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Hraesvelg 05-01-2009 09:59 PM

A rather amusing musing I read earlier today:

If God exists, and created everything that is, he/she/it is so far above our comprehension that it is laughable. And arguing with/killing each other about how he/she/it wants to be toadied to is even more laughable.

If I had an ant farm, and the ants had a theological discourse on the "correct" way to hold a sand grain in their jaws, so as not to anger He Who Holds The Magnifying Glass, well, random ones would still get fried, I wouldn't care how they held their sand, and some of the ants would, regardless of who got fried, still believe that their way of sand-mandibleizing was the only right one.

Jikanu 05-01-2009 10:06 PM

I agree that religion shouldnt be used for hate, but the punishment comes in the afterlife, not in this one, and it's not correctness, but intent that matters. most laws are just against things that almost all people would consider morally wrong, like rape, murder, theft, etc... not how to hold your fork or something menial like that.

Hraesvelg 05-01-2009 10:11 PM

And the point goes flying by. It's the fact that if something were powerful enough to create all of existence, we wouldn't be able to understand what it would want becaues its frame of reference would be so far off from ours. All of the "laws" you think are of divine origin are just the ants, trying to hold sand.

Jikanu 05-01-2009 10:16 PM

But if we assume that Christianity and Judaism and Islam are right, he would've given the laws to Moses and explained them to us. His laws are within our grasp, just not his true essence

Hraesvelg 05-01-2009 10:18 PM

That's a big assumption. Huge. Not to mention baseless.

Are you planning on being an economist, by chance?

Jikanu 05-01-2009 10:22 PM

...Im an anarchist, and think that wall street is pointless... so no O_O

And it's not baseless, no more so than dark energy, now is it?

EDIT: i should clarify.

Dark Energy is something that they think exists, but they have no proof of, dont understand, and dont know what it is. How is that any more plausible than my theory?

Phantom Badger 05-01-2009 10:27 PM


Originally Posted by Hraesvelg (Post 330958)
A rather amusing musing I read earlier today:

If God exists, and created everything that is, he/she/it is so far above our comprehension that it is laughable. And arguing with/killing each other about how he/she/it wants to be toadied to is even more laughable.

If I had an ant farm, and the ants had a theological discourse on the "correct" way to hold a sand grain in their jaws, so as not to anger He Who Holds The Magnifying Glass, well, random ones would still get fried, I wouldn't care how they held their sand, and some of the ants would, regardless of who got fried, still believe that their way of sand-mandibleizing was the only right one.


Ever considered going into Politics Hrae ?

Hraesvelg 05-01-2009 10:36 PM

If you think that there is no evidence to support the existence of dark energy you're either being purposefully obtuse or just unfamiliar with the science behind it. Which, really, I can't really blame you. The stuff like dark energy and matter is hard to get a handle on without a very firm grasp of calculus. I understand just enough to get by on the topic in a fairly informal manner. If you'd like, I can contact one of my friends that is nearly finished with his graduate studies in Astrophysics to contact you and walk you through it.

BDex: No chance. Too many skeletons in the closet, heh. That bit I posted earlier wasn't mine, though, just something I came across in a discussion thread on another site. I've thought I could be a speech-writer, though.

Jikanu 05-01-2009 10:46 PM

I havent read too far into the subject, im sorry to say... so it was probably somewhat noobish of me to bring it up. i guess a better example would be string theory, or quantum mechanics, since there's no definitive proof or disproof of them.

Hraesvelg 05-01-2009 10:54 PM

Granted, the vast majority of the stuff on the bleeding edge of science has a good bit of speculation involved, but that's sort of how science works. The scientist aren't saying "THIS IS EXACTLY HOW QUANTUM MECHANICS WORKS, IT WILL BE LIKE THIS FOREVER, BELIEVE IT INFIDEL/HERETIC!" They say, "The evidence we've gathered fits this particular model. We are always observing and gathering more evidence that will either strengthen or weaken this model. If this model proves to be false, another model will be created until all evidence and observations support the model." That is the fundamental difference between how science works and how religion works. Religion says "THIS IS THE LAW. BELIEVE IT OR BURN." There are some Eastern religions that don't have that sort of judgemental bent, obviously, but we've been primarily focused on the Big Three Abrahamic religions when we've veered from the actual topic on if there is a diety of some sort that exists.

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