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ThievingSix 10-29-2007 01:19 PM

Isn't the problem that the extra 50 damage really doesn't make that much of a difference at that level anyway?

rokaraged 10-29-2007 03:51 PM

On yellow monsters ...yes

But on red monsters (which u pretty much grind on forever at lvl 30+)
It proves to be effective.
Example, the defense of an harkan may cause a fighter to only hit for about 80 points, but with about 35 points of str the damage increases DRAMATICALLY because of the defense avoiding.

7x 6 = 42
80+42 = 122 points ...thats over 50% DAMAGE INCREASE..

To be blunt though, I find it a grinding stat then anything really.
For pvp, only warriors and clerics would have high defense. A with a good axe a couple of good skill crits will beat a small increase in damage over time.
25 spr and Rest STR>>> Full str for pvp.

Tela 10-29-2007 09:18 PM

INT is the same way, and it's definitely a "grinding" stat. :)

Zotius 10-29-2007 11:57 PM

So every 5 points into str gives you 1 extra point? If that's so then it would be quite effective at the later stages.

Off Topic: Rokaraged I'm trying my luck at making my first guide.

Yangster 10-30-2007 05:02 AM

awww crap... is there a such thing as a stat reset pill or whatever?

Zotius 10-30-2007 05:39 AM

Yea Cash Shop item which should come out sooner or later.

Yangster 10-31-2007 04:23 AM

oy... i have to waste money -_- o well

Old Warrior 10-31-2007 04:55 AM

So if i got what you are saying rockaraged, all our builds are crapy since this new str discovery....

Also wondering, would str be useful for a ranger? I got a lvl 22 ranger right now who is using a bow and he has a build of 25 spr, 1 dex, and 1 str. How should i continue my build?

rokaraged 10-31-2007 02:17 PM

Builds crappy?


I still stand by 25 SPR ANYDAY. C'mon compare measly 25 damage (especially in the LONG run) to a signifcantly higher chance of dealing 2X damage...

If i'm correct anyway the strength bonus with skills only ADDS ON after skill damage has been calculated.
35 str= 42 bonus damage
Powerhit/ slicendice= 200 damage
200+42= 242
it DOES NOT COMPUTE with skill damage bonuses if I am CORRECT....

Spr and End or SPR and STR is still viable...really

For the ranger i'm not really sure at all, but i would probably start pumping STR so you can dps more......
Why the 1 point in dex though? >.>;

Old Warrior 10-31-2007 02:18 PM

i was going to go 1:1 str dex from now on, but i am think of changing it to 2:1 str dex

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