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Hessah 02-04-2008 10:26 PM


Originally Posted by Triumph (Post 84465)
*sets follow*


-zooms off in my sleigh-

-hide in other shrooms-

-change map-

-log out-

FlyingSnow 02-05-2008 12:13 AM

or you can do this if you know them...

then you go all rambo!...
then triumpy will probally bash me with his hammer cause hes way to high lvl'd for me and my stick attack! :D

oh guys on a side note can mages despell the buffs? cause i'd be funny running around debuffing all the ppl :p

Hessah 02-05-2008 12:14 AM

No, i doubt u can remove a buff with dispel. Dispel can only remove debuffs, not buffs.... =D

Spirit 02-05-2008 12:31 AM

There is a skill where mages can remove the last buff that was put on you. However, I think that it can only be used in PvP and Gws.

NotMyWay 02-05-2008 12:32 AM

So i should post this on outspark? although i dont play there...

btw, while dispel cannot remove buffs, if u war them u might be able to use purge to remove their buffs... the cooldown is quite long though (2 mins)

edit: and while i understand most people on FF forums dont need to know this, i thought i might as well copy and paste this from gng forums.... besides, there are a few inactive people here who lack manners, and maybe some people who read guides but never sign up...

FlyingSnow 02-05-2008 12:42 AM


Originally Posted by NotMyWay (Post 84565)
So i should post this on outspark? although i dont play there...

btw, while dispel cannot remove buffs, if u war them u might be able to use purge to remove their buffs... the cooldown is quite long though (2 mins)

edit: and while i understand most people on FF forums dont need to know this, i thought i might as well copy and paste this from gng forums.... besides, there are a few inactive people here who lack manners, and maybe some people who read guides but never sign up...

copy and paste what? and does GnG own Outspark or confused?

NotMyWay 02-05-2008 12:46 AM

North America and some other country (i think Europe?) have different servers, North America's company is known as Outspark, the other company that also hosts Fiesta is Gamengame. Both servers are seperate, and run by 2different companies. I'm playing the less known one run by gamengame, so i only posted on their forums... and after i posted there i thought i should copy what i wrote and repost it here as well...

FlyingSnow 02-05-2008 12:48 AM

ok im confused way confused theres the Outspark Fiesta, Bright Kingdom, Shine Online, AND a gamengame Fiesta??? LINK PLZ! lol just curious, so they doing the same stuff's or operating differently

ok nvm the link i found it...they have a really crappy site IMO but now its starting to make sense!

NotMyWay 02-05-2008 12:52 AM

havent seen any botters there yet, however, cash shop has yet to be released, and the level cap is still at lv 59. Also, there are fewer people playing, (it seems that i usually see the same people everywhere i go). Also, it may be harder to make money by production skills, unless maybe u afk overnight?

iDerrick 02-05-2008 04:40 AM

Buffs are a privelege, not a right.

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