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Loveless 02-01-2009 01:50 AM

Basic Fighter Guide
Just a quick overview of a fighter's stat and skill builds. You do not have to follow it and it is based mainly on my own experience. If you want to do a different build, by all means go ahead. This guide is not for those who invest heavily in cash shop items and enhancements.

And if you don't like it you can bugger off and make your own guide. :devil:


Fighter Types
There are two main types of fighters. The tanker and the damage dealer. Generally the fighter is the class with the most HP and the most defense in the game. They are a great starter class for both beginner and seasoned MMO players.
The tanker is the one who takes the damage for the party. The tanker's job is to keep the monster's aggro while the rest of his/her party deals the damage. Their stat build is heavily invested in END for increased HP and defense. Their main weapon is the one-handed sword and shield.

A common fighter build is full END. It allows for max HP and defense which is a must for anyone who is taking the damage for the party. Other varieties include 25 SPR full END which allows the fighter to up their low M.Def stat and SP pool as well as to add to their critical output which may aid in keeping aggro.

Damage Dealer
The fighter who focuses on their damage output; invests in the STR stat. Their main weapons are the two-handed sword or the axe. They do not have as much HP or defense as their counterpart tank but do have more than an archer or a mage. They may be a stand-in tank if properly equipped and prepared to take the damage.

Common builds are full STR for maximum damage. The free stat STR adds damage on top of what you see. In other words, it ignores the enemy's defense. Another is the 25 SPR full STR; for the same reasons as the tank the SPR helps to up M.Def, SP pool, and the critical ups the damage by 2x the amount.

Taking the best of both worlds the hybrid fighter can dish out decent damage as well as receive it. Though they will be weaker in terms of damage compared to a full on DD fighter and have less HP/defense than a full END tank. It is purely dependent on your playing style.

Builds are: STR:END 2:1 or 1:2
There are builds that incorporate DEX and SPR but the above 3 are what I see to be common builds for each fighter type. Feel free to experiment and find which benefits your playing style the most.


Free Stats
Quick run through with free stats (you receive 1 stat point per level up to allocate; 5 after Lv20 job change; 10 after Lv60 job change).
END: Adds HP, defense, and block rate (%). Invest only if you plan on becoming a tanker. Otherwise collect equipment with END. The block rate that comes with the free stat is useless unless you are holding a shield.

STR: Adds damage that ignores enemy defenses. If you want more damage this is the stat to invest in. The free stat STR will add on top of the damage you see on top of an enemy's head. (ie. If you normally hit a Kebing for 40 and your free stat STR gives you +5 damage your total damage output will become 45.)

SPR: Adds M.Def, SP, and critical %. Most will add up to 25 and then move on to other stats. 25 SPR will give you a 5% critical bonus. If you feel that you lack M.Def invest in scrolls and SPR heavy equipment.

DEX: Adds accuracy and evasion. Not the most important stat to invest in but will come in handy at levels 80 and on where mob evasion dramatically increase. Look for aim scrolls and DEX equipment but generally no need to invest. Experiment if you'd like.


The fighter class has a large array of skills at their disposal. The empowerments are only recommendations, again, do what fits your fighting style.
For one-handed sword. Your basic one-handed fighter skill.
Empowerment: None

Bone Slicer
For all weapons. Decreases your enemy's attack rate.
Empowerment: None

Snearing Kick
For all weapons. Attracts enemy aggro, a very important skill to learn and upgrade whenever possible. It is a must for tanks. Tab through your mob and cast Snearing Kick whenever possible.
Empowerment: Cooldown

Fatal Slash
For all weapons. Decreases enemy defense.
Empowerments: None

Concussive Charge
For all weapons. Stuns an enemy for xx amount of time. Useful skill; chains with Devastate cooldown. Not needed after Lv43.
Empowerment: None. You'll get a better stun skill later.

For all weapons. Self buff. Increases your strength while decreasing your defense.
Empowerment: Cooldown, Duration

Power Hit
For two-handed weapons. Basic two-handed weapon attack; packs quite a punch.
Empowerments: Damage, Cooldown

Demoralizing Hit
For all weapons. Decreases enemy attack power.
Empowerment: None

For all weapons. Attracts the aggro of surrounding enemies (AoE). This is another must for tanks.
Empowerment: Cooldown

For one-handed weapon/shield. Increases shield block rate. Another important skill for tankers.
Empowerment: None

For all weapons. Decreases enemy's DEX.
Empowerment: None

For all weapons. Stuns and damages enemy in-front of you. This will be your most used skill and your first AoE. A definite must for both tanks and damage dealers.
Empowerment: Cooldown, Duration, Damage, Sp Consumption

Vampiric Strike
For all weapons. Deals damage while healing a set amount of your HP.
Empowerment: None

Whirlwind Attack
For all weapons. Attacks surrounding enemies (AoE).
Empowerment: None

Accurate Strike
For one-handed weapon. Deals damage with increased accuracy.
Empowerment: Damage, Cooldown

Precise Strike
For two-handed weapon. Deals damage with increased accuracy.
Empowerment: Damage, Cooldown

Passive Skills
Keep these up to date with whatever weapon you happen to be using.

Further notes...
For tankers, the skill 'Mock' has no further upgrades after Lv55 and at Lv60+ that is when both mages and archers gain more power making it easier for them to pull aggro off of you. But 'Snearing Kick' does upgrade past that and will help you greatly in keeping your mobs together.

What I generally do is cast Mock, allow it to cool half way and then cast Devastate (or vice versa). Rise and repeat until the mobs around you are dead. Please remember that Devastate alone will not keep aggro no matter how much damage you dish out... even to be on the safe side, one cast of Mock can be the difference between leveling up and having your whole party face down.

For damage dealers, yes you can tank too but be prepared to do so. Do not run into a group of mobs expecting to be able to take damage without first having scrolled up and knowing your own limits. Without adding in the CS factor you will still have less HP/defense than a tanker. Be prepared to stone or pot a cleric has their limits too.

For both, it's generally a good idea to keep both a one-hand/shield and an axe or two-hand (whichever two hand you prefer). You never know which role you will have to fulfill. And soloing with a one-hand is definitely slow so I switch to an axe at those times.


Hopefully that helped some. x___x Woot procrastination.

MikeyG 02-01-2009 06:06 AM

Nice guide, maybe itll really do some good
and teach the idiots that play
actually how to play their class.

Loveless 02-02-2009 03:07 AM

Thanks, I hope so too. :]

EdwardWarlock 02-03-2009 04:26 AM


Originally Posted by Loveless (Post 289217)
Thanks, I hope so too. :]

Excellent Guide. I am an Enchanter through and through, but I can't help but play my CleverFighter when I grow tired of freezing mobs. Good guide, it seems that I have taken the DD route (according to my current stats).

Kenryuu 02-03-2009 04:31 AM

Good job Hika :O

maybe I shall make my fighter 2:1 str end because hes so squishy ><

Loveless 02-03-2009 04:39 AM

You can do the 50 END rest STR build then. After 50 points into END your block rate % bonus is cut so you can stop there and keep on going with STR. Then just look for END equipment and accessories with END/HP bonus.

koager 02-03-2009 04:51 AM


lol my fighter has some strange soloer build planned
25spr, 30dex, 50end, rest str

MikeyG 02-03-2009 04:56 AM

Loveless have you posted this on officials?

Loveless 02-03-2009 04:57 AM

No I haven't.

MikeyG 02-03-2009 04:58 AM

Would be a nice idea to put it on their and share
it with others then FFs small member base.

Loveless 02-03-2009 04:59 AM

It would also mean I'm opening it up for the idiots of officials. x_x But sure...

MikeyG 02-03-2009 05:03 AM

LOL well yeah if you don't wanna go through that then don't post it :P
Merely a suggestion.

Loveless 02-03-2009 05:06 AM

Posted. I'll see how it goes... there are too many elitist over there so if it gets annoying I'll just ask a CL to close/delete it.

Miriamele 02-03-2009 05:45 AM

50 end rest str <333. The shield block bonus is nice if you have to tank with shield, and the extra HP is okay. I've also seen full-str fighters with high-end equips that do pretty well. And one or two full-str fighters with high-str equips that do a lot of dmg but are really, really squishy...

For tanking, especially 60+, spacing is so essential... mock and deva coupled together spell disaster. And it's something that I still see a lot. In addition to spacing mock and deva, it's also helpful if you spread kicks around throughout mobs. And then having assist hotkeyed so that you can select a member of your party, assist, and then kick whatever they're fighting.

Also, I wish they'd give us a better mock after 55... it is possible to increase the effect of your mock by equipping items from lvl 75 blood set. I have a couple items from this set equipped but I don't know exactly how much the effect of mock is increased... sure would be interested in knowing how much it increases.

Andromeda 02-03-2009 06:30 AM

This is what I love about fighters which no other class generally has to worry about depending on what build they are it also affects their skill points.

Generally a Full END fighter usually empowers Devastate, Mock and Snearing Kick

A full STR fighter usually empowers Devastate, Power Hit and Vitality

There are other skills to but those are the skill that seem to be favoured most by their build.

Loveless 02-03-2009 07:22 AM


What I generally do is cast Mock, allow it to cool half way and then cast Devastate (or vice versa). Rise and repeat until the mobs around you are dead. Please remember that Devastate alone will not keep aggro no matter how much damage you dish out... even to be on the safe side, one cast of Mock can be the difference between leveling up and having your whole party face down.

@Andro: At least it makes it easier for fighters to choose at 120? :]

Gobbledydook 03-23-2011 10:50 PM


Originally Posted by Loveless (Post 288672)

What I generally do is cast Mock, allow it to cool half way and then cast Devastate (or vice versa). Rise and repeat until the mobs around you are dead. Please remember that Devastate alone will not keep aggro no matter how much damage you dish out... even to be on the safe side, one cast of Mock can be the difference between leveling up and having your whole party face down.

Seriously I would devastate first. Otherwise you get piled...

Loveless 03-24-2011 09:40 AM

It says "vice versa" there. Which means choose which you want to cast first but stagger it.

Helps to read.

Gobbledydook 03-24-2011 11:02 AM


Originally Posted by Loveless (Post 437998)
It says "vice versa" there. Which means choose which you want to cast first but stagger it.

Helps to read.

There is no is either deva first or die x.x

mekicksu 10-10-2011 08:02 AM

I went for a sort of balanced approach, I use an axe, but my Def is higher than my Atk. Should I use some reset scrolls or something??

Wizardcool11 10-16-2011 10:08 AM

im an avid tank so i wouldnt reconmend you to... im pure end with +END shield and equips :P

YukikoValkyrie 11-28-2011 04:20 AM

Thanks for the guide~ it is very usefull for newbies like me

Infernal_Tempest 11-29-2011 11:24 AM

STR: Adds damage that ignores enemy defenses. If you want more damage this is the stat to invest in. The free stat STR will add on top of the damage you see on top of an enemy's head. (ie. If you normally hit a Kebing for 40 and your free stat STR gives you +5 damage your total damage output will become 45.)

Great guide, but just one tiny error here. Every 5 points invested into STR gives an additional bonus point of STR, so it actually becomes 6 points of piercing damage (although it just shows it as +5 on your char). So If you normally hit a Kebing for 40 and your free stat STR gives you +5 damage your total damage output will actually become 46, not 45. So basically, every point of STR yields 1.2 points of armour-piercing damage. :ninja:

Just wanted to clear that up. :D

Loveless 11-30-2011 01:30 AM

FYI, while I'm sure most of the basics can still be used it is a severely outdated guide. I have not played Fiesta for more than 2 years so all info should be taken with a grain of salt.

deadlykittens 04-11-2012 12:57 PM

i made a hybrid
hai, i made a hybrid fighter.
5 spr, 20 end and i am planning rest str and i use 1h but it hasn't been working too well. people overload with sc items and high level jewels and stuff and i am lvl 50 (no +9) i try too grind and people just blow me over like a deck of cards Dx
so that's
(so far) i thought it would be a good idea but why is it i a not doing well? D:
only been playing 5 months and people keep calling me fail :C
should i restart fighter and go full str?

adityac3688 06-16-2012 04:10 PM

Hey that is pretty helpful actually even though my fighter is still lvl 42

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