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Mango 07-10-2015 08:41 AM

They imported all accounts. lol Big mess right after servers first opened where all banned accounts were unbanned. People trading gm spawned gear. Caused them to do a 3 day rollback.

You could probably send a ticket and ask them if the ban still stands. Could probably get unbanned.

People struggle to play anymore though. Had a 5 hour maintenance extended to a 13 hour maintenance today.

Blaaaaaaaah 07-10-2015 08:43 AM

13 hours? Wow. I wonder why they just don't start off with announcing an extended guestimate of maintenance period so if they finish early then walah! If not they're not late by too much more...

Fiesta has been pretty bad with maintenance periods from the very beginning though....

Yosei 07-11-2015 04:32 AM

They never even announced the full release of the game. It was in beta and nothing was ever said about it again.

Mango 07-15-2015 02:32 AM


Originally Posted by Yosei (Post 476905)
They never even announced the full release of the game. It was in beta and nothing was ever said about it again.


I would post that on the NA forums but I'd probably get a permanent ban.

Vasu 07-15-2015 02:00 PM

It's true though. They never announced official full release after saying it was in Open Beta.

Yosei 07-16-2015 02:18 AM


Originally Posted by Mango (Post 476966)

I would post that on the NA forums but I'd probably get a permanent ban.

Well that would be Outspark's doing, not Gamigo. Although Gamigo in NA is technically Outspark... so...

Hessah 07-16-2015 02:53 AM

I recall one of the Outspark GM clarified that once they opened up their Online Shop it was no longer considered beta... (prob about 2 yrs after the store opened)

But they never advertised that it was no longer beta... just one day "VOILA! send me your $$$$"

Mango 07-16-2015 03:47 AM


Originally Posted by Yosei (Post 476974)
Well that would be Outspark's doing, not Gamigo. Although Gamigo in NA is technically Outspark... so...

Nah one of the production managers is a little off. CM won't intervene because and I quote "He can do whatever he wants".

Jamaal 06-11-2017 03:27 AM


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