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Keetos 06-20-2007 10:11 AM

Thanks for the info Kris. And nice pic you have there. ;)

I see the stats will be a bother for Mages since they need to concentrate on two stats instead of just INT.

And skills that crit! That is very interesting..

Rightclaw 06-20-2007 10:13 AM


Originally Posted by Keetos (Post 389)
Thanks for the info Kris. And nice pic you have there. ;)

I see the stats will be a bother for Mages since they need to concentrate on two stats instead of just INT.

Possibly even 4. Health, Crit, SP, Damage D:

Kris 06-20-2007 10:33 AM

True about Health, since the AoE Spells seem to be centered around the caster, you have to tank several hits when you mob and cast, from what I've seen on some videoclips.

Tekku 06-20-2007 01:20 PM

Any stats for decreasing cool down or casting time for mages? xD im thinking it could be Dex or Agi...coz if mage has crit and slow cast time then it suks =(

Kris 06-20-2007 02:17 PM

Tekku> I checked the mage videoclips and some Spells do have a cast time (a cast bar is showing), I guess we'll have to verify if there's a way to reduce it. The AoE Spells seem instant cast (aside from the character casting animation). I hope to find more infos about Stats, ingame.

Tekku 06-20-2007 02:50 PM

Or maybe items like accesories that can reduce cast/cool time etc lol, i expect a game to have those items or mages will suck... =S

Or maybe if you increase the spell lvl the cast/cool time will go down....or something lol

Just my guess xD

DwLee 06-22-2007 10:12 AM

Skills and spell CAN do critical damage and they can also miss. [Confirmed]

FluffyWolf2 06-22-2007 10:09 PM

Q: Is there a Stat that reduces Spells and/or Skills cast time ?
A: ? (Need to be checked)

Q: Is there a Stat that reduces Spells and/or Skills cooldown time ?
A: ? (Need to be checked)

I cannot confirm anything, but if there's a stat for this then why have the "Skill Points" that are added to skills to reduce things like this? I would assume you use skill points. I cannot confirm or deny that a certain stat may do this, but I'm about 80% sure that it's only Skill Points that you add to spells. [I would not really add anything at the beginning also personally.]

fullback 06-22-2007 10:27 PM

Nice guide do you play in Korea?

Zachias 06-23-2007 03:11 PM


Originally Posted by Kris (Post 294)

1.Q: Is there a Stat that reduces Spells and/or Skills cooldown time ?
A: ? (Need to be checked)


Feel free to contribute or correct me, you'll be mentioned in the credits. :)

Credits: Kris,
(Please keep the credits if you want to copy/paste this guide.) :)

1.You can make your skills cooldown faster by empowering them.To empower click in the "Skill Empower" then place your skill in the blank window and start adding what you think its best for your skill.

I made my mage all int, i dont think mages need anything more then int, maybe just spr, but i got a ring that give you +3 SPR so never added more then that. You dont need other status because all you need is to hit and run and you can kill monsters fast since the dmg is really high.

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