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Yosei 06-30-2016 02:39 AM

Seen so many wee babus grow up. Well, we've obviously all matured quite a bit since we joined, especially those of us who were around when the site first launched.

a.L 06-30-2016 12:52 PM

I think I still have the mind of a 13 year old

Yosei 06-30-2016 02:01 PM

That's okay.

Mindspank 09-24-2016 01:45 PM

I'm about at a fifteen year old level mentally.

I regret not being around for this post. If I had a few tidbits of personal information about this Blizzard, I am almost positive I could find them online. I was around from day one of open beta all the way up until the Gamigo transition. Seeing what European MMO management companies do to their games, I unofficially decided to retire. Well that and the amount of hatred I managed to accrue while I was active was becoming detrimental to my mental well-being. I'm over it now, but I don't think I will be going back.

You really should stick around and become a consistent member of this community. If any Fiesta community deserves an infusion of active members, it's this one. Pretty sure this is the least toxic MMO community I have ever seen.

In my opinion, and based on the trend that European games tend to gravitate towards, I don't see Fiesta making any sort of a comeback. If the game did manage to start to make an upswing, the community would never be the same. There's nothing like the days of the 79/89 level caps and I don't think the game will ever reach that level again. Plus it's pretty much part of the F2P lifecycle that the game will eventually fade into obscurity. From a business standpoint, F2P games are meant for a quick fast buck, five to seven years at most. This has been a long time coming.

But, yeah. A late hello and welcome.

Yosei 09-25-2016 05:28 AM

MMOs never make comebacks. Especially considering this one started off as a generic flavor-of-the-month f2p Korean MMO.

Mindspank 09-25-2016 11:54 AM

I agree. Everyone wants to capture the WoW effect and package it into a free game. I believe Blizzard must have made a pact with some Deity, as WoW is the only commercial MMO still around that's relevant. Everything else does so bad, they go F2P then just slowly wither away as all F2P games do.

Now that you mention it, I am not even sure WHAT the draw was to this game for me. You're right, it is extremely generic.

Mindspank 09-25-2016 12:28 PM

To make good on my previous statement about finding SGM Blizzard, even without any personal information, I found a Facebook profile linked to SGM Blizzard on a video that was unlisted. The dark lord Chin Chin saw fit to grant me the power to find unlisted videos, and I managed to find the Goodbye video SGM Blizzard made that Gamigo made her take down. It cost me a lot of Chromosomes, I hope it was worth it.

So, Fiesta Online, if you would like to get in touch with Blizzard, here is the Facebook account she created for this express purpose:

The only public post was from 2014. I am going to send her a message and hopefully see if the account is still being maintained by her. I am somewhat of a drama connoisseur so thank you for allowing me to investigate this.

Typohunter 11-15-2016 11:34 AM

How many people still play?

Pritcher 11-15-2016 08:49 PM

I never really gave a shit about this game to be honest; and truth be told I'm likely one of the oldest, yet least active, members of this site.

Honestly, the only reason I even bothered to keep playing the game back in the day was because of this site and back then I was using it as a way to test out and learn certain things like Flash and Premier and After Effects.

That said, even though I haven't played the game in years, I do still check in here every so often; 'cuz I have a soft spot for you guys. You all have a spot in my heart no matter what. Well you older guys n gals anyway. Yeah that's right I said older... even you young bucks are probably closing on thirty now.

For serious though, this site is most likely the best tether I have to those years. I can't remember back that far very well because I've abused my mind and body and I never kept any kind of journal or anything like that. This site is literally the best record I have of what I was doing nearly a decade or so ago.

Thanks for keeping it alive Ent.

Blaaaaaaaah 11-16-2016 10:29 AM


Yeah thanks Entropy. I don't really post but I still check it daily LOL well.. almost daily.

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