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Spirit 03-11-2009 02:39 AM

Cash Shop annoyance
I normally do not rage at/towards Outspark. Because I know a lot of what they do within the game is controlled by outside sources.

However, they constantly tell us that they can and do have control over the cash shop. Therefore, I am really getting annoyed with Outspark.

They are treating Remi's as their freakin' gold-maker. If you want any of the cool new stuff - Sorry, you have to gamble with your money to get it.

I do not f'ing think so. You want my money Outspark, then do not make me gamble to get the cool new stuff. I work hard for my money and with the economy the way it is, trust me! I can find a better way to spend my damn money.

Put the damn new stuff in the actual shop - do not make people gamble to get it. Give us the option of buying it for "oh lets just say 3500Sparkcash or taking a chance and being able to grab a 3500SC outfit for Only 1500Sc". But please do not make it the only way to get your crap.


I am getting so fed up with that. I realize that the cash shop is one of their main sources of income/profit. But, it is to the point that I will not put anymore money on my account. I will use what is on there and I am done with it, unless they quit this stupid shit.

Hessah 03-11-2009 02:45 AM

Main source of income? Won't it be their ONLY source of income?

I thought their Remi's stuff appears in the cash shop after a little while... (like the nerd glasses and puppy ears)

but.. i dont like it that they put stupid stuff in Remi's too... 1500 for 10 fireworks? 1500 for some 30% extenders? (it doesn't even say how many there are.. i hope it was a stack of 10...)

i know you can get iron case and stuff but.. yeah its obviously rarer..

But yeah i've cut down on my spending coz... its no longer worth it...

I wonder if they're getting MORE and MORE nasty coz people are spending less... (like we only buy wat we need, and no one no longer buy 12 sets so it last them a year)

Spirit 03-11-2009 02:50 AM

They have other sources of funding. It is more legal stuff though. But, the cash shop is not their only source of funding.

But yeah, I used to buy multiple sets of outfits. But, now I only buy 1 and that is only if I really like it. It is simply not worth it anymore. And I definitely do not want to take a chance with my money in Remi's.

I could understand and accept it, if they put new items in both places. But, making stuff exclusively Remi's only, it just a bad business decision. Yes, there are some that will go spend all of their daddy's money spinning away at Remi's. But, those are also the players that are only around for a few months then they are off to the next hottest MMO game.

Outspark needs to also cater to their long-term, real players.

Loveless 03-11-2009 02:55 AM

Heh, I'm with you there.

I've only played Remi's once or twice... maybe three. But that's about it... it's 'cheaper' to just get something from the actual Cash Shop.

Triumph 03-11-2009 03:42 AM

Do keep in mind that Outspark teams have one of the more aggressive CEO's out there. I think she wanted to charging usage fees for some Yahoo! games, and that it got shot down quickly.

It is perfectly legal for them to weight the yield toward lower value items. They put the higher value items in there as an enticement, but you have to gamble extensively to get them.

There has been a reduction of players in Fiesta, I think. The refusal by Outspark to adopt what KFiesta, JPFiesta, and CNFiesta have long adopted has long hurt them in the long run. If you really want to take an example, look at Ether Saga and Perfect World, run by a Chinese company. Basically every item is permanent there. Granted, the mounts are around $15, and maximum storage expansion will cost about $180, but they are permanent. Mounts do not need rations either.

It's funny though. Sucky economy and they bump prices up?

EdwardWarlock 03-11-2009 04:07 AM

Man I feel what everybody is saying on this topic. I have cut my spending down as well. The outfits need more bonus stats besides critical, and some of the outfits are so fugly that I wouldn't dare strut around Uruga with them on. I tired Remi's Rare Finds once, hated it, and now I just wait for the items to become available.

A lot of the permanent items suck to me too. Outside of marriage stat boost and the backpack inventory expansion and mounts, nothing to me and worth the cash in the long run. And the mounts suck too, because you have to buy food with real money and they are nowhere to be found in the actual game. So if you use your mount too much, you may have to keep cash in your account to compensate, so I use my special mount when I have to reach someone dying or getting their ass kicked in a major way, or running from something I have no business trying to fight.

As far as my normal cash spending, I realized that the 20% difference in 30/50% extenders was not that great, so I only buy the 30% and use them when needed. The DEF charm, is okay, but it doesn't really make a big difference on a mage like myself, so I just +9 my gear. Nothing else in the shop really grabs me, except the enhancement stones when I need them. I used to buy the packs, but some of the items really don't help too much and they don't last that long. Every now and then I buy a BoT and a 50% EXP Boost card when I can afford it. The shop items suck overall, so I only buy the helpful items, which come relatively cheap.

Hessah 03-11-2009 04:14 AM

Yeah enhancement are SOOOOOOO expensive now... (well it's always been expensive) not to mention i think gold nines are a rip off...

Remis use to be alright, I played several times on it, i got a heap of tux/dress (which was the same price as remis game) then i got some mounts and jap pack...

but the last time i played i got some 7 days stat-less costume and 10 fireworks (i'm still fed up with that) and i was thinking... wth did i just spend my money on!

I think that its OK for them to put some unique items in Remis to make it mroe attractive (the flying horse was always a remi's reward), but to put more junk in there... gets me annoyed...

Loveless 03-11-2009 04:20 AM

They should have things that are worth the 1500 no matter what... +/- maybe 200 SC.

EdwardWarlock 03-11-2009 04:25 AM


Originally Posted by Hessah (Post 305664)
Yeah enhancement are SOOOOOOO expensive now... (well it's always been expensive) not to mention i think gold nines are a rip off...

Remis use to be alright, I played several times on it, i got a heap of tux/dress (which was the same price as remis game) then i got some mounts and jap pack...

but the last time i played i got some 7 days stat-less costume and 10 fireworks (i'm still fed up with that) and i was thinking... wth did i just spend my money on!

I think that its OK for them to put some unique items in Remis to make it mroe attractive (the flying horse was always a remi's reward), but to put more junk in there... gets me annoyed...

Gold Nines ARE a ripoff....For that kind of spending it should be at least 50% not 15%....I just use blessed stones in the place of it. In the rare case that I do need extra criticals, I buy a tux. My favorite was the nightmare outfit, but to me I did about the same damage minus the extra spending.

IDK, to me it's so crappy in there that I just buy things that actually help me versus looking pretty, because it costs too much! I also think they should make alternate items for male and females, because I laugh at every male player I see with those gay ass butterfly wings....Can we get a cape or a hoodie OutSpark?!

Yosei 03-11-2009 04:58 AM

Yeah Remi's Rare Finds annoys me. I've done it once.

I've really wanted an Alice in Wonderland costume since I saw it on a Japanese site, and then once they release it... it's only available via Remi's Rare Finds <.<

Hraesvelg 03-11-2009 05:00 AM


Originally Posted by Triumph (Post 305647)
Do keep in mind that Outspark teams have one of the more aggressive CEO's out there. I think she wanted to charging usage fees for some Yahoo! games, and that it got shot down quickly.

It is perfectly legal for them to weight the yield toward lower value items. They put the higher value items in there as an enticement, but you have to gamble extensively to get them.

There has been a reduction of players in Fiesta, I think. The refusal by Outspark to adopt what KFiesta, JPFiesta, and CNFiesta have long adopted has long hurt them in the long run. If you really want to take an example, look at Ether Saga and Perfect World, run by a Chinese company. Basically every item is permanent there. Granted, the mounts are around $15, and maximum storage expansion will cost about $180, but they are permanent. Mounts do not need rations either.

It's funny though. Sucky economy and they bump prices up?

Any idea if the EtherBucks are going to be a $1=1EB ratio? Because while I do like the mount I got with my EBs for CB, I don't think it'd be worth spending $15 on. Although being able to fight from a mount is a nice touch. Hmm.

Yosei 03-11-2009 05:02 AM

I know with PW $1=1g(CS money)=100k in-game money

1 gold CS money was pretty decent. A costume was about 5g.

But yeah ^^;; don't wanna go off topic. So I'll be quiet now.

Mindspank 03-11-2009 05:09 AM

*shakes the dust off*

Whew first post in a while. Anyways.

I NEVER pay for remis. The reason why is that if you live int he united states, you can purchase SC cards at target. Thing is that with the ten dollar cards, you get one remi play. Twenty five dollar cards yield three plays. and all for free. If you live outside of the US, but have a friend you trust in the us, you could have them buy a card, give you the info and you pay them back some other way (like paypal or something) if your really jonsing for SC AND a remis play.

I got 2 pages of absolutely WORTHLESS crap from remis because I didnt know about the free plays untill I had like 21 free plays. (I usually get the 25 dollar cards)

I usually horde my SC and save it incase something cool comes out/PvP insurance (charms/pots/extenders)

Hessah 03-11-2009 05:13 AM

Do you know whether the charms and extenders in Remi are in stacks of 10?

The description doesnt say.... but.. someone who has got it might know..?

(I've always given them back as credit)

Mindspank 03-11-2009 08:26 AM

As far as the charms, I couldnt tell you. but I did win an extender +50. Was for 24hrs

xDario 03-11-2009 08:44 AM

Remis common finds are outsparks main way of getting money. If they keep pumping the new things in there, ofc the "rich" kiddos will keep gambling. It would be smart to wait for them to come out in the main sho, but when that happens, there is new stuff in RRF, so the item beocme "out of date".

Imo, they can have a few good things only available in RRF and keep it that way - Dont keep exclusivly adding things in there.

Comparing RRF to LB (gamigo) - one game on OS is 1500. LB costs 1200 (and also, 1$ = More SC on gamigo than on OS).
The only exclusive items i know are a pegasus, and some charm (One or a stack of 10 - you can find both)
5 credits = 1 free game, and last time i played it i got quite a nice range of items. That was back then and in the past few weeks they have lowerd the chance of items worth less than 1500 and added new items (that can be found in the normal CS).

Kure_Neko_Chan 03-11-2009 10:29 AM

Petition >:d
I know what you mean:cries: I really want tem puppy ears~
I am starting to hate Outspark's cash shop!!!! :hulksmash:
Maybe we should post a petition on the outspark forums? :uhoh:
That'll definately show them that we want changes NOW! :laugh:
Think this is a good idea? :cutielove:
Keep this thread open and keep us all notified if you do happen to make one on outspark forums I'd definately help by telling people IG to sign it :zomg:

I shall check this thread again when I get home! :cutielove: Be sure to tell me if this is A good idea, coz I think it ish :devil:

Lets put an end to there... DEMON like ways? :urweird::cries: ignore meh xD

But seriously LETS MAKE A PETITION! :cutielove::nahnah:

xDario 03-11-2009 11:27 AM


Originally Posted by Kure_Neko_Chan (Post 305804)
I know what you mean:cries: I really want tem puppy ears~
I am starting to hate Outspark's cash shop!!!! :hulksmash:
Maybe we should post a petition on the outspark forums? :uhoh:
That'll definately show them that we want changes NOW! :laugh:
Think this is a good idea? :cutielove:
Keep this thread open and keep us all notified if you do happen to make one on outspark forums I'd definately help by telling people IG to sign it :zomg:

I shall check this thread again when I get home! :cutielove: Be sure to tell me if this is A good idea, coz I think it ish :devil:

Lets put an end to there... DEMON like ways? :urweird::cries: ignore meh xD

But seriously LETS MAKE A PETITION! :cutielove::nahnah:

No point for me to sign since i quit OS in the summer. Gamigo is sooo muich better ;___;.
But ill sign anyway, just for you <3.

Triumph 03-11-2009 12:46 PM


Originally Posted by Hraesvelg (Post 305722)
Any idea if the EtherBucks are going to be a $1=1EB ratio? Because while I do like the mount I got with my EBs for CB, I don't think it'd be worth spending $15 on. Although being able to fight from a mount is a nice touch. Hmm.

It appears the exchange rate will be that, yeah.

$1 = 1EB = 1g ESO

I'd buy the wings. No mana drain, same speed as the pony.

That, and I am addicted to trying to get an Imdue +10. So I might burn money on that, who knows.

Senyx The Soulless one 03-11-2009 12:55 PM


Originally Posted by Spirit (Post 305623)
I normally do not rage at/towards Outspark. Because I know a lot of what they do within the game is controlled by outside sources.

However, they constantly tell us that they can and do have control over the cash shop. Therefore, I am really getting annoyed with Outspark.

They are treating Remi's as their freakin' gold-maker. If you want any of the cool new stuff - Sorry, you have to gamble with your money to get it.

I do not f'ing think so. You want my money Outspark, then do not make me gamble to get the cool new stuff. I work hard for my money and with the economy the way it is, trust me! I can find a better way to spend my damn money.

Put the damn new stuff in the actual shop - do not make people gamble to get it. Give us the option of buying it for "oh lets just say 3500Sparkcash or taking a chance and being able to grab a 3500SC outfit for Only 1500Sc". But please do not make it the only way to get your crap.


I am getting so fed up with that. I realize that the cash shop is one of their main sources of income/profit. But, it is to the point that I will not put anymore money on my account. I will use what is on there and I am done with it, unless they quit this stupid shit.

I can agree with you on a few points. But there are things you must realize.

1. If they put a cooler item in Remi's about 5 days before the actual release, Do you know how much money is spent trying to get it on average?

It's a marketing tactic.

2. If you got a great item every time you played Remi's, Would it really be benefiting OS? Noway, They need you to STRUGGLE to get the Mesa Pegasus
Or the Iron Case.

Now i've played Remi's lots of times, And not once have i gotten anything useless, I always get the 30 day Critical costumes or accessories, Extenders, and potions, And from time to time, A cool mover. It's matter of taste, I suppose, Why spend 3k SC on a SC potion, When for 1500 you could easily get the 200,000 HP potion or something. I'd say it's a pretty good deal, But i also agree that the price of the items in Remi's Should be actually 1500SC give or take 500SC or so. But sure, Keep the rare items in there, More people would definitely play it if there was a higher chance of getting something actually useful or worth the money they just spent.

Hraesvelg 03-11-2009 01:08 PM

I wonder if they're being regulated by California's Gaming Commission. From my understanding, the only lottery that is authorized to operate there is the official state one. Since it's on the internet, they'd be liable to comply with various other state regulations as well and that would enter into Federal territory. Hmm.

Edit: Yay for Google.

A lottery is a plan or scheme for disposing of a prize (money or something
of value) predominantly by chance to people who have paid something of
value for the opportunity of getting the prize.
Except for the state-run lottery, certain charitable bingo games, and
raffles conducted by certain private non-profit organizations, lotteries are
illegal in California.
A lottery is composed of three elements:
• A prize (for example, money, an automobile, a vacation, or the right to play a free game)
• Payment of consideration to be eligible to win a prize (for example, 25
cents in exchange for a bingo card, or the purchase of a product sold by the sponsoring company)
• Distribution of the prize by chance

If one of these three elements is missing, then the scheme is not a lottery

From the California Department of Consumer Affairs

Senyx The Soulless one 03-11-2009 01:41 PM

Having lotteries in California is illegal.......

But legalising Mariijuana so they can get the state out of debt is not?

What has the world come to?

Hraesvelg 03-11-2009 01:44 PM

The primary reason they don't want other lotteries is because they want to be the only game in town.

Senyx The Soulless one 03-11-2009 01:45 PM


Originally Posted by Hraesvelg (Post 305844)
The primary reason they don't want other lotteries is because they want to be the only game in town.

Understandable, But don't most lotteries just work for the same big company?

Lone_Wolf 03-11-2009 03:39 PM


Originally Posted by Kure_Neko_Chan (Post 305804)
I know what you mean:cries: I really want tem puppy ears~
I am starting to hate Outspark's cash shop!!!! :hulksmash:
Maybe we should post a petition on the outspark forums? :uhoh:
That'll definately show them that we want changes NOW! :laugh:
Think this is a good idea? :cutielove:
Keep this thread open and keep us all notified if you do happen to make one on outspark forums I'd definately help by telling people IG to sign it :zomg:

I shall check this thread again when I get home! :cutielove: Be sure to tell me if this is A good idea, coz I think it ish :devil:

Lets put an end to there... DEMON like ways? :urweird::cries: ignore meh xD

But seriously LETS MAKE A PETITION! :cutielove::nahnah:

big chance it gets closed, OS doesnt like comments, they have a big ego.

xDario 03-11-2009 07:27 PM


Originally Posted by Lone_Wolf (Post 305859)
big chance it gets closed, OS doesnt like comments, they have a big ego.

deleted, not closed

Hessah 03-11-2009 10:42 PM

About the lottery thing...

may I interpret it this- "eligible to win a prize"

as: So you can win a prize, but you might not... so you pay something but you might / might not win something..

But Remis, you DO "win" something for sure... or they could argue that we're paying for a random product.. (i don't suppose lucky dip was illegal?!)

Would that be the difference between lottery and remi?


Originally Posted by Kure_Neko_Chan (Post 305804)
I know what you mean:cries: I really want tem puppy ears~

Btw the puppy ears are now available in cash shop for 2445

Hraesvelg 03-11-2009 10:49 PM

That might be a way they justify it.

Hessah 03-11-2009 10:51 PM

Maybe that's why you always get a little prize when you play put the ball in the clown's mouth~ so it cant be seen as "lottery" XD

Spirit 03-11-2009 10:58 PM

Yes, when I say gamble, I am meaning more along the lines of taking a chance on what item you are going to get. I do not want to get 25 stupid things for 1 joker outfit. If I want a joker outfit, I want to be able to go into the cashshop and pay 4000SC for it and get it. Not take playing Remi's and not even get it after 50 spins.

Put it in both places and let people decide if they want to try and get it with one spin and only spend 1500Sc on it versus just buying it out-right and spending 4000SC.

Senyx The Soulless one 03-12-2009 04:02 AM


Originally Posted by Spirit (Post 305972)
Put it in both places and let people decide if they want to try and get it with one spin and only spend 1500Sc on it versus just buying it out-right and spending 4000SC.


Belaslav 03-12-2009 04:25 AM

Why bother spending money on a game? I mean, it's just a game that you're gonna quit sooner or later...

Hessah 03-12-2009 04:36 AM

Because... until we quit we're still playing it?

why make new seats on the train~ it's gonna be vandalised sooner or later...

Spirit 03-12-2009 01:31 PM


Originally Posted by Belaslav (Post 306109)
Why bother spending money on a game? I mean, it's just a game that you're gonna quit sooner or later...

Why bother buying the latest, coolest trendy item/clothing. You are just gonna out grow the clothes and next month, a new item is gonna be more popular than this week's "hottest thing".

But, yeah, this thread is not about that. It is about the way Outspark is handling items they put in the CashShop.

MikeyG 03-12-2009 01:51 PM

The fire works you get from Remis is just a fuckin kick in the nuts...
When I was banned though I had like 20 bucks worth of unopened CS shit
from Remis... pretty pissed I lost that.

Kure_Neko_Chan 03-12-2009 02:06 PM

Right ok I'll make the petition on this website first when I have gotten a satisfactory amount (Lets say about 5000? xD) I'll post the thread on outspark forums ^.^

In order to make this successful I am gonna need peoples Spark ids for the names on the petition (xD no I am asking for your outspark forum username not username and password btw thats just sttoopid>.<) so spark ID on it and give a comment beside your name abouyt why you are unhappy with the CS? :uhoh: This should hopefully work out xDDD

I'll ggo make it now :devil:

May luck be with me :arg:

Vasu 03-12-2009 02:07 PM

IMO it's perfectly alright for them to put normally unavailable items in Remi's as long as they introduce it in the CS by about 3-4 weeks. Because if the gap is just 5 days or a week, nobody is going to gamble for it, and Outspark won't make a profit.

EDIT: Neko_Chan, you won't get 5000 petitions from this site even if all the members who are active go for your idea. Unless that was a joke? If it was, then I suck. :P

EdwardWarlock 03-13-2009 12:44 PM


Originally Posted by Spirit (Post 306267)
Why bother buying the latest, coolest trendy item/clothing. You are just gonna out grow the clothes and next month, a new item is gonna be more popular than this week's "hottest thing".

But, yeah, this thread is not about that. It is about the way Outspark is handling items they put in the CashShop.

True. I said the same thing when I 1st started playing, but there are ACTUALLY items there that can be useful, given the right circumstances. You can run through the game without buying anything, but if you want to spice up the gameplay, that's the easier option.

Ivramire 03-13-2009 12:54 PM


Originally Posted by Vasu (Post 306274)
Neko_Chan, you won't get 5000 petitions from this site even if all the members who are active go for your idea. Unless that was a joke? If it was, then I suck. :P

I doubt there's 5000 people total even on the Outspark site xD

Lone_Wolf 03-13-2009 07:38 PM


Originally Posted by EdwardWarlock (Post 306784)
True. I said the same thing when I 1st started playing, but there are ACTUALLY items there that can be useful, given the right circumstances. You can run through the game without buying anything, but if you want to spice up the gameplay, that's the easier option.

Erm spicing up means making it harder, which means no CS, CS makes it a lot easyer

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