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Yosei 09-13-2007 05:24 AM

What grinds your gears?
Okay, yes we all know we just love our ever so perfect game, Fiesta.

But what bugs you about or on the game.

What on Fiesta grinds your gears? ^o^ lol

Symphoni 09-13-2007 06:20 AM

my grinders.. xD

a.L 09-13-2007 06:41 AM

Those bots, and of course, general idiots.

Yosei 09-13-2007 06:56 AM

I know... why don't they just ban accounts or ISPs(if possible) that do that >_< They promote a dishonest way of gaming.

a.L 09-13-2007 07:05 AM


Originally Posted by Yosei (Post 19359)
I know... why don't they just ban accounts or ISPs(if possible) that do that >_< They promote a dishonest way of gaming.

I don't think just banning accounts is effective, have you noticed how the names of the bots change almost everyday?

They should make some sort of disconnection system, say if you spam the same thing on shout over and over, it disconnects you. (If possible)

Hessah 09-13-2007 07:10 AM


Originally Posted by wackyboi (Post 19364)
I don't think just banning accounts is effective, have you noticed how the names of the bots change almost everyday?

They should make some sort of disconnection system, say if you spam the same thing on shout over and over, it disconnects you. (If possible)

Yeah I noticed... in fact... I think there was 2 bots sitting in roumen promoting two different sites....

I guess if it wasnt a beta version, they'll probably do a bit more about banning those bots...

Yosei 09-13-2007 07:22 AM

I once got trained by a party running past me once. They weren't at risk of dying or anything.. but it killed me. They werent far from me at all, I could see them and click on them. I asked their cleric for a revive, but they completely ignored me. It was the least they could have done for killing me.

Hessah 09-13-2007 07:26 AM

HAHA ohh! that happened to me too! we were grinding happily when i saw a group of mob chasing after 1 person... at 1st i laughed going "haha look at that person being chased" then remembered that those mob could turn around for us! I was about to call out to my partner "RUN" but i think it was too late... we're as dead as corpse....

Yosei 09-13-2007 07:29 AM

I even asked politely. I ask if I could have a rev please. Then I begged politely, then when it gets down to 30 seconds I begged desperately.
I never demand a revive ^^;;

a.L 09-13-2007 07:51 AM

Idiots suck. D:

I hate people who beg for parties even after you say no. The more times you say no, the more Z's they add to "PLZ".

For example,
noob: PT?
me: No thanks.
noob: PLZ
me: No.
noob: PLZZZ
me: I already said no.
noob: PLZZZZZ????
me: /ignoremode

Blaaaaaaaah 09-13-2007 08:04 AM

1. wackyboi.
2. Dynamics.
3. wackyboi.
4. Dynamics.


Ok for real now.
1. The expensive items and skills really piss me off. One day I'd be like "YAY I MADE 4 SILVERS" and the next I'd be like "NOO I NEED ANOTHER 89374982374 SILVERS FOR MY NEW STUFF!"

2. Bots like everyone else has said.

3. Ksers. Especially when you're camping for kings. Like omg I wish they would implement the thing where you can't ks people, seriously. Got soooo frustrated in yesterday's raid with Dynanub and wacky. @.@" Stupid people...

4. People who try to "help" you when they think you need help but you don't. Seriously, I appreciate your help and all, but stop butting into my business. D:< If you really want to help, can't you ask like "need help?" to make sure or something? So many people do that these days it makes me wonder if they were really trying to help or not...

5. How I keep running out of space in my storage. Dx

6. The limited amount of slots we can use when vending things with our shrooms. Dx

Hmm yeah that's about it so far. I probably have more but can't think of any. Man it sounds like I hate the game but I don't. xD

KY_Jelly 09-13-2007 08:05 AM

people running trains into other people doesn't really bug me. i usually have the wherewithal to see them coming and start running too.

but sometimes its annoying. i was resting on the bridge at sea of greed today waiting for party members to rally so we could go kill mara. some level 6 archer walks by and i lol a little to myself. then he shoots an elite and starts running. the elite attacked me (still in my mushroom) and since i was already pretty low health because i had refrained from using any stones or pots, i died just like that.


i've been spamming it more and more lately.

O-mie 09-13-2007 09:31 AM

Things that grind my gears:

Wacky not putting out in bed :'[
Ksers who think they're "saving" you when they're really just making you into a weak tank D<
ppl whoo tlk liek diz n tink itz kewl
people who whisper you asking for monies
Those damn crazy australians who keep me awake at ungodly hours! (Jk I less than three you all <3)
People running mob trains (Though I know they can;t' help it sometimes)
People who act like the GMs are their "homies"
Trying to raise money for stupid skills T_T
People shouting "WHY WONT MY HORSE MOVE"

The Blue Viper 09-13-2007 01:30 PM

Say hello to my little list:

*Not being able to see other people's damage (except for bleed / poison / curse).
*Status effects last for 5 minutes. Wtf?
*My ingame windows aren't memorised so I have to adjusted them each time I log in (sucks for KQ).
*Having to completely exit Fiesta just to switch accounts.
*There are so many rude and thoughtless people in this game, and they all seem to get into KQs and ruin it for everyone else. For this I hate Gold Hill.
*You can only regen in your shroom.
*I keep accidentally pressing Q and E while walking and wasting stones.
*How much prices of everything rises when you reach L20. It's ridiculous.
*Not being able to afford said overpriced necessary items.
*No safe zones for upgrading.
*You have to seperate each stack of stones before you can use it to upgrade.
*Those damn bots.
*People who spam shout just to get an ugly useless title.
*Shops only have 5 slots and I'm guessing if you wanted more then you'll need to visit the CS when it comes out.
*I can only take 10 quests at a time.
*Not knowing what the ring of slots are for in my inventory. |:
*Having to run back 3-4 maps to my training spot if I die.
*That town scroll stacks and stones are 10 yet everything else is 50.
*The bank is too small, especially if you have more than one character on an account.
*Some of the NPC quest chats are too damn long. Skip button please.
*Everyone has a pet except me. ._.

I guess that's all for now.

Blaaaaaaaah 09-13-2007 01:34 PM


Originally Posted by The Blue Viper (Post 19415)
*Not knowing what the ring of slots are for in my inventory. |:

They're spaces for you cash shop things. Your shoulder pets also goes there as well. xD

The Blue Viper 09-13-2007 01:41 PM

Oh nice. Though I keep finding myself adding to my list. >.<

Blaaaaaaaah 09-13-2007 02:32 PM


Originally Posted by The Blue Viper (Post 19417)
Oh nice. Though I keep finding myself adding to my list. >.<

Yet you still love the game, right?

Lilly 09-13-2007 03:00 PM

1) KSing when you are on a quest and they get the credit, not you!!! This carries over into KQ (not the KS, but the not getting credit). I 've seriously run Mara Pirates 15 times and never been able to get credit for killing Mara. Marlone I got right away, Mara hates me. I think the party that does the most damage should get the credit (At LEAST, if not everyone in the KQ), not the ONE person- as I've been told it is. For the life of me I can't figure out a way to get the last hit out on her, it just doesn't work even though my MM spam is like every 1 sec *sigh*

2) Pretty much what everyone else says: People training mobs onto you. I hate finding a nice place to go afk for a couple minutes, then coming back to find myself dead. I don't blame those who run away from mobs as much as the bad decision to make aggro'd mobs able to aggro anyone around, even those who haven't attacked them when they are outside of their spawn zone.

^ This happens a LOT at the ports because ppl will run to the port to get away, having like 5 mobs trained onto them. Then the second they're gone they all hit anyone near the port. As a mage it's hard for me to stay alive when I have 5 things hitting me- health stones have a cooldown :(

Lilly 09-13-2007 03:04 PM

Oh yeah, 3) rezzing in a town instead of somewhere in the zone you are playing in.

Yosei 09-13-2007 05:59 PM

Okay I guess I'll write what grinds my gears now lol.

1. the merchant economy.
They definitely need a better transition. Just because we're a higher level, it doesn't mean we're making more money D: Infact, I'm making less cuz I party more and usually the tank loots everything. If I get anything, its either what people don't want, or they've set the allocation to sequencial. I'm almost lvl 27 and I still haven't bought my lvl 25 skills D:
2. Impatient and persistant people in parties.
The other day, we were killing marlone soldiers and fighters, but some kid needed archers. We told him we'd do archers after the fighters and soldiers since we were already there, and we needed less of them. The kid wouldn't shut up about the fact that he needed archers. "I still need archers" "Archers are over there" "Can we do archers now" "Lets go do archers then come back", argh, stfunoobkthxbaietc.
3. People who completely mooch off of the party.
They come into the party asking for help, and then they just up and leave one they've gotten what they need, and don't even bother helping you. I know they don't have to, but its the least they can do..
4. People who want the popular or celebrity title and add people just for the heck of it. I got my title the slow and honest way.
5. the bots lol
6. KSers, I was trying to help some people kill Mara, and there was a party there that showed up that just wanted to kill her for the heck of it. They were intentionally trying to KS us <.< When I told them thanks for KSing, they were like "No problem, anytime!" , then when we finally got her and killed her, they were like "Did they get her? Damn." Jerks.

KY_Jelly 09-13-2007 09:50 PM

lol, i grind a lot of people's gears.

1. i know guntrix and dschang from outside fiesta (they are in my clan in gunz) so i pretend we are best of friends, even tho i really almost never talk to them
2. every char i get first thing i do is spam friend invites till celeb then go into echo cave and spam shout till broadcaster
3. on cb2 when my cleric hit level 40 and i got bored with it, i made a habit of soloing mara just so the lower levels couldn't take her.

Yosei 09-14-2007 03:08 AM

And what is your purpose in doing all of this?


Hessah 09-14-2007 03:42 AM


Originally Posted by The Blue Viper (Post 19415)
Say hello to my little list:
*I keep accidentally pressing Q and E while walking and wasting stones.

Me too! so now i've reset my shortcut key to some weird hard to get keys (like Shift+5).... another thing i found useful is allocate one of ur stones to the ` key, that's the key to the left of ur 1, also above your tab key.

this ` key is so damn useful! easy to reach and doesnt get in the way of typing so u wont accidently use it

what grinds my gear? THE CHATTING SYSTEM... i kept talking to the wrong person... -.-

Triumph 09-14-2007 04:00 AM


Originally Posted by wackyboi (Post 19383)
Idiots suck. D:

I hate people who beg for parties even after you say no. The more times you say no, the more Z's they add to "PLZ".

For example,
noob: PT?
me: No thanks.
noob: PLZ
me: No.
noob: PLZZZ
me: I already said no.
noob: PLZZZZZ????
me: /ignoremode


*Grinding. Seriously. I despise grinding.

*Idiots who run around attracting like 50 monsters into a group and try to level by killing them all at once. It doesn't work and annoys others.

*Fags. No, not the cigarette or little boy servants. American English variation.

*Cheap asses that overprice their goods and try to scam newcomers. 200c for a copper lump? Zzz...

*Anyone who says or demands a "res" or "rez." Those do not exist. It's Revive, not Resurrection.

*Bots that spam advertisements for RMT sites.

Think that's about all for now.

Yosei 09-16-2007 06:03 PM

I was on my Apoline account, which is a 16(now 17) cleric. I was tanking the King Slime when one of my party members died. It wasn't my responsibility to heal him, since I was tanking and we had another cleric. But yeah.. I HATE it when people don't listen to what you're saying.

him: I need rez!
him: Betty, rez!
Me: o.O I can't
him: REZ!!
Me: I can't!! I'm not 20!
him: somebody rez!!
Me: thinking: dumbass

I can understand brain farts, I have my brain farts too, we all do. But that.. that was just idiotic. Especially since the KQ is levels 5-16.

That was the first time he had died. He would have came back. But he just lied there til the end.

Hessah 09-16-2007 11:43 PM

don't you hate it when people DEMAND you to heal and revive them?


Like come on.. you're asking for a favour... be nice and say thanks after!

Enrei 09-17-2007 12:27 AM

Bad Leaders, Bots, People that think they're better than the rest, Above-Average Illiterate people, People who beg, People that follow me for no apparent reason, Advertisements, Spam.

New one: When my wireless goes out and I was very close in obtaining the "Silent" title.

Yosei 09-17-2007 02:41 AM


Originally Posted by Hessah (Post 19618)
don't you hate it when people DEMAND you to heal and revive them?


Like come on.. you're asking for a favour... be nice and say thanks after!

Or when people ask for rez in the weirdest places. Like when people die near the moonlight tomb gate. They lie there asking for rez.. might as well just go back to Elderine and run back, its not that long of a run.

Adding another:

People who aren't clear to you...
I blatantly stated "28 mage looking for a party". A party invited me, and then was like "We thought you were a cleric. We need a cleric." So I was kind and left and ran back. Then I saw over shout, "Yosei come back". So I went back to them... then when I got there, "Sorry, we're full."
Make up your damn mind >_<

Enrei 09-17-2007 03:35 AM

Oh and the fact my sword just broke.

fullback 09-17-2007 03:41 AM

Same here.

Blaaaaaaaah 09-17-2007 06:48 AM

Kill stealing grinds my gears A LOT.

My sole reason to make an archer is to use nature protection on kill stealers. D:<

KY_Jelly 09-17-2007 09:24 PM

getting killed in guildwars while AFK.

i get back and i'm like "wtf, why am i out of my house?" then i look at notices "so and so has defeated you""so and so has defeated you""so and so has defeated you""supremacy has won the guild war"

oh well, i guess if you are so nub you have to attack the only online member of a guild while he is AFK to get any kill points, so be it.

KY_Jelly 09-18-2007 12:11 AM

everytime i try to use an HP or SP pot i get:

"unidentified error code occured: 1806"

you try soloing mobs 3 levels above you with just stones. its the opposite of fun.

Triumph 09-18-2007 03:30 AM


Originally Posted by KY_Jelly (Post 19814)
getting killed in guildwars while AFK.

i get back and i'm like "wtf, why am i out of my house?" then i look at notices "so and so has defeated you""so and so has defeated you""so and so has defeated you""supremacy has won the guild war"

oh well, i guess if you are so nub you have to attack the only online member of a guild while he is AFK to get any kill points, so be it.

Supremacy was ridiculously easy. But back on topic:

The level <20s that come into Collapsed Prison. This really pisses me off, they come in and try to leech our damn experience. Then we end up running around like idiots for about 5 minutes getting them killed.

Yosei 09-18-2007 03:43 AM


Originally Posted by Triumph (Post 19849)
Supremacy was ridiculously easy. But back on topic:

The level <20s that come into Collapsed Prison. This really pisses me off, they come in and try to leech our damn experience. Then we end up running around like idiots for about 5 minutes getting them killed.

I'm 29, and I went there, is that okay? ^^;;

Again... noobs. I met the most annoying noob today. If you were at CP anytime about.. 2 hours ago, you might have ran into him. He kept attacking our stuff, honestly admitting he was trying to KS us. He said it was because the stuff his level was too slow, and our stuff drops good stuff, so he would get more money from them. Then he started demanding that we invite him to our party. HE REFUSED TO LEAVE!!! And he wouldn't shut up about us helping him and giving him stuff >_< He was the most annoying person I have ever met on the game. It was the first time I was mean to someone on there, on purpose.

O-mie 09-18-2007 03:52 AM

I love when low levels try to leech my exp. Nature protection ftw, they die, and I gloat.

Hessah 09-18-2007 03:55 AM

yeah! u guys should've just get him killed... he deserves to die 10 times...

O-mie 09-18-2007 04:16 AM

>] I abuse it

Yosei 09-18-2007 04:45 AM


Originally Posted by Hessah (Post 19865)
yeah! u guys should've just get him killed... he deserves to die 10 times...

We tried.. while we were attacking, he'd start attacking, so after he was attacking for a bit, we'd gradually stop so that he was the only one attacking, and would hopefully aggro the monster. But he caught on. Then he went AFK and we thought about training him.. but we didn't want to risk getting others trained. So we took a poll, "Say aye if you want this noob to leave." We got a bunch of ayes lol.

Hessah 09-18-2007 05:36 AM


hmm i guess that midget noob doesnt do enough dmg for the mob to get aggro at it quick enough before he realise.... reading from another post (could it be urs?) that someone got sick of a noob ksing so they aggro a heap of mobs... run it up next to the noob and scroll to town... will that work?? keke

one day i'll get back at those annoying noobs... pretend to revive them (half cast the spell) then stop it so he doesnt get revive but thinking that he gets revived.... XD until the 2 min is up.. wont that piss them off!!!

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