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Hessah 10-11-2007 04:24 AM

Why game addict = no life?
Just a random idea struck me...

we've heard a lot about ppl calling each other that they have no life when one thinks the other is better than them in a game...
often a string of "you should go get a job, frd, gf, bf, out" follows...
I admit that i've labelled some pro as "no life" as well coz they seem to be playing 24/7

but... why??

just because they spend all their time playing something they enjoy.. why does that make them "no life"? what is life? isnt life about how to live it so u're happy? if they're happy gaming... why not?

gaming too much probably cause them health issues such as lack of vitamin D... but you dont called obesed ppl "no life" (or do u? XD)

wat's wrong with someone doing wat they like and enjoy?

Dynamics 10-11-2007 04:28 AM

They do have lives, and they're spending it doing what they enjoy. Leave the poor guys alone.

Hessah 10-11-2007 04:29 AM

oh hello dyna long time no see.. did u realise that i was talking about u? sry we'll leave u alone now after this post... =X keke jkjk

Dynamics 10-11-2007 04:31 AM

>.> Haven't gamed in a while lol. You got a bad habit off your sister of picking on me.

O-mie 10-11-2007 04:39 AM

Well I think people who grind 24 hours a day for several days straight are kind of.. >_> yeah. I mean if they like it, then fine, if they don't have anything else to do that's their thing. However, when they act like everybody else who isn't like them are nubs, then they suck. XD I enjoy gaming, but morely the people. I could spend hours online just goofing off in game with people, but grinding is a differentt hing. x.x

That's just my opinion though, I Do think people who grind and nothing else need more tot heir lives >_>

Hessah 10-11-2007 04:39 AM

i'm sorry.. its just that i hvnt seen u for too long... haha i added the jkjk there on purpose ><

i found my new frd to pick on anyway.. secbro... XD i shall try refrain from picking on u from now on.. (noticed i said TRY)

yeah i know playing 24/7 is wrong.. socially, mentally and probably emotionally and physically too.. but for a weird moment there i thought.. but they're just making themselves happy~

but yeah i guess life is also about exposure...

Yosei 10-11-2007 04:44 AM

Everyone has a life. Some do things productive and beneficial later on in life. Some do what they like.

I just dislike it when people are hyprocrites in the game.

Enrei 10-11-2007 04:56 AM

Well, people that game for too long is sort of weird though it makes them happy. But you shouldn't let a game take over your life and let your body suffer because of it. Games were made to entertain people in short doses, rather than play 24/7.

Blaaaaaaaah 10-11-2007 05:02 AM


Originally Posted by Dynamics (Post 26828)
>.> Haven't gamed in a while lol. You got a bad habit off your sister of picking on me.

Liiiiiiiiiesssss. -coughdotacough-

I remember in high school I get teased for playing online games a lot (I only knew one friend who would play online games with me, but she's into PC games rather than online games). Anyway, those people who tease me about playing games too much just annoys the hell out of me. I've said this before and I'll say it again to anyone who thinks playing games means that you have no life:

The amount of time I spend in front of my computer is the amount of time you spend in front of the television. GET OUT OF MY FACE PLEASE.

Well, no, I wasn't that rude to them, I'd usually just laugh if off. But seriously, games are just a form of entertainment. People sit in front of their tele all day, they don't move around much either, unless they have a habit of running around the house carrying the teevee with them. >_>" Just because their too stupid to operate a computer doesn't mean those who can doesn't have a life.

And c'mon, doing too much of one thing is never good for you. Everyone knows that!

Zotius 10-11-2007 05:04 AM

Well my two cents are what some of you have said, which is we have lives but we just spend most of it gaming. Like for me, my end-of-year hols are plain gaming. Except for my trainings that is but then again, my trainings are only on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. Mondays Wednesdays and Fridays I'm pretty much playing an MMO, reading a forum, or talking to friends on msn from 7am - 10/11pm/12/1/2/3am.

So yea bottom line: We have lives but we just spend most of it gaming.

Edit: Yea I've been called no-life and have called other people no-life. Maybe it's just an excuse that you're not as good as them in that aspect...

Hessah 10-11-2007 05:14 AM

@Blah.. HAHAHAHA sooo true! at least we use our brains! ppl watching TV doesnt even use it.. they just.. use their eyes... keke

Yosei 10-11-2007 05:32 AM

Thats what I tell my parents. They're like "Why don't you come out here and do something social and watch TV with us."
My reply: oh thats really social. Sitting in front of the TV, watching the idiots on CNN.

Being on Fiesta is more social sadly.

Hessah 10-11-2007 05:35 AM

yeah the thought of frds crossed my mind too..

i can connect to so many more frds (ie. u guys) at once being online and gaming.. but i think the problem is if this site ever disappear i'll lose all of u frds in 1 go...

but even in real life.. frds come and go... so many that's not a life or no life issue kekeke

Yosei 10-11-2007 05:38 AM

Sadly some of my oldest friends are people I met online. Thats why I hate quitting MMO's, you meet alot of awesome people.

Zotius 10-11-2007 05:43 AM

Yea being online with friends is soooo much more fun than stoning at home... And the forums are funny with you blah and the rest trying to take over gms...

Blaaaaaaaah 10-11-2007 05:45 AM


Originally Posted by Hessah (Post 26856)
but even in real life.. frds come and go... so many that's not a life or no life issue kekeke

I hate it when there are some people out there who over reacts when they lose a friend... "omgg you havent been online for a long time! Where have you been! We are going to lose contact and never talk to each other again!"

Chill man, chill... you dont lose friends just like that... besides, even if you do, its not like you seem to be close to them anyway. You dont need to necessarily "try very hard" to maintain a friendship. >___>" If youre close friends with them, then you dont need to talk to them everyday, you just naturally catch up with each other every now and then. D:

Yeah that was a bit off topic. Sudden rant that popped in my head.

Yosei 10-11-2007 06:10 AM


Originally Posted by Zotius (Post 26860)
Yea being online with friends is soooo much more fun than stoning at home... And the forums are funny with you blah and the rest trying to take over gms...

Lol, I'm glad we amuse you.

Loveless 10-11-2007 06:49 AM

It's kind of funny though... I've had some 13-14 year old tell me I've no life because I was "high leveled" and had cash items. All I have to say is, I have a full-time job and pay bills unlike you who beg for money from parents to play games. Or if one person sees me and then sees me in another place 5 hrs ago and tell me I have no life. Am I really the one with no life or is it you who knows exactly how long I've been on? Weird how things work. :)

Hessah 10-11-2007 07:00 AM

haha thats funny... i guess u can almost go back to them and say "dont tell me i dont have a life, you dont even know wat life is like for a start"

does it make u angry of being accused of hving no life? knowing very well u hv a better life than them? almost want to show them my paycheque and say.. "here.. look wat i've earnt while u were still sucking on ur thumb" (no well i'm not that old but they're immature was the point i want to get at)

Zotius 10-11-2007 07:07 AM

It doesn't make me angry when I'm accused of having no life. Why? Because I feel that the people are jealous that you are better than them, higher level than them and have more time to spend playing fiesta than them. Well that's my reason for calling other people no life. But... I get called no life a lot more times than me calling others no life. Especially, ESPECIALLY when I'm seen with my rubik's cube. It's like everywhere I go I get called a no lifer.

Loveless 10-11-2007 07:14 AM

It's not so much being said I've no life but more the immaturity of these people that gets on my nerves. I usually ignore them, laugh it off... whatever. Just little jealous people.

Besides, being high leveled isn't like you've no life. It's really how efficiently you spend that time playing that helps you get there faster. Having friends online and playing the game you like with people whom you enjoy being with will obviously get you where you want faster. These people who go around calling others such things are just wanting attention (positive or negative) because they're such buttholes that no wants to be their friend. :P

Hessah 10-11-2007 07:22 AM

rubik cubes... we saw on the HK news these ppl playing rubik cubes in an unbelievable speed.. ppl are solving that cube in 12sec, and finishing the cube blindfolded 0.o

they look impressive though...

Zotius 10-11-2007 07:28 AM

Lol yea I don't know how they solve it in 12 secs. My personal best was only 50 seconds and I'm already being called no-life. I wonder what kind of teasing those people go through... *Imagines scene*

Walks down a street.
"Hey look ain't that the guy who solved the cube in 12 secs?"
"Yea look at him... NO-LIFER"
"Hehe yea NO-LIFER"
Another random person sees you.
"OMG it's the SUPER NO-LIFER who does the cube in 12 secs! OMG OMG OMG!"


+Tequila+ 10-11-2007 07:36 AM

lol hehe im accused of havin no life alot^^ Mostly by people who fail pretty hxc at mmos. In reality I have a life ^^ an im pretty damn happy with it. I play mmos an spend alot of time playin them because they present a challenge to me. The Teq has no life comments in CB made me lawl. I mean I'm in college have a gorgeous gf, lots of friends sounds like the goodlife to me. If a person wants to spend money on cashshop does that make him/her have no life? No he/she is helpin to pay for the game that you * the person who is making the comment* are playing for free.

Loveless 10-11-2007 07:47 AM


Originally Posted by Zotius (Post 26907)
Lol yea I don't know how they solve it in 12 secs. My personal best was only 50 seconds and I'm already being called no-life. I wonder what kind of teasing those people go through... *Imagines scene*

Walks down a street.
"Hey look ain't that the guy who solved the cube in 12 secs?"
"Yea look at him... NO-LIFER"
"Hehe yea NO-LIFER"
Another random person sees you.
"OMG it's the SUPER NO-LIFER who does the cube in 12 secs! OMG OMG OMG!"


I've seen this too... some even solving it with their feet. I'd say they have talent. And for those sort of comments, again, is it them who have no life or is it you who know this that has no life? I mean you must've read/seen it somewhere to have known and point them out?

@Teq: I can only agree. :P

Blaaaaaaaah 10-11-2007 07:51 AM

In a way it's also the same as how we call those who study really hard and get top marks in everything the no-lifers.. xD "Omg that geek got another 100% in that test... he must have no life". I admit I joke abut that sometimes...

Zotius 10-11-2007 07:54 AM

Yea that was my class in the begining of the year. Most of them were called no lifers in one way or another. 1/3 of my class for studying too much and the rest of my class for playing too much and owning too much at games.

Loveless 10-11-2007 08:12 AM

Hey, if working really hard at one thing whether it be games or work gets them where they want to be in the future then so be it. :D

Zotius... your avatar... makes me... dizzy... @_@ But so cute can't look away...

Zotius 10-11-2007 08:29 AM

Yea it's sooo cool. Thanks Blah. Agreed. Especially if what we want to do is what we find enjoyable.

rokaraged 10-11-2007 11:49 AM

Its just a stereotype really....

If anything go blame Southpark and the World of warcraft episode.....

PwnageCleric 10-11-2007 12:33 PM

life sucks. but being dead is worse.
so no lifer means ? that you are alive but you have no life.
nvm. i dont get it even myself.
anyways which i just got is...pc gamers have life, computer life.
but i want to be a no lifer, because by real i dont want to live but same time i dont want to die neither.
it feels terrible, trust me :(

.o0O0O0o. 10-11-2007 12:41 PM

Everyone's got a life. And you live it as you choose. Wether or not, it has a purpose or meaning depends on the person who lives it. So, no... a game addict or person that likes gaming a lot doesn't equal no life.

PwnageCleric 10-11-2007 12:52 PM

ok this topic is again a weird 1 by real.
as we al got now those 'no-lifers' are 'computer lifers' [LOL ! !]

and i am still searching for what i am, in which none can help me :-/

104lbofinsanity 10-11-2007 03:00 PM

My life is made up of nothing but wastes of time. Videogames, watching anime, reading manga; anything that is labeled as 'a waste of time' is pretty much my enjoyment But if you enjoy it, then it really isn't a waste now is it. When people acuse others of having no life, it is because they think that what this person is doing is pointless, and is obviously boring, but only in that one persons eyes. As long as you like it, I say its okay.

Zotius 10-11-2007 03:06 PM

I don't think doing something that is pointless fits no lifer. Seems more like a person who does nothing but that one activity 24/7.

O-mie 10-11-2007 03:07 PM

Okay, lets put this into perspective here.

Doing things to have an "important life" is ridiculous unless you're enjoying yourself.


I have seen a lot of people who are addicted to games look past things that they would really enjoy so they could have more fun with their game. I have seen people only befriend people in games, get close to them, only to discard them when they switch to a new game. I've seen people give up their hard-earned friends for games, etc so on and so forth.

And sad to say, I've even seen a guy neglect a girl he liked who offered him something a guy would NEVERRR Turn down from a girl he liked *COUGH* to level up on WoW. Needless to say, he lost her that day =p (I'd have done the same, that's a big slap in the face right there)

You can still do things you love to do, like gaming or anime or whatever, and still have a life, so long as its spread out and not just focused on ONE or TWO things. That life, I imagine, would be very boring and worthless in the end. It produces nothing, therefore it amounts to almost nothing, unless its a form of inspiration or something.

I say, do what makes you happy, but don't disregard other things or new things that might make you just as happy for it. =o The world is full of surprises.

PwnageCleric 10-11-2007 03:09 PM

Nolifers ! ! ^^

O-mie 10-11-2007 03:23 PM

I think I've had people say I have no life before, because I'm not much of a "Social butterfly", meaning I don't go to parties or enjoy meeting random people in forced, awkward situations >_> I prefer to cozy up in my bedroom chatting online or drawing or working on personal projects =D~ So I guess I'm a hermit!

Zotius 10-11-2007 03:25 PM

I guess so... We ain't got a lot of parties over here in sg. Maybe even none at all for people my age... So I just like hiding in one corner of the room with my laptop and modem. Like what I'm doing now ^_^

O-mie 10-11-2007 03:27 PM

Where I grew up (Where I'm living now until June) nothing good went on and all my friends lived an hour away, so I would just curl up and play my N64 or Ps2 all day XD I was on dial-up, one hour a day so I wasn't online much D: I only got into online gaming when I Was 18 and moved out haha!

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