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AegisXOR 12-28-2008 09:46 PM

Just a comment on the necroposting rule-- I registered here and one of my first posts was a comment on the first page of the forum.. yet the last reply to that topic was over a month old, and someone closed the topic because it had been 'revived'.

I'm not trying to tell you how to run your forum, but I don't think a topic that hasn't fallen off the first page is old enough to chastise your members over.

Blaaaaaaaah 12-28-2008 10:16 PM

It is difficult to keep track what threads have been on the first page all the time, therefore it's better/more efficient for us to classify necros by the date of the last post. Sometimes it may be exempted if the post is a necessary contribution or the like, though it is often encouraged to start a new thread as people may be replying to older posts with inaccurate/different information and causing more confusion.

Blaaaaaaaah 02-23-2009 04:58 AM

In the light of recent events, one policy has been slightly modified and another has been added.


Arcade Hacking

Recently, there have been a few incidents where members have "hacked" the arcade to obtain illegitimate scores. From now on, if any members are caught doing this, it will result in a one month ban from the arcade as well as an infraction. This includes the exploitation of bugs/glitches. Any methods used to obtain illegitimate scores is not allowed. Unexplained accidental glitches will also fall into the same category. Please PM any/all mod/admins ASAP if this does happen.

If you want to "test" out different methods to see whether it will work on FF Arcade, I'd recommend you to PM the Administrator (Entropy) or the moderators about this instead so we can look into the security issues, rather than going ahead to hack the games. Any hacked scores will also be removed.

Hacking games are not acceptable, and that goes for the Arcade too.
^ Bolded bit is what's added ^


New rule.


MSN/etc Conversations/Private Messages

If you feel the need to post MSN/etc conversations/private messages with/from another member, the other members featured in the conversation/message have every right to PM an admin/mod to ask for it to be removed if they wish to. Please remember that MSN/etc conversations and private messages are meant to be kept private. Though we have not decided to ban such posts from FF, please be considerate and think twice about the other members' privacy.

If we have been asked multiple times to remove/edit your post with such content, you will receive an infraction.

Phantom Badger 02-23-2009 07:34 PM

So are we allowed to post conversations if the other person is obviously okay with it ? or are they off-limit altogether ?

Ralath 02-23-2009 07:52 PM

From what the rule says, it's not off-limits to post MSN conversations. But the other person can ask for that conversation to be removed if he or she asks.

The best solution of course would be to think about what is being posted before it's posted.

Phantom Badger 02-23-2009 08:09 PM

Ah, Okay, thanks Ralath :3

Rightclaw 03-15-2009 05:56 PM

Removed the swearing policy and added an offensive language one instead.

Hraesvelg 03-15-2009 09:52 PM

Hmm, "offensive" is a rather vague term.

Blaaaaaaaah 03-16-2009 06:11 AM

Hmm, I'm going to add "inappropriate" too.

Blaaaaaaaah 03-22-2009 04:55 AM

There seems to be more spammy posts lately, so we have updated our policies on spamming as a "reminder".



Spamming on the forums (excluding guild forums and MoS) are not welcome here. Spamming includes:
  • "Mindless" comments that is not related to the topic of the thread
  • One or two word posts (probably with the exception of Roumen Port and commenting on art works)
  • Posts of the same thing without showing any more thoughts into it (other than repeating it)
  • Posts that contribute nothing to the thread.
Spamming in threads will result in the deletion of your posts and perhaps a warning. If spamming continues, it will result in an infraction.

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