority. But there will be times when you’re the person with the most HP and Defense in your party, or even the Kingdom Quest. Then most reluctantly you will have to tank. I stress again, MOST reluctantly. Only do so if there are many other clerics around who know that THEY have to heal, or if there is no-one else who can face up to the enemy.

When tanking, keep healing yourself when you can. Remember, healing gets aggro, right? Then heal as much as possible, because your healing capacity far exceeds your attacking capacity.

Good etiquettes for clerics: revive and buff when you can. You're not a slave though.

Reviving is also one thing that only clerics can do. So be nice and revive someone who is kissing the floor. In a kingdom quest, revive clerics first. They can then use their revive skill to revive the others. Kind of like a chain. But don’t revive unless you’re safe. No-one wants another dead cleric to revive.

Another point is buffing. When you get to lv 47 you get the coveted Buff called Endure. It increases HP and SP of anyone. I guess you must have seen people ask ‘buff please’, or even did it yourself. Be nice but remember you're not a buff slave :)

But then, clerics get the most thanks of all the classes, if you do the job properly. So it’s not a thankless job. And clerics get into parties the easiest, exactly because they keep a whole party healthy.


Don't be overexcited and get killed by a mob.

Whew. As an archer, your use in the party is to deal damage. Use whatever attack has just cooled down. Learn how to use your AOE well. Poison and disease are very nice debuffs to have on enemies, especially bosses. Also remember, you as an archer are quite squishy. Bosses have surprisingly long-range AoE attacks than easily 1-hit kill you. So don't, I repeat, don't go too close! Stay just in range to shoot him.

Kiting: that's an advanced technique that works better at higher levels.

Kiting. That’s what an archer would do at higher levels. With hit-and-run spells, poison and disease to keep on the damage and the move that removes aggro, that’s what archers do best.

EDIT: I no longer suggest the Archer use kiting skills in a party against mass mobs, especially the lv51 Mist skill. If the archer has done too much damage, mock isn't going to be much use...In a party, let the fighter pull if planning to AOE. If fighting something which does 3000 damage, then archers should pull, 1 by 1. (yes, I'm talking about you, evil CC Zombie...)

Be careful of getting aggro before the fighter can keep it!

When in a party, the fighter is pulling monsters, please wait until the fighter uses mock or devastate before you start blasting them with AoE skills. Or'll have all of them on your tail. And to prevent pulling any monster at all, your targeted attacks should preferably be against the same monster the fighter is attacking. Otherwise, you risk attracting the monster's attention. If you can deal with it, fine, but if you can't, EDIT: BLAME THE FIGHTER. Fighters have enough AOE skills at higher levels to keep aggro if used wisely.

But in the end, soloing/plvling is where archers shine most. They can handle ridiculous mobs...


Use your AOE if you can, but stay alive.

The mage in a party does damage like the archers. Just one thing. You get Magic Burst at lv 20, but it’s a close-range move. If the fighter is keeping aggro against an army of monsters (happens when you are fighting quest monsters), get close and use the move. You have nothing to fear if the fighter does his job properly. If it’s a boss, and you don’t have full +9 enchanted gear, stay out of AoE range! Stay just close enough to use your long-range spells, and far enough to avoid getting hit by AoE.
EDIT: You get Fireball and Ice Burst, long range AOE moves, later on. Those skills are the god of AOE. Love them!

Be careful of getting aggro before the fighter can keep it!

When in a party, the fighter is pulling monsters, please wait until the fighter uses mock or devastate before you start blasting them with AoE skills. Or'll have all of them on your tail. Make sure you can take a hit or 2 too!

So, that’s about it, have a nice experience in the world of Fiesta!

Hessah 08-16-2010 11:37 PM

Great guide! I would colour the 3rd paragraph on Cleric, that's just sooooo important!!

I've got some combined points on archer & mage, see if you agree.. you've briefly mentioned one, but I think that's very important~

For archer & mage, I would emphasis for them to stay out of AOE range, the worst thing you could do is add unnecessary stress to the cleric to heal you when it can be avoided.

In a situation where the tank is being attacked by more than one mob, and you're a squishy archer & mage and cannot take much damage at all, make sure you attack the same mob that the fighter is tanking. Fighters are not good at keeping aggro for multiple mobs, so to avoid being attacked, you must look after yourself.

And if in AOE party, fighters are often the ones that goes and pull the mob, when they are back, make sure you give them a second to mock/devastate before casting all your AOE skills, to enable them to keep the mob under control better.

Mourning 08-17-2010 03:12 AM


Originally Posted by Gobbledydook (Post 421204)
= Currently looking for more tips for archers and mages =
It is all right not to buff, but whatever you do, don’t sell buffs! That WILL earn you curses.

So that's why everyone ignores me when I try to trade my buffs for hugs :cries:

I like that you admit that clerics can tank, and that there are points when they even should. However, I disagree with your statement that a full-end cleric would most likely get killed in a boss aoe. If that was true, they couldn't ever clank. A full end cleric of an appropriate lvl would survive, but they'd have to waste a heal on themselves that could better be used on someone else... like the tank or that squishy mage running around with spawn all over them. Or waste an hp stone or hp potion. Laziness is more cost-effective.

And that thing about mage aoes... definitely true! I still struggle with maintaining good aggro with a powerful mage and the aoe they get a lvl 20. I've learned to time my mocks and devs when I see stars sparkling all around the mobs, but I've noticed that that particular aoe has a rather shorter cooldown than mock and dev. So yeah... have caution when spamming the aoes.

Oh, and I've also learned from my time as a fighter that dev also hits mobs behind you. I don't know why that is, if that semi-circle you said moves so it doesn't just hit the mobs in front, but it does.

Hessah 08-17-2010 03:16 AM

I believe devestate isnt a full circle.. bit i think it's a little bit more than a semi circle.. prob 3/4 of a circle LOL

Sometimes you hit a mob behind you coz you or the mob is on the move, due to lag/movement sometimes it appears that you hit a mob behind you (or is really close to you..)

but fairly sure it doesn't do a full circle..

Gobbledydook 08-17-2010 03:43 AM

Regarding the point that clerics don't die 1-hit, I forgot about my experience as clanker. I guess you're right. But it is nasty...especially when the AoE comes with stun.

Thank you for all your advice, I have added your ideas and acknowledged them.

(how do I get something posted in Recommended guides?)

Hessah 08-17-2010 03:49 AM

When you think the guide is fairly well polished, and that you've got most/all of the information that you need..

then we could probably request for a mod to confirm that it's good to go to recommended, and they'll move it...

Gobbledydook 08-17-2010 03:53 AM

What else do you think is missing?

I still need more information from other people. After all I haven't been in the game as long as many others.

Hessah 08-17-2010 04:08 AM

Have a read on this:

What you've got is pretty good, except it may be a little bit too much of a "wall-of-text" for newbies that don't wanna read LOL

Something that people will skim read and still get the point..

I would probably add a heading to each tip you've got there.. for example:
  • Know your drawing aggro skills
    You have 2 skills to ensure that the monsters aggro you: Snearing Kick and Mock. Snearing Kick is a targeted taunt that makes a monster attack you, and Mock is the area-of-effect (AoE) version. Mock is especially useful because you can do that around some monsters, especially those bothering your teammates, and attract them to you. Remember, get monsters off your party members' backs!
  • Pulling mobs and using skills to keep aggro
    You may also be the person to 'pull' the monsters, i.e. attract the monsters initially. Then you must remember: don't be greedy. Too many monsters not only kills you, it also kills your party afterwards. Also, remember to use Mock after you pull the monsters. Otherwise when your teammates start fighting them the monsters will forget you. This is what is called as losing aggro. It happens because mages and archers usually do more damage than fighters. The opposite is keeping or holding aggro, and Mock is your method to do that.

Gobbledydook 08-17-2010 04:48 AM

How's this for a change?

Hessah 08-17-2010 05:02 AM

I LOL'd at "Don't be overexcited and get killed by a mob." A picture of a crazy hyper active archer randomly misting everywhere appeared in my head keke

Yup I think that looks pretty good.. might wait and see if Loveless has any comments on improvements...

Mourning 08-17-2010 05:48 PM


Originally Posted by Hessah (Post 421226)
I believe devestate isnt a full circle.. bit i think it's a little bit more than a semi circle.. prob 3/4 of a circle LOL

Sometimes you hit a mob behind you coz you or the mob is on the move, due to lag/movement sometimes it appears that you hit a mob behind you (or is really close to you..)

but fairly sure it doesn't do a full circle..

Yeah, I thought it was only mobs in front of you... But then if I have a gang of mobs in front and a gang of mobs behind, I can hit both sets of mobs. Not 100% of the time, of course, but then dev isn't 100% guaranteed. I don't know... one of the mysteries of fiesta? I'll just settle for being happy when it does hit =^.^=

Hessah 08-17-2010 11:28 PM

Hmm I might go test it on a few slimes then =D

Gobbledydook 08-18-2010 12:21 AM

Does anyone have anything...more constructive to add to the guide?

Gobbledydook 08-19-2010 12:54 AM

Tried out Devastate...the range seems pretty large. But those behind you really don't get hit...

Hessah 08-19-2010 01:39 AM

Thx for clarification ~

08-19-2010 08:00 AM

Fine for lower levels, I guess, but when you get to the 100s, you find that the majority of clerics are going Holy Knight, which is much more an offensive attacking player than a straight healer - I would say the ratio is 4/1 HK to Guardian on Teva from what I've seen. Most clerics around this level (lower 90s and up) have evolved into clanking and using the party heals to keep the members healthy while still attacking. Also, one of these party heals, Awaken, pulls enough aggro that I can keep the attention off of the fighters. Most fighters are going Gladiator, the DD fighter as opposed to the tanking Knight, so in a party at these levels, you are likely to find a HK doing the tanking while allowing the others to deal damage from everywhere. Full endurance clerics are rare, so not quite sure where that line came from, and I know I was never one hit or anything close to a one hit from any appropriate level boss (Helga doesn't count, she can one hit anybody below L100).

Gobbledydook 08-19-2010 10:15 AM the time you get to lv 100 you should have had enough experience to discard my guide and form your own conclusions...maybe even write a guide of your own.

Loveless 08-20-2010 09:38 AM

Moved to Final/Recommended Guides.

Ninianne 09-28-2010 05:43 AM

Well, i'm an expert on mages, but i'm a noob in any other classes, even when i'm starting to play a cleric (and is not that hard as the fisrst steps as a mage, but not easy tho). as a cleric i'm level 36 atm, and i've joinde robo once, what a hard kq, keep everyone alive is harder than what i tought, i only keep helaed my party, and couldnt heal anybody else, i dont know if that was because the kq or because i'm still too noob to heal everyone Q.Q

but well, as a mage (i'm level 94 as a mage) i can say:

for levels 1 ~ 20.

be carefull, clerics at those levels use to fight and not to heal, so just try to hit mobs 1 by 1, uf you get the aggro just run while atacking with electric bolt, and atack any monster with ice bolt as your 1st atack, that way you have a chance to get the enemie slower, so if he runs after you you can hit it one or two more times before it gets you >.<.

for level 20 ~ 60.

Do the same, and when you have a tanker use magic burst inside the enemie's circle. but only after warrior use mock, or you'll get like 5 ~ 6 mobs hitting you at the same time and you'll die in like 2 seconds lol.

for levels 60+

when you hit level enchanter you must buy nova, well, you have to empower its cooldown time, its a must, so you can always have a nova on the floor.

ok, and now, from level 60 to 67 you only will be able to use frost nova and magic burst as your aoe bombs, dont doubt in chain casting nova, do it everytime you can.

ok, at level 67+, when you get inferno, there is an important tip, your first atack should ALWAYS be frost nova, taking your distance, whoever be mobbing.

Some mages think that the aoe combo should start with magic burst, well, thats a stupid idea because as i said, if you get the aggro, you'll die in like 2 seconds, but if you use nova the mobs get slower, and if that nova is the first atack that hits the mob and you get the aggro, you'll have like 3 seconds, in that 3 seconds tanker can use mock, cleric can use invinsible on you, or you can run lol.

In dungeons like CC and DT where you can be killed even by a fly, never use inferno. Inferno and Magic burst will always make you win the aggro, if you only use nova in there you'll be ok, i know because i spamed those two places, and everytime i use inferno or magic burst i got atacked, not always killed because sometimes clerics and fighters did miracles to save me, and when i only used nova i was fine.

so the way to AoE mobs with a fighter in your party should be:
fighter + mage

1.- Someone mob (pull the nearest mobs), with a sc shop mover its the best way to do it; anyone can mob, even you.

2.- when the guy whos pulling the mobs quit his mover (another tip, when you quit your mover dont move, not even one step or you can lose all your monsters >.<), you should cast nova in front of him, if he's a fighter, you dont have to wait for him to use mock, remember that nova has a 2seconds casting time, so fighter has arround 5 seconds since he quit the mover until he uses mock to gain the aggro.

3.- use inferno, some people think that is better if you run and use MB, but inferno has also 2 seconds as casting time, so the difference will be like 1 hit, and also most of the mobs should die before you can use magic burst, in fact inferno only should hit them once or twice.

The way you AoE without a fighter in your party (you'll become the tanker) >.<. Cleric + mage

0.- scroll up >.<.

1.- Mob.

2.- cast nova in front of you.

4.- now do use Magic burst.

5.- cast inferno.

6.- Magic burst.

7.- Nova.

mobs should die before you use nova for the second time.

How to hunt with an archer:

well, this is hard, mage + archer are not that cool duo, but they can do it by 2 different ways:

a) just use follow on the archer and then spam magic blast to all the enemies you can target.

b) use an sc mover, and then run just in front to the archer and cast nova where the mobs are going to pass, next to that nova cast inferno, if they dont die summon your mover and do it again >.<. (remember, nova and inferno have a cast time, thats why is so hard to cast nova where the mobs are going to pass)

what else? well, another big tip is: never use life tap, is a waste of time, use a SP stone, it will recover 5x times the SP, with 1/3 the cool down, and clerics will love you :P.

akitamora 09-29-2010 04:59 AM

That, is a very well outlined guide to parties, before I saw it, I wasn't exactly sure how partying worked, so thank you for that.

ramenation 12-10-2010 02:32 AM

Great :P
Wow..XD You pretty much cover it all, although as some people already said, Devastate isn't a full circle. I think unless the monsters right behind you are extremely close to you, it wont hit them if its a 180 degree turn to them.

tltpanthers 12-10-2010 11:02 PM

Thanks for the great guide! It does have that paragraph on clerics that's soooooo important (quoting Hessah) ^-^ Nice job :]

Wizardcool11 12-11-2010 03:31 PM

great, I hope all fiesta players read this so when my cleric meets a fighter, the fighter stops asking, wats mock? (it really did happen)...

SakuraSweetStar 12-11-2010 03:36 PM

Nice guide,
it'll help when I decide to use my nub fighter sometime maybe. o;

Melde_Westbrook 12-13-2010 01:13 PM

very helpful, thank you :D

Gobbledydook 02-14-2011 11:49 AM

After quite some time, there still appears to be clerics who simply insist on tanking when the real tank needs heals.

Wizardcool11 02-23-2011 01:49 AM

i know... y cant they all be like me... i enjoy being a heal slave... many people actually commend me for it

Gobbledydook 02-28-2011 12:13 AM

Super Edited. I'm reaching the 10000 character limit. Hessah can you lend me your post?

7amood54 07-01-2012 04:52 PM

Nice guide i liked it so much you really made it clear and great i loved it you really helped :cutielove:

BloodThirstyKD 01-19-2015 05:53 PM

Thanks! Appreciate the guide! Its awesome seeing a cooperative party working together.

FaerieDoragon 02-28-2018 09:26 PM

Oh, this is a guide before the Tricksters were a thing; it brings so many nice memories from the 105 cap. Also, the whole "buff pls" things, oh God, I totally remember literally hunting down high level clerics because I couldn't tackle CC without having an overleveled buff. Thinking about it, the whole buff system was incredibly broken, but surely enough, it's something we all can relate to.

hanoirelax9999 06-13-2018 12:48 AM

Wow..XD You pretty much cover it all, although as some people already said, Devastate isn't a full circle. I think unless the monsters right behind you are extremely close to you, it wont hit them if its a 180 degree turn to them.

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