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Ralath 07-25-2008 08:08 AM


I think I joined right as it was starting up. ^^

I had to lie about my birthday too because I wasn't 13 when I signed up... lul.

Laifun 07-26-2008 05:59 AM

the kingdom of loathing is so awesome lol~ i'm wearing a bum cheek from a wandering bum which gives me stench resistance.

and i was doing the haiku dungeon quest thing but i duno who to choose... Hung Lo, Large Wang or Enormous Genitals lmao.

srabble031 07-26-2008 10:51 AM

king dom of loathing is better way way better than WoW fiesta rohan and gunbound put together o.o

Hraesvelg 07-26-2008 03:01 PM

Its almost ridiculous how much money I managed to sink into that game (KoL) back when I was a really active player but if you're into KoL, I have quite the e-peen, LOL.

I had a Neopets account once upon a time. I tried reviving it, but apparently there was never an e-mail account associated with it, so I think its lost forever (despite the fact I can seem my old pet info).

We've been concentrating more or less on online games. A classic offline game that I used to spend hours on is Shogun: Total War.

Pritcher 07-26-2008 04:57 PM

I'll second Combat Arms since I'm hooked on that at the moment.

For a very well made offline single player game I gotta mention Portal once again. It's just a great thinking game that was unlike anything I'd ever played before. It's short, but sweet. Plus it has the greatest ending credits song ever.

Another one that's a favorite of mine is Giants: Citizen Kabuto. It's relatively old, but it has held up well and is still very fun and funny. It's a hodgepodge of sorts that mixes multiple genres, but it works. You can probably find it for dirt cheap these days, or in torrents if you're less than honest.

Triumph 07-26-2008 05:14 PM

I love Runescape, it's my most favorite game ever. If you cannot detect the undercurrent tone of sarcasm...Shame on you.

Loveless 07-27-2008 01:57 AM

Another game: Elsword

It's in Korean and you'll have to open the link in IE for it to work.

It's the 2nd generation of Grand Chase. Similar characters but whole new look (apparently it takes place several years after the GC storyline). 3D 360 environment... with great skills/animation. If and when it comes out in English it's something to try for sure. xD Totally reminds you of SSB...

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