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Lirange 02-27-2009 12:42 AM

Wait.. when a women gets an egg fertilized, she chooses how many? Does one egg make one baby?

Hraesvelg 02-27-2009 12:43 AM


Originally Posted by Lirange (Post 301760)
Well you would be killing something that will soon transform into a living being with a beating heart. And thats wrong.

I hope you can't vote yet. Just because something has the potential to become life, that doesn't mean stopping the process will kill it. If what you just said is true, last night I committed genocide that would make the Holocaust look like a tea party.

Yosei 02-27-2009 12:46 AM


Originally Posted by Lirange (Post 301754)
She may not be jon and kate but its possible.
Get a nanny, her parents, close relative, friend to help you.
So what? She doesnt have money? thats no reason to kill babies. And plus the government is sure to help her and she will get donations from people. It may be hard but its the right thing to do

She's single, and jobless. She didn't even have her own home, she was living with her parents :urweird:But since people were protesting in front of the house, she changed location.

I see nothing wrong with wanting to have kids. But if she does not plan on getting married, or finding some kind of partner to help her financially, she's going to have financial problems, and having a lot of kids is irresponsible. She already had 6, why would she get depressed because she couldn't conceive more? x.x Women her age have risks when bearing children.

I think she should do this all on her own. No help from the government. And just because she has family, it doesn't mean they should help her (as someone who is taking care of someone elses kids, I know). This was completely in her control and she knew the risks. Selective reduction may be looked at as wrong, but it isn't to everyone, I'm sure they'd follow the abortion laws. Basically... are scrambled eggs chicken? There is no brain or a heart. And even then... I think maybe she should have at the least, put some of them up for adoption, or the government should have taken them away. I rather abort a fetus if I knew I would be giving it a potentially horrible life. Children require attention and care. She said she holds the babies 45 mins a day each. Babies require more than that. They're human beings, who will have their own lives and become their own people, they're not a litter of kittens.

She has no home, no job... 14 kids, shes living purely off of donations and taxpayers money. Why should our money, especially in a time like this, go towards her?

This is why people think she's just looking for her 15 minutes of fame. She probably heard "cha ching" when the doctor told her she was pregnant with 8.

Lirange 02-27-2009 12:52 AM

Okay, i dont think i read the wiki carefully enough, i skimmed through it, because what i think is happening is she got pregnant and it turned out to be eight. Not that she chose to get 8 kids. If she chose to get 8kids then i have a whole different opinion on that.

Ralath 02-27-2009 12:53 AM

She did choose to have 8 kids..... :sigh:

Hraesvelg 02-27-2009 12:56 AM

She had six kids and THEN used invitro to have multiple embryos implanted, Lirange. This wasn't some miracle of natural occurance, here.

This is why her doctor needs to be punished harshly, and then his head should be put on a pike as a warning to others.

Lirange 02-27-2009 12:56 AM

OOOH. Okay ignore everything i said. What i thought was that she was trying to get prego with 1, and suddenly came 8. And i thought it would have been wrong to get selective breeding and yada yada ya.

But now, if she chose to get 8 children, then yes i think what she did was wrong.

Sorry, i got the story mixed up:uhoh::uhoh:

Loveless 02-27-2009 12:56 AM


A part of her reasoning for attempting a sixth successful pregnancy was so that the frozen embryos wouldn't be destroyed. Six embryos were transferred and two embryos split into twins, resulting in eight babies.
... and she doesn't even have a job? Sure, the economy is in decline but that's more the reason to not have more kids.

A_Forever 02-27-2009 01:00 AM

I just hate to think that most of those kids will not get enough attention. =\

There's no way that mother can really show her love to each child individually. It can really screw a kid up if they don't get the affection they need..


Just wanted to post this because its what I thought about when I first heard about this on the news.

Yosei 02-27-2009 01:09 AM

Yeah... thats why I think the kids should be taken away from her. She has no job, no home, 14 kids, and only 24 hours in a day.

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