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Hyper 12-05-2007 05:49 AM

Uh... Yay?
lolwtf. Just now noticed that I can finally do Mini Dragon KQ! Seriously, just noticed.
Is it really harder than Robo? Is the number of successful KQs really less? D:
I'm not sure if I should be happy... But it is much better EXP, and WAY better rewards.


ThievingSix 12-05-2007 05:58 AM

Think of it this way, you usually win in the last seconds..

O-mie 12-05-2007 06:03 AM

I did it at level 48 lol I'll post a video of it soon. x3 Lots harder than robo~ But I only got like 5% >_>

Hyper 12-05-2007 06:09 AM


Originally Posted by O-mie (Post 53133)

I did it at level 48 lol I'll post a video of it soon. x3 Lots harder than robo~ But I only got like 5% >_>

Only? I think Robo gave about 1% at 45...

Yosei 12-05-2007 06:15 AM

Yeah, the balance of classes has to be right, and it has to have an dominantly experienced and organized group.

Hyper 12-05-2007 08:06 AM

Woo hoo! First Mini Dragon is a FAIL! :D

Almost half were Lv46 (including me), and there were a few crappy clerics. (How do you get that far and still not know how to efficiently heal/revive? I'm better on my cleic. >.>)

After a while I just stopped fighting. They refused to rev me. (Not verbally, they just didn't respond.)

Xylem 12-05-2007 10:31 AM

It sounds hard. But isn't the requirements for all the KQ's almost the same?

I've only done up to GH, but so far it's all the same to me. It'll be a fail if you don't have a good balance of fighters(including a good tanker), damage dealers and healers.

Yosei 12-05-2007 02:42 PM

Well, for this KQ, you REALLY need 2 higher levels as tanks who can survive the majority of the dragons attacks, 1 to do mob control(it spawns a lot of mobs), atleast 1 cleric per party, and 2 for the main tanks party, atleast 4 damage dealers. Bah, I'll just tell you what all we do.
1. We run for the first boss, wearbear king. We run past him and drag him to the next bosses area, so we don't have to kill our way through(the area is filled with monsters). We kill him.
2. Grave Robber boss dude spawns. You grab him and run him to the next bosses area. Repeat.
3. Same as above with Robo.
4. Same as 2, with Giant Goblin King.
They aren't as easy as the regulars. They're harder. And no, they don't drop anything lol. The only thing that makes this part hard is all the mobs around, theres alot of them. Theres procks, shreks, ratman, bats, and spiders, you can easily die. If you relog or DC before you get to the dragon, and the groups ahead, its best that you wait til they get to the dragon, cuz you will most likely not make it through alive.
When you get to the dragon, you don't rest or wait, you start killing asap. The tanks take the dragon to a corner and kill, taking turns tanking cuz theres fear, and well, they do die. The dragon does a number of attacks, fear, a bite, stomp, aoe stomp, and he blows fire, which is also an aoe that hits those directly in front of him. The clerics and damage dealers stand back, healing and killing, constantly having to watch out where the dragon moves to, and what attack hes doing. The dragon does an AoE stomp, so everyone has to run back so they don't get hit ( cuz of this, alot of people prefer everyone be level 51+). It does 1200 damage to me. So at level 58, if I don't have a buff, or if I'm not fully healed, I can die. Occasionally, the dragon will spawn some mobs. A tanks supposed to gather them and pull them out of the pit, the KQ becomes almost 10x harder if there isn't mob control, cuz everyones getting attacked, dying, and people aren't getting healed.
The dragon does between 3 to 5 regens, so thats why you need good DPS. Towards the end, he spawns a bunch of wearbears and shreks, but thats kind of every man for himself at that point, kinda like in Robo.
When hes dead, ores pop up. You can mine them and hope you find a ring ^^
I personally think its fun. Sounds hard, but once you've done one, you basically get it down.

toolrocket 12-05-2007 02:48 PM

Yosei, how do you like that workout suit? Is the tux better?

Zwivix 12-05-2007 02:49 PM

Here is a vid of some people from BousuRenkin doing the KQ. Hope you enjoy ^^

Xylem 12-05-2007 11:23 PM

Wow, it sounds almost impossible to do :P

By the way, when you say "grab" the bosses, do u mean drag them to the next boss, or killing them?

BTW revive is so dangerous :P You have to run up so close to the dragon.

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