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Silent Wizard 04-29-2009 04:10 PM

First trip to Marsh Tears lev 90 Dungeon
Doylen made 90 last night and took a trip to the 90 dungeon. It was not a problem at all. Easier than GHS and much easier than TR. She took the boss four times (no drop), the last time unscrolled.

Sparkeh 04-29-2009 04:14 PM

Wow nice :3

What's the boss name? and mobs?...

Graaaaaaaaaaatz :3

Take a video about the new kq...and list us some mobs please. 8D

ZeroZone 04-29-2009 05:30 PM


Originally Posted by Silent Wizard (Post 329726)
Doylen made 90 last night and took a trip to the 90 dungeon. It was not a problem at all. Easier than GHS and much easier than TR. She took the boss four times (no drop), the last time unscrolled.

Easyier yes.... mobs spawn SUper slow.. th name is Tear Marsh :)...

The boss is pretty easy except when it uses its bite attack like 4 times in a row....

Then again it is easy if you have pots. I am A Archer can i only use stones I never use pots.

Sparkeh 04-29-2009 05:46 PM

You need charms or extenders?


Silent Wizard 04-29-2009 06:03 PM


Originally Posted by Sparky_96 (Post 329728)
Wow nice :3

What's the boss name? and mobs?...

Graaaaaaaaaaatz :3

Take a video about the new kq...and list us some mobs please. 8D

Dugeon Cayman Giant, I was in the lower left room and he spawned about every 8-11 min. In the couse of conversation with others I was told he only spawns in the lower rooms.

There really arn't any mobs unless you want them. While waiting, I would gather the whole room and take them out. I never saw a group oh more than three of anything anywhere except around the Dugeon Cayman Giant, he spawns with a mob.

I have not been kq yet. Im told it is like the slime kq and hard but a sucess is worth about 5% exp and mat drops.

See the wiki for monster list.

"Easyier yes.... mobs spawn SUper slow.. th name is Tear Marsh ..."

Thanks for the correction

"The boss is pretty easy except when it uses its bite attack like 4 times in a row.... Then again it is easy if you have pots. I am A Archer can i only use stones I never use pots."

You can only use stones? I make and carry t4 HP and t4 HP regens, real handy in a pinch and hard to buy/find.

8G for t5 HP recipe! May I ask where you found it?

Sparkeh 04-29-2009 06:15 PM

8x Abyss or Dungoen? o_o

Lucky drop? LOL

Wiki has listed mobs already x3

ZeroZone 04-29-2009 06:23 PM


Originally Posted by Silent Wizard (Post 329776)
I have not been kq yet. Im told it is like the slime kq and hard but a sucess is worth about 5% exp and mat drops.

8G for t5 HP recipe! May I ask where you found it?

The KQ... ending exp is 500k i believe .. THe mobs there are all Human Npcs The exp is ONLY good if you have a Exp boost care other wise it is crappy.
With a good party and exp card you will get about 4 or 5% bout time you finish the kq porvided you are in a good Group.

For those that havent did this kq yet...


and they all use skills we use.

I dont not recommend you pull a group of mages they WILL EAT YOU.

the fighter Deva so cleric stay away from them..

ANyway once you get to TOp

ther eis 1 mob... the boss...

To kill it Take all your mages/archer and Kite it until it is dead. When i say kite i dont men run in circles. Kite as in Run from the Top of the kq back to the bottem (it is the same map as Slime kq)

During you kiting it will Spawn mobs DO NOT KILL THESE MOBS UNTIL SHE IS DEAD..

Once you start killing mob BEWARE THEY ARE STRONGER THEN THE MOBS YOU FOUGHT SO FAR. i idvise you pull these mobs she spawn 1 or 2 at a time. PERIOD. or if you felling brave pull them all and i will laugh at you when i see you on TEVA.

that recipie i found in aybss.

I say ican only use stone cuz i am a poor *insert bad word here* so i can afford nothing.

Senyx The Soulless one 04-29-2009 06:51 PM

KQ's that use the King Slime map layout:
King Slime
Gold Hill
Giant Honeying
And apparently this NEW KQ.

Seeing some recycling, anyone?
I want creativity! Not the same 3 maps.
Except if they did a mara pirate redux.
I would totally own that shiz.

Sparkeh 04-29-2009 06:56 PM

NPC Mobs? o_o

ButBut...How's that possible?!

Spawning NPC's!?!?!?!?!?

Can anyone get a video please?

ZeroZone 04-29-2009 08:25 PM


Originally Posted by Sparky_96 (Post 329808)
NPC Mobs? o_o

ButBut...How's that possible?!

Spawning NPC's!?!?!?!?!?

Can anyone get a video please?

NPC mobs like the ??? in aybss... common man be smart not a retart

Yami 04-29-2009 09:27 PM


Originally Posted by Senyx The Soulless one (Post 329804)
KQ's that use the King Slime map layout:
King Slime
Gold Hill
Giant Honeying
And apparently this NEW KQ.

Seeing some recycling, anyone?
I want creativity! Not the same 3 maps.
Except if they did a mara pirate redux.
I would totally own that shiz.

Oooooooh that would be awesome. Mara is still my fav KQ. Thena again, I haven't even gotten past KKP yet sooooo I doubt I'll ever get to the new one XD

Andromeda 04-29-2009 09:56 PM


Originally Posted by Senyx The Soulless one (Post 329804)
KQ's that use the King Slime map layout:
King Slime
Gold Hill
Giant Honeying
And apparently this NEW KQ.

Seeing some recycling, anyone?
I want creativity! Not the same 3 maps.
Except if they did a mara pirate redux.
I would totally own that shiz.

You only noticed that now? xD

The only 2 KQs that haven't been recycled are Mara and Gordon KQ.

Sparkeh 04-30-2009 08:40 AM

MD didnt o_o

Ivramire 04-30-2009 09:24 AM

KKP = MD layout?

Edit: Ahh, no forgot.

Sparkeh 04-30-2009 09:40 AM

Not really, KKP is loonger than MD...and greener *-*

srabble031 04-30-2009 11:24 AM

A new kq just like the mara lay out would be nice

always found mara to be my fav kq next to MD but yeah >.>

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