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A_Forever 07-01-2011 11:54 PM

Stressed now :/
So, I have been in Florida since the afternoon of June 15th. Had fun in Orlando and errything (June 16th-June 18th). Ever since a week ago, I have been really home sick. I just want to be back in Michigan.

Now, on top of being lonely and homesick, I am stressed. Why? I was just looking at my bank account online and noticed that my funds were lower than they should be. I didn't freak out at first because I thought it was just because I bought my friend's bf a present (she is paying me back) for their one year anniversary. Then I kept looking at transactions and noticed I didn't recognize one. It said on the 17th of June I spent $54.63! No, I didn't. I was in Orlando at the time and didn't use my card for anything until the 18th and that transaction is show online for the correct amount, $23.

I wouldn't be stressed about this if it was as easy as going to a Chase branch around here and getting it all worked out.. except the card isn't in my name and nor is the account, really. My dad is my representative payee so it's all in his name. As of right now, I am guessing that when I go to the bank tomorrow, they are going to tell me I need my dad with me. As long as it stays $54 being spent, I won't be too stressed, but if someone did somehow get my credit card number this probably won't be the last of it.

I just want to be home in Michigan :(

Ralath 07-02-2011 12:58 AM

Does it tell you where the $54 was spent?

Yosei 07-02-2011 01:17 AM

Yeah should tell you when and where.

A_Forever 07-02-2011 02:42 AM

Just says Buggy World. No idea. I can't find like location or whatever. I'm guessing it was an online purchase. idk

A_Forever 07-02-2011 02:57 AM

Also, I meant to say that the purchase occurred on the 16th and went through on the 17th. I still didn't buy it. Lol. The 16th we drove to Orlando, arrived, went to universal and then checked into our hotel. Card never left my sight. blahhh

Ralath 07-02-2011 03:18 AM

I'd still call your bank and report it or ask about it. :/ This might be a small amount/small issue right now but it could easily turn into something larger.

A_Forever 07-02-2011 04:55 AM

Yeah. I'm going to a Chase branch up the road tomorrow. See what they have to say. If they say to call the hotline thingy, I will but my guess is still that I, myself, can't do much.

Yosei 07-02-2011 05:02 AM

You should definitely talk to your dad if thats the case. Just reassure him that the card NEVER left your side, hopefully he won't freak on you. But this is definitely something he'd want to know if its in his name.

A_Forever 07-02-2011 05:15 AM

I already emailed him and called his girlfriend's place. We have no net or phone at home so I have to wait until he goes to the coffee place to check his email or until he goes to his gf's tomorrow. He's already upset with me over my final grades that came in a few weeks ago.. this isn't going to help things aklsjdkljaskld

Off topic: My grades aren't bad. I needed 18.5 credits to be a senior. I have 20. I passed everything except the final semester of pre calc. I'm still ahead by a credit in maths. blahhh.. I dislike letter grades.. makes things seem worse than they are. I will still graduate :|

Yosei 07-02-2011 05:26 AM

They did the same to me and my friend in high school. On my report card, it'd say I was an 11th grader because I had to take an 11th grade history class that I somehow missed. And my friend's said she was a 10th grader because of other domino effects with English.

Senior year is essentially a filler year to complete your credits.

A_Forever 07-02-2011 05:34 AM

It's not like I plan on going to a uni right off the bat. Community college will do just fine for 2yrs.. I still need to figure things out :/

Sparkeh 07-02-2011 10:08 AM

You guys need credits to grad? :|

In here, just finish exams and walla :/

Yosei 07-03-2011 12:08 AM

Credits prove that we passed a class. But with each state it varies on whether you NEED to pass your state exams to pass.

Hraesvelg 07-03-2011 12:46 AM


Originally Posted by Sparkeh (Post 444432)
You guys need credits to grad? :|

In here, just finish exams and walla :/

I'm taking a stab in the dark and guessing French wasn't one of your courses.

Phantom Badger 07-03-2011 01:55 AM


Or you know.. What Hrae said..

Rightclaw 07-03-2011 11:53 AM


Originally Posted by Hraesvelg (Post 444443)
I'm taking a stab in the dark and guessing French wasn't one of your courses.


Ralath 07-03-2011 12:54 PM


Originally Posted by Hraesvelg (Post 444443)
I'm taking a stab in the dark and guessing French wasn't one of your courses.


Sparkeh 07-03-2011 03:01 PM


Originally Posted by Yosei (Post 444442)
Credits prove that we passed a class. But with each state it varies on whether you NEED to pass your state exams to pass.

Lmfao. We just sit and class and then at the end of the year, we take a final and you pass to your next grade.

Originally Posted by Hraesvelg (Post 444443)
I'm taking a stab in the dark and guessing French wasn't one of your courses.

We don't have foreign classes, It's english only.

Originally Posted by Phantom Badger (Post 444446)

Or you know.. What Hrae said..

I say it walla... D:

Hraesvelg 07-03-2011 03:57 PM


Originally Posted by Sparkeh (Post 444455)
Lmfao. We just sit and class and then at the end of the year, we take a final and you pass to your next grade.

We don't have foreign classes, It's english only.

I say it walla... D:

You can mispronounce however you like, but the word is spelled voilą (and I don't really expect anyone to use the accent). When communicating in text, spelling is important. It helps others understand what thought you're trying to convey. You might ask, "Well, obviously you understood what word I was trying to use?" While we did manage to suss it out, you looked like a complete dipshit for trying to defend your usage. I don't hold ignorance against someone (even thought I may make a crack about it), but I do hold unwillingness to learn.

Phantom Badger 07-03-2011 04:58 PM

ilu Hrae...

Sparkeh 07-03-2011 05:30 PM

I got pwned. D:

Ralath 07-03-2011 05:52 PM

I for one couldn't figure out what you meant, not even after Hrae posted, until Blahs explained it to me.

Sparkeh 07-03-2011 07:37 PM

Blame my english teachers.

Yosei 07-03-2011 07:48 PM

Well it really isn't an English word. It's french ^^;; and is obviously used in other languages. It's just another word that stretches across languages for expression.

It's a common mistake which is why learning about foreign languages can be helpful. You can learn the origins of the word and sometimes be able to identify where it came from just by the spelling and pronunciation of it. Or vice versa.

MikeyG 07-03-2011 07:52 PM


Originally Posted by Phantom Badger (Post 444466)
ilu Hrae...


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