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Loveless 12-09-2011 05:40 AM

FiestaFan's Next Cover Model Search
FiestaFan's Next CoverGirls and Boys Search

Looking to be on the front page of FiestaFan? Or just proud of your character you've poured sweat and blood into? Whatever the reason now is your chance to represent your class!

FiestaFan is holding a (possible bi-monthly) event to find our 5 class reps to be showcased on our front page banner! Event details are below.

How to Enter:
Submit a high quality screenshot of your character in a pose or action which best represents your class.

There will be 5 categories for the 5 classes.

Fighter, Archer, Mage, Cleric, and Trickster

PM your submissions to Loveless.

Here's a sample of the banner you'll be featured in.
Yes, I know the Trickster is a drawing. >.>

Event Rules:
  • You may enter up to two different classes; you may only be chosen once.
  • Your character must display your weapon (unless you are casting a skill which is obvious that you are x class). Armour is a plus but not necessary.
  • No editting allowed on the screenshot, must be raw file. (Don't worry we'll make it pretty before it goes up ;))
  • Please remove all names and HP/SP bars from the shot (ie. character name, NPC name, guild names, etc)
Tips and Pointers:
Keep in mind that the space on the banner is limited so a beautiful background will not be 100% necessary as we will be looking to put up a close up.

Try to make sure that you are the only person in the shot. We don't know which class is being represented if you are in a mass. Think about how models pose for the front of a magazine. :)

Think of the role your class generally plays.

  • Chosen as the class representative for our site's banner.
  • Custom forum title: [ insert tag here]
  • A spotlight feature on our site with a small interview.
Will post a date after the new year. Enjoy your holidays!

New banner will be put up in January so be sure to check yourself out!

Hessah 12-09-2011 05:48 AM

Ooooooooo that's neat!

So that replaces our current banner?

Loveless 12-09-2011 06:20 AM

Yup. That's just a rough but it'll look something similar. :)

Helion 12-09-2011 06:34 AM

So do we pm a mod with the file? May have to pop into Fiesta for a bit this weekend. :devil:

Blaaaaaaaah 12-09-2011 06:46 AM


Loveless 12-09-2011 05:44 PM

Oh yes, I need to add where you can submit the stuff... lmao.

PM Loveless x)

Loveless 12-12-2011 10:19 PM


Is it because I'm not promoting Fiesta in my signature. T ^T

Yosei 12-13-2011 12:14 AM

Maybe we should spread word on the main forums. Make a thread on there as well :)

crystalblueheart 12-15-2011 12:44 AM

grr >< every time I try to take a pic someone randomly comes up to me ....I'm even away from the crowd o.o

Krowley 12-21-2011 05:51 AM

I'll be sending in a pic sometime in the next few days.

Loveless 12-22-2011 06:30 PM

We've only had one person entering.

We may have to make this ongoing for a bit, lol.

MikeyG 12-22-2011 10:27 PM

I'm going to enter a couple soon. Gunna have to go through my like 1.5k SS's of Fiesta first x)

crystalblueheart 12-24-2011 08:28 PM


Originally Posted by Loveless (Post 452803)
We've only had one person entering.

We may have to make this ongoing for a bit, lol.



Originally Posted by MikeyG (Post 452808)
I'm going to enter a couple soon. Gunna have to go through my like 1.5k SS's of Fiesta first x)

LOL 1.5K screenies? XD I have a few hundred I think ><

Krowley 12-28-2011 07:34 AM

I hope this is extended because lately, I just can't find the time >_<

Loveless 12-28-2011 05:51 PM

Yeah, no problem. I'm going to keep it going until after holidays. There's no way people will have time for this until the new year I think, haha.

Take your time. I'll update again once I've decided on a final date. Will definitely give at least a 2 week advance.

Krowley 01-17-2012 12:40 PM

Sent in my entry.
How many have entered at this point?

crystalblueheart 01-19-2012 03:43 AM

xD I feel like it's only us because no one else has posted here lol.

bellbearangel 01-19-2012 10:20 AM

Sent in my entry :nahnah:

Krowley 02-29-2012 05:04 AM

Is this still going on? O.o

crystalblueheart 03-02-2012 02:26 AM


Originally Posted by Krowley (Post 454546)
Is this still going on? O.o

Pretty sure it is x3 She said 2 weeks in advance notice :P
Lol I've definitely leveled since this...kinda wanted to use my aoe heal as my pic but too lazy to change it :3

Loveless 03-02-2012 07:56 PM

If you want to re-submit... that's okay. I'll try to get this up and running again. ~_~

crystalblueheart 03-04-2012 10:54 PM

xD I'll see if I end up liking it lol XD every time I take all the background off, someone comes along and bugs me so I can't be alone in the frame QQ

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